Hermionehobbit: It's Christmastime! Listen as the people from Harry Potter sing you some Christmas Carols! I do not own them blah blah blah JK Rowling owns them blah blah.

Harry: What!! You said we were playing Quidditch!

Voldemort: You never said anything about singing!! I will not sing!

Hermionehobbit: So you don't mind me showing anyone these? *pulls out stacks of pictures* Hmmm, oh, here's one of Ron (Ron: What!?), Oh, and look how cute Voldemort is in a tu-tu. Oh, and look at Harr-

Harry: Okay! I'll sing, I'll sing!

Voldemort: What song did you have in mind?

Hermionehobbit: *grins evilly*Hee hee hee! I knew that would get 'um. Well people, you're going to sing Jingle Bells.


~this means the words are sung~

~Harry: Dashing through the sky, on my first class Firebolt, In the air I fly, hopefully falling I'll float! Oh look there is the snitch, flying across the pitch, I feel the air fly through my hair and fall into a ditch, OH!~

~Voldemort: Jingle bells, Harry smells,

Death Eater (DE) 1: Voldemort's a bore!

Voldemort: What'd you say? I'll kill you, hey!

My question's anymore?~

*DE1 lies dead, the rest of the DEs back away*

~Voldemort: Jingle bells, Harry smells

DE2: Voldemort will rule!

Voldemort: I'll Dominate, the world's my plate,

and I hate seasons of yule!~

~Hermione: Magic books galore, with spells for everyone. Potions on the floor, Oh homework is so fun! Defense Against Dark Arts, Arithmancy and Charms. I do the work and never shirk and do myself no harms, OH!~

~Voldemort: Jingle bells, Harry smells

DE3: Voldemort wears pink!

Voldemort: You get a smack! I just wear black,

You're go-ing in the siiiiiiiinnnnk!~

*DE3 is thrown into giant boiling cauldron*

Voldemort: Anyone hungry? *DEs move even farther away*

Harry: *climbs out of the ditch* HEY!!! I do NOT smell, and you pushed me in there didn't you?

Hermione: Let's not fight. It's the giving season after all.

Voldemort: Of course it is. I "gave" him a push didn't I?

Harry: Then you won't mind if I give you a sudden death, eh Voldie?

Hermione: *sigh* Guys. *shakes head*

Hermionehobbit: I know what you mean. That wasn't exactly the Jingle Bells I was looking for, but, oh well.


Hermionehobbit: This next song is The Tweleve Days of Christmas! *groans from everyone* Come on, It'll be fun!

~~ = singing

() = not singing


~Harry: On the first day of Christmas my best friend gave to me:

A broomstick that flies funny (Harry: Gee, uh, thanks Ron.)~

~Ron: On the second day of Christmas Hermione gave to me:

Two feather quills (Ron: Hey, wait they're SUGAR quills!)

And a broomstick that flies funny(Harry: Okaaayyy...)~

~Draco: On the third day of Christmas my Father gave to me:

Three evil potions (Draco: Don't even have to think to know who to use these on. :D)

Two feather quills (Ron: SUGAR!!!!!!!! @.@)

And a broomstick that flies funny (Harry: Okaaayyy...)~

~Hermione: On the fourth day of Christmas Ron gave to me:

Four magic books (Hermione: Not Five?)

Three evil potions (Draco: *Smirks*)

Two feather quills (Ron: SUGAR!!!!!!!! @.@)

And a broomstick that flies funny (Harry: Okaaayyy...)~

~Fred: On the fifth day of Christmas my twin gave to me:

Five shower curtain rings (Fred: Yes! Just what I needed...)

Four magic books (Hermione: Just finished them)

Three evil potions (Draco: *Smirks*)

Two feather quills (Ron: SUGAR!!!!!!!! @.@)

And a broomstick that flies funny (Harry: Okaaayyy...)~

~George: On the sixth day of Christmas my twin gave to me:

Six toilet seats (George: How did you know?)

Five shower curtain rings (Fred: Hee hee hee...)

Four magic books (Hermione: Just finished them)

Three evil potions (Draco: *Smirks*)

Two feather quills (Ron: SUGAR!!!!!!!! @.@)

And a broomstick that flies funny (Harry: Okaaayyy...)~

~Sirius: On the seventh day of Christmas Harry gave to me:

Seven bars of soap (Sirius: Are you trying to give me a hint?)

