
A.N. Well, this is a Romy, Kiotr, Amyro, Evisto, Jott, Raherto, Jubby, Tay, Kurmanda, and Tonda. Er, it does have tiny Betsy/Warren and Ororo/Logan, just because. I'm bored so I thought I'd take a shot at an X-men evo story. Now, I'll probably not update as much as I want to, but… I'll try. And I'm sorry if I don't get accents right.

Disclaimer: And I'm writing this because?


SUMMARY- Everyone's at Bayville High and the same age, 17, (Minus the instructors.) and live at the Institute. (Minus Amanda, Rahne and Jubilee left, but came back, and Warren and Betsy are visiting.) Sorry, but that's how it is for this story.

Okay, the guys have a bet going to see if they can date the most girls before the end of school, without dating the same girl as one of the others did. Some start from the bottom status and work up, (Goths to Cheerleaders) others start high and work down, (Cheerleaders to Goths) and some just date whom ever.

Now, I know Kurt, Scott, and Piotr don't seem like the kind to do that, which is why they're losing and disagree sometimes with the others. And Evan left, got control over his powers, came back with Callisto, and was enrolled again in high school with her.

The girls are all best friends, even if Wanda and Rogue don't always admit it. Well, now the girls are the last people they can date, but they're not going to be easy to get to.


            "It's ova', petite, au revoir." Remy said to the latest girl he had dated, not even remembering her name. She left in tears. He turned to the others at the table. " 'Nother, one fo' Remy." The Cajun said, grinning. "Which puts him in the lead." Evan muttered. The guys had all just currently dumped their girlfriends, even Kurt and Piotr who had dated these two girls for a couple months but broke it off yesterday (Kurt) and a week ago (Piotr). "Hey, we have a problem." Roberto all of a sudden spoke, causing everyone to look his way. "Since Remy just broke up with Michelle, there's only a couple girls we can date left. Them." Roberto pointed over to the table where the girls from the X- Mansion and Amanda were sitting. "So… who's dating who?" Bobby asked after a moments silence.

            "I say we just pick names out of a hat." Ray said. Everyone shrugged, why not? They didn't have any other ideas. "Do za veally zink ve should do zhat? Zhey are our vriends." Kurt said. (Sorry if I got his accent wrong!) "Come on, Kurt, do you really have anything else to do? And Piotr, let's see if anyone really likes the strong silent guys. Scott, what about you, you in?" "Vell… *sigh* vhy not? So long as it isn't meine schwester." Kurt agreed. "Da, I'll be in." The Russian said. "Why not." Scott shrugged. Suddenly St. John sat down. "Where were you?" Scott asked the Aussie. "I got in trouble fo' settin' tha teachers desk on fire, Can ya believe it?" John said. No one replied. "Rioght, wha'd I miss?" "There's only the X-girls and Amanda left to date, yo, and we're pickin' names out of a hat, yo." Todd explained. "Rioght." John replied.

            Piotr wrote the girls' names down and put them in Evan's skater helmet. Since he did that he went first. "Katya…" He read out loud. Everyone knew that was what he called Kitty. Piotr contemplated on that, lately he and Kitty had gotten close, maybe now was his time to get closer…

            "Tabitha." Ray read out. He didn't show anything, but inside winced. Tabitha would be hard to get close to; she didn't trust him after that time he pulled a couple tricks on her. And she was outrageous. And loud. And…

            " 'Mara, tha Sheila? Isn't sha tha one tha makes fire?" John asked, grinning. "Now tha's rioght fun." He said, grinning wider. Maybe this wouldn't be so bad after all. His eyes lit up at this challenge. Officially he'd wanted to date her first, and he had hoped to pull her name, but you always save the best for last, and if she created fire she was the best…

            "Rahne." Roberto said, looking down at the slip of paper. He breathed a sigh of relief inside. Sure she wasn't going to be easy to get to, but she was cute, funny, and got along with him. That was a start at least…

            "Cuddlebumps!" Todd exclaimed, happily. He had obviously picked Wanda. Maybe now he had a chance with her, since he came to the institute, everyone made sure he showered everyday, and had an image inducer, to change his skin and eyes. He looked cute, in a toady kind of way. But he also didn't eat flies in front of people anymore. Wanda would like that…

            "Jubilee." Bobby said. Jubilee was his best friend; quite frankly he was happy he picked her. Lately she had been dating a guy he didn't like, and he found he was jealous, he had dated others to try to get her jealous, and now, well, life was good…

            "Jean." Scott read. He swallowed; at least it wasn't Tabitha. (I have nothing against Tabitha, but this is Scott, come on.) But still, Jean had recently broken up with some other guy, and she wasn't in the best of moods. But he'd try anyway…

            "Callisto." Evan said. Well, he had gotten to know Callisto in the sewers; she wasn't bad. Besides, she had accepted him down there; actually, when he thought about it, this was great! He could pay her back, take her out for dinner, dump her, he winced, maybe not the last one…

            "Amanda." Kurt muttered. Even with the inducer on, you could tell he was blushing. He really like Amanda, she had accepted him when others wouldn't. He hadn't had the courage to ask her out; maybe this was just the push he needed. He began thinking on what to say to her…

            Remy didn't need to pull a name out to know who he got. Since he was last. He knew he got the Goth. The River Rat. Rogue. He had noticed her, who wouldn't? Goth wasn't exactly his style… but she was an exception. Besides, this was a challenge. If he could win her heart he'd win. He was only one ahead anyway. And if some of these guys one, that would put him at a tie. He looked over to Rogue's table and at her. She was laughing at something Tabitha did, they all were. His eyes danced with amusement, this would be his hardest, yet greatest, conquest yet.


 A.N. This chappie is just about how they choose the girls. It's mainly a Romy, 'cause that's my fav couple. Anyway, I hoped you all liked it so far. Please review!