Ebacusta: It's the one year anniversary. I still remember staying up late finishing the first chapter of this story. Man, time passes by so quickly doesn't it. I can't believe it's the start of another year and the end of my first fic. This is amazing. Thanks to all who reviewed. I love all you guys. Here's the last chapter of You Could Save Me. Please enjoy it. And read my surprise at the bottom. I hope you'll like it.

By the way, I don't hate any of my reivewers, I love all of you guys, well except maybe Spirit of Virtue, but... (JUST KIDDING SoV! ha ha) It's the new year so be in good spirits. And even better half the school year is over. Anyway, thank you so much for sticking with me.

NOTE: Italics singing.

CAPS yelling/screaming/shouting

You Could Save Me If You Really Wanted To

By ebacusta

Chapter 11



"Hey hey! Where are you going in such a hurry?"

"To the track field."

"Why? What's happening?"

"The school's fastest people are competing."

"Oh awesome!" The two students ran towards the field. Kari, TK, Tina, and Kei all stood on the field warming up.

"This is gonna be fun right guys?"

"Yeah," they all agreed. They could see the other DigiDestined children watching them from the stands. They waved. The four waved back. The other students that milled about on the track field waved at various people they knew.

"Starting line!" a voice barked. They all got behind their lines.

"On your mark! Get set!" The man paused for emphasis and then yelled, "GO!!"


The family of four quickly took the lead. People yelled happily.

"This looks to be a race between students of Mizuno Academy not between the other schools," the announcer exclaimed happily.

"GO YOU GUYS!" the DigiDestined children.

"GO! GO! GO! GO! GO!" Claire exclaimed laughing.

"You're fast Tina!" Kari exclaimed as they rocketed around the bend. "And I see where you get your speed from!"

Tina smiled. "Maybe so. But am I faster than you?" She sped up.

"OH! A challenge!" Kari exclaimed as TK, Kei, and her all sped up tying themselves once again with Tina.

"They're coming down the last stretch!" the announcer yelled. "This could very well be one of the fastest races we've seen in a while folks! They're neck-to-neck!"

"Hey, do some commentary on the other schools!" a student from a different school yelled.

"Oh, er, right," the announcer said. "Um, they're far behind the students of Mizuno Academy. Too slow to even have a chance in this race. Maybe they should just give up because –OH LOOK! They're almost to the finish line. Looks like first place just might be a tie for the students of Mizuno Academy!"

"HEY!" the students from other schools yelled. "THE ANNOUNCER IS BIASED!"

"Oh, er, the other school did but up a good fight, but in the end the winners were… AND THE STUDENTS FROM MIZUNO ACADEMY CROSS THE FINISH LINE TO TAKE FIRST, SECOND, and THIRD!" the announcer screamed. "The others just might as well stop running now! The students from Mizuno are fast –"

"Rimiki, I know you have great pride in your old school but you are being incredibly bias. Try not to be so biased in our next race," a soft voice barely heard over the PA system said.

"O-Oh, yes Headmaster-senpai," Rimiki's voice floated over the PA. "Our next race for these particular students is the boy-girl relay! And wouldn't you want to know who's competing for Mizuno –"

"RIMIKI!" the headmaster exclaimed.

"Oh right, sorry headmaster-senpai," Rimiki said. "Let's hope the students who just gave it there all in this race aren't too tired to put up a good fight in the next race. But while they rest up a bit let's watch the next race at the meet."

Kari and the others walked off the field. "You guys are pretty fast," she admitted.

"Yeah," TK agreed. "Most people can't stay up with us when we really start to sprint." Kari nodded.

"You've got good endurance too," Kari said. "Making you good for both short and long distance running. Just like us."

"Thanks mom and dad," Tina and Kei said as they jumped on the past versions of their parents.

"You aren't to shabby either," Tina said."

"I was never shabby!" Kari exclaimed. They all laughed.

"Sure," Kei said sarcastically. "Sure."

"Guys!" They all looked. Jake, Rachel, and David were all standing there with bottles of water.

"You were awesome!" Jake said as Tina took the water and opened it.

"You two are really fast," Rachel said. "I can't believe you actually kept up with Tina and Kei the whole way. You truly are they're parents. I can see where they get they're speed from."

"Me too," David agreed. "I can't wait for your next race!"

- - -


- - -

"The boy-girl relay is finally here. The last event of the day! And we've got a good line up from the different schools today. It seems some of them have changed around so they'll have a chance against Mizuno's outrageously fast track stars but on that glare from Headmaster-senpai let's get this race started neatly," Rimiki said.


"In this race, they're going around the track twice so each student is going to have half of the track to race. They are four people per team. Let's see how they do," Rimiki exclaimed.

