REVIEWS! First off, I'd like to thank everyone who read this even if they didn't review! Thank you all and I hope you had a nice New Year! Happy '05!

Osiris-Lee: Thank you very much, I really enjoyed writing this fic as well! It was all sparkly eyed and all, wasn't it? I thought just the prettiness of it all was just one of the best things I've ever written. So, again, thank you!

Brittany3: Thanks!

Alostblackcat: I have to end all my fics with happiness! That's just how I am, be on the look out for my new fic, hopefully to come out soon, called What Lies Beyond the Surface—and although that one isn't as happy as all my others, it's a great read just like this one so…Thanks again for reviewing!

ColeyCarissa: GET OFF YUR ASS AND WRITE, GIRL! Naa, maa…for real though, okay? Thanks for the review, and yes, it pained my heart and many other limbs to use the name xshuddersx Wheeler…EW!

Masshiroi Inu Youkai: Yeah,I wasn't planning on continuing this fic, I mean, I don't see it going anywhere…it would get more stuck than Masquerade…xtwitchx Thanks for reading! I think it was beautiful too…tehe.

Amee-star: Yeah…I just can't seem to get Kaiba's attitude right, ya know? He's just difficult for me to write sometimes…and then, other times…Hehe, if you haven't already, go read my fic Tricky Treason, that, I think is a good display of Kaiba-ness, and be on the look out for my new fic hopefully to come out soon called What Lies Beyond the Surface. Thanks for reviewing!

Black Luna: Why wouldn't Gozaburo teach Kaiba to be homophobic? It seems pretty logical to me. Gozaburo didn't want Seto to believe in anything that wasn't…productive. And gay sex isn't productive in which, you cant have heirs out of it. So…if you see it that way…xshrugsx I just think Gozaburo's an ass, that's all. Tehe. Thanks for reviewing! Go read my fic Lies and Betrayal for more of that reality homophobe stuff!

JilliaDarkLightenda: Thanks for all the smilies! And thanks for the plushie! xhuggles her plushiex LOVE JOU-CHAN!!! Meow!

Santurion: Yeah, well,since I do so many POVs all the time,I thought it would be cool for me to try something different, ya know? And I was just wondering if he seemed too OOC, I base everything I know on other fanfics, I've never really sat down to watch a whole episode of Yuugi-ou without throwing something at the screen -.- hehe…But thanks for reviewing! And I'm glad you liked OPaOPMT! I did too!

Yamisgal: Hehe, I like yur name, and thanks for reviewing!

HieiTheDarkGem: Thanks, I'm glad you liked it! Hope you like my other fics as well!

Aqua Angelz: Thanks! One of the best? xblushesx Naw, I don't think so! But thanks! What "kat" word? Do you mean Katsuya? Eh? Katsu means "To Win". And IC means In Character, OC means Original Character, and OOC means Out Of Character.

Dai Otenba: Hehe,you tow are weird…But thank you, and I'm glad you liked the fic, it means all that much when people start rolling around on the floor just because they liked it. Tehe. Thank you for reviewing!

Obiwanblue: Yesh it is! For both Kaiba and Jou-chan! Happy B-day Jou!

Misura: Misu-chan! Love you! You reviewed me! Thankies! Thank you for saying Kaiba was in character, I thought he was too! Meow! I've just been reading too many of them Jou's-dad-beats-him-fics,and soit got incorporated into this one…hehe, I'm trying to like him on a different approach now though! Kaiba kiss and make it all better! Always!

The one who possess Insanity: Thanks so much! I'm glad you liked it!

Draggy2: It was touching wasn't it? Makes me all warm inside! XD!

Youko-moon: Thanks! I didn't think it was OOC neither! And neither did Misu-chan! Yayness! Thanks for reviewing!

Laura: No, no chapter two, there's really no story behind this except what is there now…hehe, I have no brain to come up with any ideas to make this go any farther…sorry! But thank you for reviewing!

ChibiSmiles: Thank you very much! Amazing huh? I seem to be getting that a lot…hm…Well, thank you! And I'm glad you liked it so much you added it to your favs!

Well that's it, stay tuned for more fics by yours truly, Xiaolang's Ying Fa! Over and Out! Meow!