Lemon scented chapter warning- uhh- at the very end. Nothing majorly explicit but just warning you ahead of time… it's filled with WAFF.

"Yes! Meiko… that's right!" Miki's heart was racing as she held the phone to her ear. She glanced over her shoulder back at the small table she was sharing with Yuu at the coffee shop. He was looking out of the window, one hand lightly resting on the handle of his cup, his profile was so beautiful. "Yuu and I resolved it, everything's okay now."
"I told you it would work out Miki!" Meiko's tone of voice made Miki's heart skip with delight.
"I know! Well, I'll be coming back a little late, Yuu said that he'd drive me back to your place after we finish coffee."
"Why not stay over at Matsuura's?"
"Mou! Meiko… you're teasing me, aren't you?"

"Not really!" Meiko couldn't help but giggle.
Miki put one hand on her hip. "Even if I wanted too, I don't think it would be a good idea seeing as Anju-san is still there!" Her voice lowered a bit, Meiko could detect some melancholy as the though of Anju had struck her. "I… I came here to get Yuu back, but I'm afraid I had to steal him away from Anju-san in the process. I hope she will be okay."
"I'm sure Anju knew someday that you would wake up, and that Yuu might leave her, I don't think it's come as too much of a shock to her, She should have been expecting something like this to happen. It just proves that Yuu's feelings for you are stronger."
A smile crept over Miki's face. "Yeah… I guess you're right. Well- I'm going to run. Bye!"
" Bye!"

Miki hung up the phone and hurried back over to the table, taking her seat again across from Yuu. She picked up her coffee and sipped it cautiously.
" It's probably cold." Yuu joked.
"No it's not!" Miki stated as she ripped open a sugar packet and dumped its contents into the cup. "It's just the right temperature!"
Yuu smirked and leaned his cheek against his propped up hand. "What did Meiko say?"
"To come home anytime." Miki repeated Meiko's words, and then broke into a wide grin. "We have all night to talk!"
"Good." Yuu reached over and ruffled her hair. "What should we talk about?"
"Well I kinda missed three years of your life!" Miki emphasized this by waving her stirring spoon in the air. "So, I'd like to know what my boyfriend was up to during all that time!"
"ALL that time?" Yuu had a dubious look on his face, then looked up to the ceiling nonchalantly. "Oh… nothing really…"
"MOU!" She threatened to hit him with the spoon and he backed up and laughed.
"Joking! Joking… well… let's see here…where to even begin…"

Miki woke up in a daze to the sound of clanking dishes and pans. Slowly taking in her surroundings, it took her a moment to orient herself, and realized that she was in Meiko's living room on the couch. She propped herself up on her elbows and blinked the sleep from her eyes, willing her foggy mind to wake up.
"Oh! You're finally awake!" Meiko's head popped out of the kitchen doorway, she walked into the living room wiping her hands on her jeans. "You must have been out so late last night! It's already noon!"
Miki blinked a few times, her mind ran over the past days events, and like a bolt of lightning it hit her, she and Yuu were together again! She'd woken up with the belief that it had been all just a dream, but no, it was definitely real! With a huge smile, she turned to Meiko.
"It wasn't just a dream! Yuu and I…"
Meiko threw her arms around her. " I'm so happy for you Miki!"
Miki returned the embrace, laughing out loud with delight. "I can't believe it! I must call Mama and Papa and Youji-papa and Chiyako-mama! And I should tell Ginta and Arimi, so Ginta stops making all those death threats… and Kei and Suzu…and Tstomu and Yayoi-chan… and—"
" –And you need to have your breakfast!" Meiko cut her off. " It's still waiting for you on the dining room table.
" Ah! Meiko!" Miki jumped up. " You—what are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be at work?"
Meiko shook her head. " I have a doctors appointment later today, so I took the day off."
" Doctor?" Miki looked puzzled for a moment, Meiko shook her head.
"It's just a regular check-up. Hurry and go eat! I have to pick Miki up from Day Care in a few minutes."