Kei, the starting runner knelt at his line. He retied his shoes and made sure he was ready to go. He held the relay stick for his school in his hand.

"On your mark." Kei raised himself ready to run.

"GO KEEEEEEEEEEEEEIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII! ARGH!" someone who sounded suspiciously like Rachel yelled.

"Get set… GO!" The gunshot went off as did Kei. He ran down the stretch followed closely by the other schools.

"And Mizuno Academy takes the lead, followed closely by Springlake, and Sakura High!" Rimiki exclaimed. "It seems the new line up the schools have employed might keep them in this race longer than first one."

Tina stood waiting. She could see her brother rounding the bend. "Come on Kei!" she exclaimed. She watched as the two schools on either side of him tried to crowd him out as best as they could without crossing their lines. So that's what it was. She thought he was faster than that. Kei was nearing the trade-off point. Tina started trotting. As her brother got nearer she sped up a little. He was right behind her reaching out with the stick. She reached back and her fingers closed around it.

"Go for it Tee," Kei said as she took the stick from his hands.

"As always!" she exclaimed as she sped up and started running. TK was waiting for her half way around the track. The people on either side of her, two boys, were trying to keep her beside them.

"Not today boys!" she exclaimed as she burst past them in a surprising burst of speed. She left them behind sprinting to try to catch up. She rounded the bend of the track. She could see TK waiting.

"And Tina Takaishi from Mizuno Academy let's out a surprising burst of speed officially taking the lead for her school!" Rimiki exclaimed.

"GO FOR IT TINA!" her friends yelled as she sprinted down the last stretch. She was almost there. TK started running. She reached out to him with the stick. He took it.

"Be careful dad," she said as she slowed down. "They're playing dirty!" she called after him as he had already took off running.

"GO TK!" chorused through the DigiDestined children. TK ran. But suddenly something grabbed his shirt collar pulling him back. He choked. Springlake and Sakura High burst ahead of him. He dashed after them catching up with them with ease. He was almost to Kari.

"You just don't know when to quit do you?" the boy from Sakura snarled.

"Yeah," the girl on the other side agreed. The next thing TK knew he was falling towards the ground.

They had tripped him. "Argh!" he exclaimed as he put his foot down stabilizing himself and bursting forward again. Unfortunately, this had placed him behind a couple of other schools in addition to Sakura High and Springlake.

"Seems our little track star from Mizuno Academy had some trouble dropping Mizuno down to place 7. Will they make a comeback?" Rimiki said with a hint of worry in her voice.

"Kari, I'm sorry. I let my guard down around them and got tripped," TK as he charged toward her holding out the stick.

She took it and started speeding up. "It's okay TK. I've got it all under control!" And then she was gone sprinting.

"The anchor for this Mizuno team seems to have had and amazing adrenaline rush. Look at her go. She's already taken over Kakoku Hill and Rushing Field putting Mizuno in 5th place. Oh she's taken over another one! And another one! She's gaining quickly on Springlake and Sakura High. What will happen next?" Rimiki screamed in excitement.

It was true Kari had managed to over take the five schools that had passed them after Sakura's dirty trick and now she needed to repay them. She was now beside them and they were rounding the bend for the last stretch.

"You're other teammate couldn't get the message either," the girl running for Sakura said.

"And seems you aren't getting it either," the boy from the boy from Springlake said.

"So you two schools are in cahoots eh?" Kari asked. "Well, I've got something to pay you back for. Your blatant cheating won't help you win this match." She sped up. They did too.

"Who will win?" Rimiki screamed. "Less than 5 yards away from the finish line and it looks like Mizuno is taking a small lead."

The Sakura boy reached out and grabbed Kari's shirt color while the girl reached for her hair. Kari reached back and pushed him off her and with one final burst of speed crossed the finish line securing first for her team.


"HEY!" the students yelled. Many from other schools apparently having become fed up with Rimiki's obvious bias commentary got out of their seats and advanced towards her.

"And former Mizuno track star, Rimiki Tenoe, must rely on her own running skills to escape the wrath of bad losers from the losing schools. With complete confidence and a smile Rimiki jumps out of her chair sprints down the stairs and across the field closely followed by an angry mob who aren't looking where they're going. In a shower of disgracefulness the students trip and roll the rest of the way down the stairs. If this is all they've got, Rimiki will be all right."

"NO!" the two screamed. Kari looked at them.


"You two lousy cheaters need to understand one thing," Kari said as Tina, TK, and Kei joined her. "Other schools may be passive about cheating, but we are not. Do it again and it will be more than just a shove. What you did to my teammate was unforgivable. And I have half a mind to show you what I really think. But I'm going to spare you, this time, so be glad." Kari and the others walked away towards the locker room.

