"If a chicken had lips, could it whistle?" On with the story.



"Fayme Estelle. You are guilty for robbery and assault." The judge bellowed. Fayme looked over and saw Brooke. She had a bandage over her swollen nose.

"Now Fayme you have a choice here. You can either go to a juvenile delinquent center, or Camp Green Lake." Fayme looked around uneasily thinking of an answer. She turned around and saw Bennie and Eric. They smiled reassuringly at her as if saying, 'Everything will be alright.'

"Camp" she said.

"36 months at Camp Green Lake."


"Are we there yet?" Fayme ask the bus driver. He didn't reply. But the guard did.

"Shut up." he yelled.

"Why don't you make me shut up?" She yelled back. The guard was probably in his early twenties. (This is gonna be a different guard, not the 1 from da movie.)

He didn't say anything. He just rested his head back against the dirty window of the bus.

'He's kinda cute. I could have some fun with this guy' Fayme thought as she looked at his blond hair and green eyes (think of an older version of Jesse McCartney...Sigh)

"What's the matter? Never been around a girl before?" She asked him. He looked up as she winked at him. He just rolled his eyes. She giggled a little. She had her hair back in two braided pigtails and was wearing a backwards hat. She had on a white muscle shirt and black baggy boy shorts and skater shoes.

Suddenly there was no more road...just dirt.

"Holy shit! What's with all the holes?" She yelled.

"Watch the language. We'll be at camp in about twenty minutes." The bus driver yelled.

"Now he talks." She muttered. About 15 minutes past

"Hey baby how old are you?" She asked the guard


"Really? Why don't you come sit with me and we won't be lonely anymore?" She said as she tried to hold back her laughter.

"No thanks. I have a girlfriend. I don't mess around with whores." he said

She looked at him with fire in her eyes.

"You fucking bastardo! No body calls me a whore and gets away with it." she yelled as she stood up. She couldn't really do anything with her hands cuffed though.

"To bad, were here."

The guard walked off of the bus and waited for her. She didn't come.

"Fayme Estelle, get your ass off that bus right now."

"Fayme?" She heard a guy said, "That doesn't sound like a guys name."

"It's not." The boy heard someone yell. Fayme stepped out of the bus and walked over to him. Her hands didn't have cuffs on them anymore. She pushed him against the wall and looked at the tooth pick in his mouth. (Hmmm...wonder who it is.)

"Do I look like a guy to you?" She asked.

"Fayme! Get over here now." The guard yelled

"Yes your majesty" She called and followed him.


"My name is Mr. Sir. When you talk to me you will address me as Mr. Sir. You got that?"

"Yes. Mr. Sir." Fayme said as she started to chuckle.

"Are you making fun of me little lady?" He asked. She thought for a moment and then nodded.

"Ya...I was." She replied giving him a nasty look. He explained all of the rules to her, gave her shower tokens and uniform things. She walked out of the cabin when an ugly short guy walked up to her.

"Hello! I'm Mr. Pendanski. You must be Fayme. You'll be in D tent. D stands for diligence." They walked to a tent with the letter 'D' over it. There were 8 boys in there.

"Fayme, this is Rex, Alan, Theodore, Ricky, Jose, Brian, Stanley, and Zero."

"No Mom! You never get it right." said a boy with think glasses. "I'm X- Ray, that's Squid, Armpit, Zigzag, Magnet, Twitch, and Caveman. That's Mom." he said pointing to each one of them as he said their names.

"I'll let you guys and girl get acquainted." Mom said and left. Fayme went to a cot that was empty and dropped her bag on the floor and started to take stuff out.

"So Fayme, what did you get in here for" Zigzag asked.

"Stealing. It's funny; I've been doing it since my dad left me and my mom. And now I get caught."

"When did your dad leave you?" Squid asked.

"When I was 12."

"I was 11." Squid said. She looked at him with sorrow and then her eyes widened.

"You're that guy that I pushed when I got here. Sorry." She said

"It's okay." He laughed. She smiled at him.

"Okay guys and girl. We have counseling in five minutes. Let's go." X-Ray said.


"So Fayme," Mr. Pendanski started, "Tell us about your life."

"Well, when I was 12 my dad walked out on me and my mom. After that I stole whatever I could get my hands on. When I turned 13 I worked at a car wash and fixed cars for 8 bucks a week. Then my mom lost her job. She didn't do anything except stay home and drink beer all the time. When she was mad, it meant that I would have a new bruise or scar." She said calmly.

OK GUYS THATS IT FOR TODAY! I'LL UPDATE AGAIN PROBABLY TOMORROW IF I HAVE TIME! THANKS FOR THE REVIEW! ~ Chickadee Chickadee in my soup~ PS...here is a preview for my next upcoming story.

She became a 'Street Walking Hoe' when she was 12 so she could afford a little bit of food. Now she is 14 and everyone in town knows her as 'Wild Whore'. But when she took her business to the wrong person she ended up in court... Now she is at CGL. And hates everyone...