I know this took FOREVER to update, -sniff- but I have a ton of other fics WIP and people stopped reviewing so…At any rate it is back and updated. THIS FIC WILL BE BETAED WHEN MINE GETS BACK FROM VACAY. FOR FAN ART OF THIS PAIRING GO TO MY BIO. TO GET UPDATES REVIEW! You can also bug me on YIM and Xanga, if you have them.

WarNinGs: Warnings have really not changed.

Aishi Say

"…I want you to show me…" Ok this lyric line will make sense at the end of the fic, if you do not know the song you scare me.


Inuyasha felt his ears move under his hat as he listened to those around them, he would not accept this place was safe. Miroku sat beside him talking with the others, as he sampled this or that from the large table they had claimed as their own. The fact the monk was close only clamed him slightly he was not use to being around so many people, let alone in such a strange place. He blinked when something hot and cheesy brushed his lower lip, and turned to Miroku. "Stop glaring at every moving thing and eat this!" Miroku ordered playfully handing over the slice of pizza when Inuyasha obediently moved to take it. "I can watch them too you know?"

"Inuyasha the only dangerous people here are pickpockets, shoplifters, and bossy sales people. Any youkai who do still exist would not wander around a mall looking for a fight. Men," Kagome sighed softly catching Miroku's look at the word men, "Not you Miroku."

Sango turned to the monk she was sitting beside, "Oh I don't know, he's been too good for too long. What did you steal this time Miroku?"

"Sango, my dear, dear Sango where would I hide it?" Miroku asked with mock innocence, "There is little room in these garments, besides there are no lords here only common people."

Sango frowned looking at him, he did have a point those clothes did not allow him to hide anything. "Alright, then what have you done?"

Miroku pouted, "Do you think I would get poor Kagome in trouble by doing something? Honestly Sango I am ashamed of you, really."

Sango frowned again, "I know you Miroku, if you have not done something then you will soon."

Miroku grinned leaning close hand on her thigh, "Oh like what all knowing one?"

Sango slapped him, "I knew it! You'll never change, never," The annoyed young women muttered crossing her legs and glaring at him.

"Oh Miroku," Kagome sighed shaking her head, "Here this Icee should help with the pain?" She held out the cup pass Inuyasha, who was eating quietly, for once.

"At least you still love me Lady Kagome," Miroku stuck out his tongue at Sango as he pressed the cup lightly to his cheek, "Thank you."

Sango crossed her arms frowning at Kagome, "He is up to something."

"He's always up to something, it's when he's not I worry. Shippo throw that to me?" Inuyasha commented before he went back to eating and ignoring the others.

"Oh I'm not that bad…am I?" Miroku asked handing the cup back to Kagome, he was not the one who always got them in trouble.

"You're harmless…most of the time. Now should we take the long or short way home?" Kagome asked before sipping her drink, looking from friend to friend.

Shippo swallowed, "Long," He answered swiping a cookie from Inuyasha, grinning as he held it up before chomping it.

Inuyasha growled at the kitsune cub, flicking his forehead he sent the little youkai rolling back into his seat between the two women, "No brats on the table!"

"It was only a cookie Inuyasha," Sango chided with a frown. "Either is fine by me. Are you alright Shippo?"

"I am afraid I am a bad influence on him, please forgive me Shippo? Long seems fine, it is rather nice outside." Miroku slipped a cookie into Inuyasha's still open mouth not looking at him, "Is there something you wish to show us?"

"Not anything important," Kagome answered as Inuyasha bit down on the cookie ignoring them. "Long it is then, as long as it stays nice out."


"So what do you think she wants to show us?" Inuyasha asked from where he was walking beside Miroku.

"I am unsure, whatever it is I am sure it is harmless," Miroku answered, turning his head when he heard a male call out to Kagome.

"Hojo?" Kagome cried even if she should have known he would be around, "Hi this is Sango, Miroku, Shippo, and…"

"Oh so he's Hojo?" Inuyasha asked the guy looked the harmless friendly type, just like his ancestor.

Hojo blinked at Inuyasha before holding out a bag, "I got you some herbal tea, a new pot, and a set of cups. I hope you feel better. Ja minna!"

"What a strange young man," Miroku commented watching him ride off on his bicycle, "He is just like you said."

"Hojo is always buying me things I feel bad because I am fine. Oh well it makes him happy at least. Come on we should hail a cab the skies look a bit too dark for my liking." Kagome handed Sango the bag before she went to hail them all a cab, she did know how and Inuyasha's approach would wreak the cab.

"Doesn't gifts mean Hojo likes Kagome?" Inuyasha whispered to Miroku, he was pretty sure that was what that meant.

"Yes, and buying her as many as he does means he likes her a lot. A shame really they are both such kind hearted people." Miroku shook his head, Kagome dissevered a companion as kind as she was too bad Hojo was not them.

Sango frowned, but Miroku was right Hojo was harmless just kind, "Come on she has one."


Shippo smiled sipping something Kagome had called eggnog as he walked past the door of the room he shared with Inuyasha and Miroku. "Kagome should just tell that Hojo guy the truth." Inuyasha said stopping the little fox in the doorway as he peaked inside, the hanyou was sitting on his bed arms crossed, but he could not see Miroku.

"She does not want to hurt him Inuyasha, surly you understand her reasoning?" Miroku asked holding his dark shirt in his hands, expression serious.

"Well yeah…but it's just a crush, he'll get over it." Inuyasha reminded the monk, it was not the same as their not telling Kagome just yet.

"Perhaps, but perhaps not. You will never get over Kikyo nor Kagome and if he does love her, he will never get over her." Miroku threw the shirt behind him as he sighed, "Love never was meant to be easy I suppose."