- - -

Ten minutes later

- - -

"You guys were so great!" Alexis gushed. "You're so fast!"

"Thank you," Tina said blushing.

Rimiki ran passed them. "You can't catch me! I am from the elite Mizuno Academy Track team and graduated top of my team in terms of speed!" she yelled to the angry mob chasing after her.

"You know, they could reduce the after-race violence by not having a former Mizuno Academy student as the announcer," Kari said as the DigiDestined all watched after her.

"Yeah," TK agreed in a somewhat distant voice as he stared gaping. Kari felt a strange sensation. She leaned on TK.

"We're leaving," she gasped. He nodded. He had felt it too. They threw their arms around Tina and Kei.

"We're about to leave," Kari said. "We can feel it. But, you know the loose floor board in my mother's apartment, your grandmother's?" Tina nodded. "Well, look there from time to time. TK and I will leave you notes and I'm going to leave you something really special there soon. It will be in a box." Tina nodded.

"In three years," Kari said with a smile, "TK and I will be having little Tina Satsuki. I can't wait." Tina grinned.

TK, who had been saying good bye to Kei, switched with Kari.

"Kei," Kari said. "I'm gonna miss you. But don't be sad okay? Have fun with your friends. You guys have potential, so live up to it. I want you to live long happy lives."

"Kay, mom," he said. Kari stood and smiled at the others. After hugging them all good-bye she said, "Take good care of each other. We'll miss you."

There was a voice behind her. Kari turned around. It was Mizuki. "I finally understand," he said in a somewhat subdued voice. "Kari can I talk to you really quickly?" Kari nodded and followed him around the corner.

"You and TK were really cool in the meet first off, and I finally understand what you were getting at with all those what if questions. You're from the past. I realize that. And I also realize what you're going to do, but, please don't forget me," Mizuki said.

"I won't. I'll leave you stuff too," Kari said. "Just ask Tina for it."

"Thank you," he said. "And please forgive me for doing this since I know TK and you are going out but I've waited so long." He grabbed her brought her close and kissed her. When he pulled away his crystal green eyes held sadness in them. Kari stared at him.

"I'm sorry," he said. "I didn't realize I was falling in love with my soon to be school teacher but I couldn't help myself. Take good care of yourself and tell TK that too."

"Mizuki, I," Kari began.

"Don't," Mizuki said. "Please, don't try to explain. I already know. Have a good life Kari. I have a feeling when you get around to meeting the little me, he'll have no clue what's going on. Now go on back to Tina and the others." He walked with her back towards them.

"Well, bye guys," Kari said. "I'll miss all of you. Tina, I'm gonna leave stuff for all of them under the floorboard so give it out accordingly okay?" She nodded.

"Here's some stuff to remember us bye," Kari said. She put down one of her bags that contained some of the stuff she had acquired during her stay.

"I'll miss you mom," Tina said.

"We'll miss you too dad," Kei said. "And please remember the warning. It will be 15 years or so, but please, you have to remember. You have to."

"We won't forget," Kari said. Suddenly the light came down from the heavens. The wind started blowing. They all watched as Kari's track uniform changed back into the white dress she had been wearing before.

"You're back," Mizuki said. "Back to your purest form." The dress began blowing rapidly. All of her things came flying towards her in her bag. She caught it as TK caught his. They were slowly lifted off the ground.

Tina stood there watching as tears ran down her and Kei's faces. "BYE MOM!" she yelled suddenly as did Kei.


"TAKE CARE YOU TWO!" TK and Kari yelled.

"BYE! TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF! SAY HI TO OUR PARENTS FOR US," the other DigiDestined children yelled as they all began to wave.


"BYE MIZUKI!" Kari yelled as tears began coming to her own eyes. "BYE JAKE! BYE RACHEL! BYE DAVID! BYE MACY!"



"I WON'T," they yelled back in response.

"DON'T FORGET THE FLOORBOARD!" Kari yelled and then they were gone. The light disappeared. They all stared up at the sky tears streaming down their faces thinking of their best friends who had just been taken into the sky to return back to their own time period.

"Bye mom and dad," Tina whispered. "I love you."

- - -

Kari and TK

- - -

Kari held onto her stuff as did TK. He reached out and held her hand as well. Together they were tossed and turned and thrown into invisible walls until they hit the one wall that hurt as it shattered and they passed through it. And then they fell. Plummeting towards the ground, hand in hand.


- - -

The Next Day

- - -

Kari and TK woke up. They got up and examined their limbs. No cuts or scratches. Kari looked in her bag to make sure all of the stuff the DigiDestined kids had given her earlier was okay. They were. She and TK got up and started walking. They walked back to their houses first. As they walked into Kari's apartment her mother looked up from the counter.

