You're Not Alone

Fayme Estelle had just got back from the grocery store. She unpacked the bread, milk, eggs, ice cream when she heard her mother walking in. She was drunk as usual. She started to frantically search the bags.

"Where are my cigarettes?" She asked, "I told you to get me some God damn cigarettes while you were at the store."

"Mama, I'm only 15, I'm too young to buy them. I already told you that a million times." Fayme said annoyed. She had gotten quite used to her mother's drunken ways. She had also gotten used to the beatings.

"Fayme Zerlina Estelle, don't you use that tone with me!" her mother yelled, "Your becoming just like your father you know that."

"I would much rather be like my father than a drunken whore like you." Fayme muttered.

"What did you say?" Her mother asked, "You mean to tell me that you would rather walk out on your family?"

"No, I'm saying I would much rather be out of this place." Fayme had barely gotten the words out because her mother slapped her across the face.

"Mama stop it! You're drunk." Fayme screamed as she ran out of the trailer.

Fayme and her mother didn't have a lot of money. Her mother only had one job and that was being a cashier at the gas station down the road. Fayme was glad she could provide some of the money. She worked at a local car lot. She got about eight bucks every two weeks.

"Fayme, where are you going?" Her mom screamed.

"I'm late for work." Fayme called back


"Bennie, I'm so sorry I'm late." Fayme begged, "Me and my mama got in another fight, I'm sorry it will never happen again."

"Come down baby," Bennie said, "its okay, I understand." Bennie was the sweetest guy in the world. He is about eighteen. He is like a big brother to Fayme.

"Okay so what do we got today?" Fayme asked.

"This dude right here like, totally mangled his car man, total trip to the suck house." Fayme's friend Eric said. Fayme just stood there and laughed. Eric is the total surfer guy. Blond hair blue eyes and a tight body.

"Eric, dude, it isn't that bad." Bennie said

"So sir what happened?" Fayme asked as she pulled her caramel colored hair up into a messy bun. She moved the stray hair away from her blue eyes and looked at the car.

"You can call me Dan," the man said.

"Okay Dan, can you tell me what happened?" Fayme asked.

"Yes, I was driving down the street when I saw a deer so I slammed on the brakes to avoid it but I missed." Dan said.

"Well Dan." Fayme said, "It's only a couple of dings and scratches. I'm sure we can have it ready for you by 5 o'clock, unless you want Bennie and Eric to check the brakes, free of charge." She smiled sweetly at him.

"Yes, that would be nice. Thank you Fayme." Dan said

"No problem." Fayme said, "Since we are checking on your brakes you may pick your car up tomorrow at noon." Dan smiled at her and left to call a cab.

"Fayme," Bennie started, "What do you mean check the brakes for free?"

"Did you see his car? That, my friend, was a 2004 Corvette. That car just came out! Do you know how much cash he must have? Think about it while I fix it up."

Sure enough Fayme was right.

"Welcome back Dan," Fayme greeted as he saw him pull up with his friend in a 2003 Camaro, "Bennie and Eric have checked your brakes and there seems to be nothing wrong with them. And I fixed the dings and scratches for you."

"Thank you very much Fayme." He said as he paid her. She looked down at the tip. One hundred dollars.

"Oh no sir, thank you." The boys said. They too were each holding one hundred dollars in their hand.

"Didn't I tell you that I was right?" Fayme asked as Dan drove away.

"Fayme baby, I love you!" Bennie screamed and he gave her a high five.

"Ya, I could like buy stuff with this cash. Hang on, let me think..." Eric said

"Eric, hunny, don't hurt yourself." Fayme said as her and Bennie started laughing.

"What? I don't get it." Eric said. That just made them laugh even harder.

On the way home from work Fayme looked at her watch. It was 3 o'clock in the afternoon. She decided to go to the grocery store. She didn't feel like spending the money she made today so she decided to do what she does best. Steal.

She walked in wearing her baggy guy shorts, her black sweatshirt that said 'FAYME' that was two sizes to big for her, and a black beanie that say's 'Frankie says RELAX', her caramel hair was in two French braided pigtails.

Fayme looked at the cashier and then proceeded to the back where all the good food was. She started to stuff food and candy into her sweatshirt. She stopped until she saw the wall behind the cash register filled with cigarettes. She needed to get some for her mom or Fayme would be dead.

She slowly walked up to the counter and looked at the cashier. She looked about her age.

"Can I help you?" The girl said in a snotty attitude. Fayme looked at her name tag.

"Why yes, Brooke you can." Fayme said, "You see, I need some cigarettes."

"May I have some ID please?" Brooke asked as she looked at her nails.

"No you may not." Fayme made sure nobody else was in the store. She quickly punched Brooke and jumped the counter. She saw Brooke press a little button. Fayme new what that meant. She quickly grabbed some random brands and ran out of the store. She heard Brooke yelling stuff like 'Stop her' and 'Don't let her get away.'

Once Fayme made it home she ran inside.

"Hey mama. I got your cigarettes." She said as she sat them on her moms lap.


"Oh shit." Fayme muttered. She opened the door and saw a bunch of men in police uniforms.

"Fayme Estelle?" One asked

"Yes?" Fayme answered.

"You're coming with us" The same one said as he grabbed her.