Inuyasha stood and took Miroku's hands gently in his clawed ones, "Stop thinking like this will you? I hate it when you look so sad, and avoiding sadness is why we are staying quite remember?" Golden eyes closed as the hanyou kissed the monk's knuckles, "Won't you smile for me Miroku?"

Miroku looked up and placed his forehead against Inuyasha's, "At least you will not be alone to heal."

"Neither will Kagome she will still have all of us. She has to pick one world or another once we have the jewel back, it will be best she knows the score before then." Inuyasha stroked soft hair wishing he did not have to hurt anyone, but love between ningen and youkai never seemed to go just right. He had not meant to be with Kikyo and so he had never meant to be with Kagome either, he just hoped he would never have to face Miroku in the future.

"True. If she stays it should be for her not us. Kouga will be happy at least," Miroku smiled a little at the thought of that conversation.

"Happy or he'll pass out from shock. I wish him the best of luck, the guy's a fool but he'd protect her at least." Inuyasha doubted Kagome would end up with Kouga if she stayed at all. If Kagome stayed she would likely want to continue helping people, something Kouga did not seem overly interested in.

"Kagome would have a hard time keeping him from running around like mad around here, he would not enjoy the confined spaces." Miroku smiled stepping away from Inuyasha, "Would you hate me if I left for a little while?"

"Depends," Inuyasha answered frowning a little, "Where are you planning on going?"

"Just to see what the rest of the gumi is doing, nothing dangerous I hope." Miroku shrugged, "I mean it is safe here."

"Of course it is fool I am here," Inuyasha teased pulling Miroku to him, "Go see the others if you want, I'm washing the mall out of my hair."

Miroku leaned in and sniffed his long hair, "It smells fine to me Inuyasha. Go and enjoy washing your hair I will be here when you have finished."

"Promise?" Inuyasha whispered, eyes closing as he breathed in the scent of Miroku's hair, keeping his claws from piercing soft skin.

"I promise," Miroku assured him, slipping from his grip as he grabbed a lose t-shirt, "Don't stay in too long now."

Inuyasha watched him walk out biting his lip, he hated the guilt he felt keeping his feelings a secret, but he had no choice just then. Sighing softly he turned form the door and began stripping his clothes off, he was getting use to these modern garments. "Once we get back I will find Naraku and safe the lives of those most precious to me. I lost Kikyo I can't lose Miroku to him too…I just can't."


"Everyone decent?" Miroku asked knocking on the door lightly, grinning at the jumps from inside.

"Yes Miroku you can come in," Kagome answered turning when the door opened, "I see you were listening at least."

"Come now Lady Kagome only a fool would incur our dear Inuyasha's wrath by simply walking in." Miroku grinned as he closed the door with his foot, "Hello to you as well Lady Sango."

Sango frowned from where she sat on her bed, farthest from the door, "I think I hit you too hard."

"Which time?" Miroku asked smiling, "I am just in a good mood, is that so wrong?"

"Of course not Miroku. I'm glad you're enjoying yourself without causing a lot of trouble." Kagome smiled back, it was nice seeing her friends in high sprits, but she wished she knew what was bothering Sango.

"You did ask me not to. Have either of you seen Shippo running around lately?" Miroku asked looking around the room but seeing hair nor tail of the little fox.

"Last I saw him he was with mom getting spoiled, I wouldn't worry he'll be fine." Kagome assured the monk, despite his many faults Miroku was very good with the young youkai.

Miroku nodded, "I'll go check, thanks Kagome. Goodnight ladies." With a little wave he turned and walked out leaving them as they were.

"Well he's way too happy," Sango muttered under her breath, looking down when Kagome looked at her, "What?"

"Sango you have been distant since we left the mall, will you please tell me what is wrong?" Kagome glanced at the door, "Did something happen between you and Miroku?"

"No. I want to know Kagome and I want to know right now. Will you choose Inuyasha over me?" Sango demanded looking up at the younger women, she had to know if she stood a chance at all.


"Oh here you are Shippo. Where have you been hiding hm?" Miroku asked lifting the cub from the floor, "If you wanted to play you should have told me."

"Miroku you want Kagome to stay with us don't you?" Shippo asked looking up with wide eyes, he never wanted his family to split up for long.

"Oh Shippo," Miroku stoked wild hair, "Of course I do, but she has this world and it's friends too. She may not choose to stay with us, whatever her choice it will be a hard one. Just getting Kouga's shards will be a hassle, even for her."

Shippo nodded, "She won't leave soon will she?"

"No, there are still many shards to collect, come to bed with you." Miroku reached for the doorknob, he could use a good night's sleep himself.

"But won't Inuyasha be mad?" Shippo asked looking up when the monk's hand froze, "Miroku?"

"Why would he be mad?" Miroku asked, thinking about any reason the little fox would ask him such a question.

"He didn't want you to go." Shippo was not sure why Miroku was not hurt, if he was then it would make sense. Everyone worried when Miroku was hurt because he could just die any day, a thought none of them liked to think.

"Oh…don't worry about that he won't be mad. You worry too much, you silly little thing." Miroku informed him as he entered the room and set Shippo down on the bed, Inuyasha was still not there yet. Shippo moved as Miroku sat down and ruffled his hair, "See told you."

"Yep you did," Shippo snuggled up beside the monk when he laid down, he liked sleeping with Miroku or Kagome they were very warm, "Night Miroku."

"Good night Shippo," Miroku closed his eyes, he would have to fine out what was going on with Sango in the morning. There was nothing he could do about her right now and chances were Kagome was already on it. With a sigh he wondered if life would always be this complicated for them, he hoped not he really did.


Ok all over, bye-bye.