Six toilet seats (George: Heh heh heh...)

Five shower curtain rings (Fred: Hee hee hee...)

Four magic books (Hermione: Just finished them)

Three evil potions (Draco: *Smirks*)

Two feather quills (Ron: SUGAR!!!!!!!! @.@)

And a broomstick that flies funny (Harry: Okaaayyy...)~

~Lupin: On the eighth day of Christmas Dumbledore gave to me:

Eight job offers (Lupin: I appreciate your help, but being chased by a bunch of parents with pitchforks is not my idea of a holiday.)

Seven bars of soap (Sirius: I don't smell THAT bad)

Six toilet seats (George: Heh heh heh...)

Five shower curtain rings (Fred: Hee hee hee...)

Four magic books (Hermione: Just finished them)

Three evil potions (Draco: *Smirks*)

Two feather quills (Ron: SUGAR!!!!!!!! @.@)

And a broomstick that flies funny (Harry: Okaaayyy...)~

~Wormtail: On the ninth day of Christmas Voldemort gave to me:

Nine extra limbs (Wormtail: Good, I had a feeling I'd be needing them soon.)

Eight job offers (Lupin: *shudders* Mobs)

Seven bars of soap (Sirius: I don't smell THAT bad)

Six toilet seats (George: Heh heh heh...)

Five shower curtain rings (Fred: Hee hee hee...)

Four magic books (Hermione: Just finished them)

Three evil potions (Draco: *Smirks*)

Two feather quills (Ron: SUGAR!!!!!!!! @.@)

And a broomstick that flies funny (Harry: Okaaayyy...)~

~Voldemort: On the tenth day of Christmas my Death Eaters gave to me:

Ten fluffy tu-tus (Voldemort: Too bad for you I lost my sense of humor years ago)

Nine extra limbs (Wormtail: You never know.)

Eight job offers (Lupin: *shudders* Mobs)

Seven bars of soap (Sirius: I don't smell THAT bad)

Six toilet seats (George: Heh heh heh...)

Five shower curtain rings (Fred: Hee hee hee...)

Four magic books (Hermione: Just finished them)

Three evil potions (Draco: *Smirks*)

Two feather quills (Ron: SUGAR!!!!!!!! @.@)

And a broomstick that flies funny (Harry: Okaaayyy...)~

~Dumbledore: On the eleventh day of Christmas the Sorting Hat gave to me:

Eleven beard trimmers (Dumbledore: How...thoughtful.)

Ten fluffy tu-tus (Voldemort: Someone's going to die)

Nine extra limbs (Wormtail: You never know.)

Eight job offers (Lupin: *shudders* Mobs)

Seven bars of soap (Sirius: I don't smell THAT bad)

Six toilet seats (George: Heh heh heh...)

Five shower curtain rings (Fred: Hee hee hee...)

Four magic books (Hermione: Just finished them)

Three evil potions (Draco: *Smirks*)

Two feather quills (Ron: SUGAR!!!!!!!! @.@)

And a broomstick that flies funny (Harry: Okaaayyy...)~

~Hermionehobbit: On the twelfth day of Christmas everyone gave to me:

Twelve acceptance letters (Hermionehobbit: Yay!! Eleven friends and I are going to Hogwarts!)

Eleven beard trimmers (Dumbledore: Is this a hint?)

Ten fluffy tu-tus (Voldemort: Death to all!!!)

Nine extra limbs (Wormtail: Ooops, there goes my leg.)

Eight job offers (Lupin: I'm going to mob the Death Eaters)

Seven bars of soap (Sirius: *Sniffs* what smells like rotten tomatos?)

Six toilet seats (George: *plotting*)

Five shower curtain rings (Fred: *plotting*)

Four magic books (Hermione: I need MORE!!)

Three evil potions (Draco: *Eeeevvvviiilll smirk*)

Two feather quills (Ron: Su-gaaaarr...*faints* X.X)

And a brooooommmstick that fliiiiesss fuuuunnnnyyyyyy! (Harry: You can have it.)~


Hermionehobbit: Did you have fun? Stay tuned for more!

Everyone: *groans*