A/N: I'm not sure how long it will be until I update again, so enjoy this chapter.

Early the next morning, the Pierce household was awoken by the squealing of a delighted Erin.

"Look! Look! Mommy! Daddy! It's snowing!"

Peg and BJ both opened their eyes and looked over at their child. Having lived in San Francisco most of her life, she'd only seen snow once before and she couldn't remember it.

"Sssh sweetheart, you're going to wake Aunt Margaret and Uncle Hawk." Peg reached for Erin and snuggled her between herself and BJ.

"But Mommy! It's Christmas morning, Santa's been here. I wanna open my presents."

"Erin, honey it's 7 o'clock in the morning. Let's just wait a bit." BJ closed his eyes and hoped that Erin would go back to sleep.

The door to the guestroom swung open to reveal Hawkeye. "Merry Christmas everyone. Did I hear someone say something about snow?!?" He looked in Erin's direction. "Well, if there's snow, there must be snow people to make!!"

"Yay! I love you Uncle Hawk." Erin ran to Hawkeye and he swung her up in the air.

"OK, Erin get Mommy and Daddy ready to go play in the snow, I'm going to wake up Aunty Margaret."

"OK, Uncle Hawk." Erin went over to her parent's bed and starting pulling all the blankets off.

"OK, OK" BJ laughed "We're coming, let's get you bundled up."

Hawkeye walked back down the hallway to the main bedroom. How Margaret had managed to sleep through Erin's squealing was beyond him.

"Margaret? Honey? Wake up, it's Christmas." He lent over her and placed a kiss on her cheeks.

She murmured something, but didn't wake up right away. Hawkeye sat down on the edge of the bed and waited. Margaret slowly opened her eyes and looked up at her husband. After nearly five years of marriage, she still couldn't believe that she woke up to this man every day. It was absolute bliss for her.

"Mmmm. Morning sexy. Where's my Christmas kiss?"

Hawkeye lent down again and kissed her on the lips, Margaret leaned in closer and deepened the kiss. When they finally broke apart, both were a little breathless.

"Come on, get up. Erin wants to go play in the snow."

"Really? Are you sure her Uncle Hawkeye's isn't just as excited?"

"Not as excited as my Christmas present I'll get from you tonight." He winked at her.

"Oh yeh? Well, be nice or else."

"Or else what?" He began to tickle her.

"Oh Hawkeye, stop stop. Aah that tickles."

Just then BJ lent his head in the door. "Come on you two lovebirds. Let's go play in the snow! Yippee!"

Margaret climbed out of bed and began to dress. Hawkeye went downstairs to begin breakfast for them all. After breakfast and exchanging Merry Christmas' the Hunnicuts and Pierces made their way outside. They decided to wait til later to open presents. Erin really didn't care, she was just as excited to go play in the snow.

They had immense fun, making a whole family of snow people, snow angels, and generally just enjoying time with each other.

Daniel Pierce pulled up in the driveway and just sat in his car for a few moments watching the scene with a smile on his face. His son and daughter in law where laughing about something, as Hawkeye threw Erin into the air. He really hoped that they'd give him grandchildren sometime soon. Margaret and Hawkeye had been trying for some time, but Margaret had been having problems. Their specialist assured them that it just took time. His son's best friend and his wife picked up a whole heap of snow and threw it at Hawk and Margaret.

Daniel stepped out of the car and greeted them. "Now, now children, don't get rough. Wait for me first!" He laughed.

"Dad!" Hawkeye ran over to his father and gave him a hug.

"Merry Christmas Dad!" Margaret walked over, joined by the Hunnicuts.

When Hawk and Margaret first got married, they had lived with Daniel, but they needed their space and newly married couples did. But Daniel, Margaret and Hawk saw each other on a regular basis. Especially now that both had taken over the running of Daniel's clinic as he slowly entered his retirement.

As Hawk continued to chat to his father, he had his back to his wife. Margaret picked up a handful of snow and pegged it at her husband. Giggling, she called "Gotcha!"

Hawkeye turned around and started chasing her. They could barely run, they were both laughing so hard.

The Hunnicuts and Daniel just looked on, all had a fair idea of how this was going to end.

Margaret stumbled and began to fall, just as Hawkeye caught up with her. He pushed her to the ground and pegged her down. "Say it! Say it! Say mercy!"

"Not on your life buddy!" Her cheeks were so rosy and red, they matched her full, red, lips.

Hawkeye couldn't help himself and molded his body further into hers. They began to kiss.

"Have I told you how much I love you?" Margaret stared into his eyes. Christmas was a time to give thanks, and she had a lot to be thankful for.

He answered her with another kiss. A giggling Erin interrupted them. "Come on, let's go open my presents."

"What makes you think Santa left you anything?"

"Oh, Uncle Hawk. I've been a good girl, of course he left me something." She replied quite matter-of-factly.

Hawkeye and Margaret got up and brushed the snow off of each other, of course Hawk couldn't help but take the chance of enjoying a slight grope as he did.

As they sat around the Christmas tree sipping hot cocoa and eating Margaret's gingerbread soldiers, it looked like a scene out of a painting. Margaret was settled with her back against Hawkeye, BJ and Peg were sitting together with their backs against the couch. Daniel was sitting on the couch, and Erin was handing the gifts out.

"Oh, look Hawkeye! Colonel Potter sent us that painting he did of you and I last time we visited him!"

"Margaret! I love them. Really I do." She had bought him a pair of cufflinks. One was engraved with "Benjamin" the other with "Margaret"

She tilted her head back so she could kiss him "They're like us, not a proper pair without the other."

"Aw!" Daniel, BJ and Peg chimed in unison.

Hawkeye had bought Margaret a beautiful diamond pendant that she absolutely loved. Erin was happy with all her gifts and had begun occupying herself with the dollhouse Daniel and Hawk had made for her.

A while later they sat down to Christmas lunch and everybody was silent as they ate and just enjoyed each other's company. Occasionally, Hawk would look up at Margaret and just smile, which would result in BJ smiling, then turn and gaze at Peg. Erin found this particularly funny.

"What's everybody smiling at?" She asked her father.

"Smiling? I wasn't smiling. What would I be smiling at?" BJ asked Hawk. "What are YOU smiling at Hawk?"

"Who said anyone was smiling." BJ, Hawk and Margaret dissolved into fits of laughter.

"What's so funny?" Peg enquired with a puzzled look on her face.

This resulted in the threesome bursting into giggles again.

"Peg, it's not exactly a story to share in front of Erin. Let's just say it has something to do with when Ben and I realized that we actually enjoyed each other's company."

"Oh, one of those kinds of stories." Peg just laughed. She knew she'd probably hear all about it later.