Disclaimer: I don't own Artemis Fowl, or any charaters in the books etc.

A/N: Hey all. This is my first attempt at writing a fic, so please be nice. I just wanted to find out people's opinions, so I know whether to try and write more. Please Review!

Nameless Story

Captain Holly Short sighed, automatically straightening her uniform as the familiar yell of "SHORT! GET IN HERE!" erupted from Commander Julius Root's office. "Yes, sir?" she asked entering.

"Do you have any idea what time it is?! Your shift started over an hour ago!", the Commander was furious.

"I know it did, sir, and I'm sorry. My older sister was hyper-active and babbling on about Trouble Kelp, I didn't realise how late it was." Holly replied.

"Fine, but I don't want it to happen again, is that understood?" Root's anger seemed to have disapeared. Holly stared at him in confused, wondering why her hearing was still intact, "No sir".

"What'd you mean, no?" Now it was Root's turn to be confused. His already abnormally pale face seemed to go even paler as 2 phones began to ring, and the view-screen behind him crackled into life.

"Frond Julius!" Foaly exclaimed on sight "When was the last time you slept? You're paler than the Mud Boy for Frond's sake!" The two council members who were now on conference nodded. "Yes, Commander. When did you last sleep? You'll make yourself ill." Councillor Vinyaya said, concern crossing her features.

"Wednesday, Councillor, but there was a crisis, it couldn't be helped. A troll manged to get into a shuttle port." Root replied, a faint Irish lilt in his voice.

"Go home!" Vinayaya ordered "Captain Short, go with him, make sure he doesn't fall asleep at the wheel." Holly and Root nodded, "Yes, Ma'am.". Root disconnected the call before standing up.