"Kari, where have you been. You weren't here this morning and I was worried," her mother said. Tai was sitting on the couch. He looked up when they came back in.

"Sorry mom," Kari said.

"Well, I'm just glad you're okay," her mother said. "Now get dressed or you're already late for school."

"There's no point mom," Tai said. "They're just having a party now and school will almost be over if they try to change right now. They should just go to school and enjoy the last half day of the year."

His mother nodded. "I suppose you're right." Kari put her and TK's stuff in her room and then together they left with Tai. Tai held a video recorder.

"You're going to record the festival right?" Kari asked.

"Yeah, of course," Tai said.

"Thanks Tai," Kari said.

"No problem," he shrugged.

- - -

At the End of School Festival

- - -

Kari took the stage. "Um, if you guys don't mind, I would like to sing a song, that I would like to dedicate… to my best friend, TK." The DigiDestined smiled as they pushed TK onto the stage. He stood beside her. Kari grinned at him. She winked.

"I guess it worked out for them after all," Matt said with a grin. "All is well." The song began.

"You've been such a good friend

I've known you since I don't know when

We've got lots of friends

But they come and go

Even though we've never said it,

There's something that the two of us both know"

Kari smiled at TK as she sung. She knew he deserved this. He was the best best friend, the best boyfriend anyone could ever ask for.

"Together, forever no matter how long

From now, until the end of time

We'll be together, and you can be sure

That forever and a day

That's how long we'll stay

Together and forever more."

TK stood there, shocked and in astonishment. And then Kari started to do a dance that they had made up together. She pulled him into step with her. He grinned as did she.

"Always gone that extra mile

Depended on you all the while

Even in the good and bad times

You will see

From now until our journey's end

You know you can always count on me."

"Sing with me," Kari squeezed in before they started the chorus together.

"Together, forever no matter how long

From now, until the end of time

We'll be together, and you can be sure

That forever and a day

That's how long we'll stay

Together and forever more."

Kari smiled as they went on. He smiled back at her. She was such an awesome person. He loved her so much.

"No matter where our destiny leads

I'll be there for you, always come through

And that you can believe."

There was a little instrumental part where they did the fast part of the dance they had made up together and then came the chorus and the last part of the song.

"Together, forever no matter how long

From now, until the end of time

We'll be together, and you can be sure

That forever and a day

That's how long we'll stay

Together and forever more."

They wrapped there arms around each other as they finished the song.

"Together, forever no matter how long

From now, until the end of time

We'll be together, and you can be sure

That forever and a day

That's how long we'll stay

Together, forever no matter how long

From now, until the end of time

We'll be together and you can be sure

That for every and a day

That's how long we'll stay

Together and forever more."

Cheers and claps erupted from the crowd.

- - -

Tina and Kei

- - -

The siblings smiled as they watched the younger versions of their parents perform. At the end of the performance it cut to another scene that Kari and TK had filmed themselves. They were sitting side by side.

"Hey Tina and Kei. How are you? We're fine. Since you're watching this you found the tape and that's good. We'll be leaving lots more stuff too. With the tape was a whole bunch of stuff for you to give to the others. Don't forget to okay? Tell them all we said hi," TK said.

"We really miss you guys. Please stay well. We can't wait until we get to have you guys as a married couple. We'll have so much fun together. Tina, take care, and be careful with your weak heart. I don't want you to leave Kei all alone. He might get depressed again. We don't want that. We want you both to be happy okay. Just keep in mind that all you kids will have your parents back in soon," Kari said.

"Take care you guys," TK said.

"We love you lots," Kari added. They both waved at the screen grinning. And then the tape was over.

"We miss you too," Tina and Kei said. "Mom and dad."

- - - - - - - -


- - - - - - - -

That's the end guys. I hope you liked it. The song "Together, Forever" doesn't belong to me, but rather the people who did the Americanized version of Pokemon.

Now, here's my surprise. There's going to be a sequel. And here are the plans for it. I hope you guys will all come check it out. And please, feel free to drop me an email anytime you feel like. I've updated some things in my profile and you might like to check it out.

Sequel Plans

Title: That Day Was The Last Day I Saw Your Smile

Summary: 15 years later, Tina's life-saving warning has slipped Kari's mind. On April 29th remember this is the day he's supposed to be killed Kari can't help but think she's forgotten something. Will she remember in time to save her family?

Okay, please come check it out. It will be a lot of fun. And I just thought I tell you, this story was the first part of a Trilogy of stories all of which I hope you'll come and check out. I'm tearing up because I hate endings. They're always so sad. I really hope you guys will check out my other fics as they come out. Please leave a review telling me what you think of the ending and Rimiki (ha ha).

Thanks for hanging with me.

Your friend,