The day flew by quickly. Meiko left to get her daughter and then head over to the doctor. Miki ate, showered, dressed, called about every person she knew, excitedly telling them that she and Yuu were once again together. She got rounds of congratulations and even got Ginta to admit, "Matsuura wasn't a total bastard." Her parents were eager for her to drag Yuu home when she left Hiroshima. After all, they had barely seen him as well during those difficult three years. Miki promised that she would get him home.
Just as she hung up the phone from her last call and sat on the couch to watch some Television, there was a knock on the front door.
Miki tilted her head towards it, wondering if she should answer, after all she was not a member of the Namura household. The knocking continued though, and her curiosity got the better of her. She stood up and went to the door.
"May I help—oh...Anju-san!" Miki's eyes widened as she opened the door to find the petite, frail girl standing on the front steps of the house. Anju had a melancholic smile on her face, and she bowed respectfully to Miki when she opened the door wider.
"Miki-san, I was hoping you'd be here."
"Anju-san… Please, come inside!" Miki gestured for Anju to enter, but Anju shook her head.
"I wouldn't want to impose on the household, I just came by to ask you if you would like to take a walk with me? It's a beautiful day today."
Miki could see Anju's hands were clenched tightly at her sides. She couldn't refuse her request. She knew that Anju would want to talk about Yuu.
When Miki had pursued Yuu, she knew that if she did win him back, it would mean stealing him from Anju-san. She'd pushed that thought far in the back of her mind at the time, because she didn't want it to interfere with her goals. However, seeing Anju again made the worry surface. Did Anju hate her now? Miki's carefree, happy feeling slowly melted and a knot of worry began to grow in the pit of her stomach. What did Anju want to tell her?
"H-Hai… one moment, I'm going to get my jacket."

They walked side-by-side, not talking for a while but silently slurping their fruit smoothies that they'd bought from a vender. Miki stole a glance at Anju; she seemed to be staring intently at the ground in deep thought.
"Anju…san?" Miki finally broke the tension. Anju's head shot up and she looked at her.

"Hai! Oh—sorry, I was just spacing out for a moment there…"

Miki tried to smile reassuringly. " Would you like to sit somewhere and talk?"

Anju nodded wordlessly. "There's a park over there, does that seem nice?"
Miki nodded and they walked over to the park, it was the middle of the day and there were only a few kids playing on a jungle gym. Miki and Anju both sat on two empty swings side by side.
" Umm—I guess you probably know, I wanted to talk about Yuu…" Anju started.
Miki lowered her smoothie, trying to mentally brace herself for whatever would come out of Anju's mouth next. She had a right to be angry, she had a right to hate Miki if she wanted too.
"Y-yeah…" Was all Miki could manage to say.
"I was devastated, at first." She said. "I knew that Yuu had always loved you, even when we were together. But I think my naiveté deceived me, and I believed I could change that part of him. I was wrong."
"… I'm sorry…" Miki said softly. Anju shook her head emphatically.
"No! Please don't blame yourself for this Miki-san! I… I knew that Yuu loved you and I still pursued him. I've known all along that someday you would wake up and come after him again. And that Yuu would have to make the decision of whom he wanted to be with. I foolishly believed that I could take your place in his heart."
"…" Miki floundered for a response to that, but couldn't come up with anything. Anju just continued.

" I just wanted to communicate with you, because I don't want us to be strangers after all this."
Miki's glance shot up, and they locked eyes. Anju gave her a smile. There were tears in the corners of her eyes. "Anju-san…"
"I… I don't hate you or anything. I want you to know that." Anju said softly. "I just want what's best for Yuu. Please make him happy from now on. I've never had the privilege of seeing him truly happy before, not happy like he is with you."
Miki smiled for her, a genuine smile from her heart. "I want to be friendstoo, Anju-san. I like you a lot, and I promise I will." She closed her eyes and lifted her face towards the sky. "I have to admit, I was scared for a while, that you would hate me. I felt horrible."
Anju stood up suddenly and Miki's eyes snapped open. "Anju-san?"
" I'm… glad we had this talk." She turned and smiled at her. Miki could tell she was doing her best to push the tears back. "Miki-san, I wish you both happiness from now on."
Miki felt a little ashamed, her throat was suddenly dry as she stammered a faint "Arigato," as Anju bowed and began to walk away, leaving Miki alone on the swing to puzzle over the conversation they'd just shared.

As soon as Anju reached the park entrance, she wiped her tears away with the sleeve of her shirt and shook her head. "I couldn't let her see me cry… Ugh… why am I so emotional about this?" She looked over her shoulder to watch Miki, still sitting on the swing, also deep in thought. "Good luck, Miki-san, you're what Yuu really needs, so make him happy!"

A Little Later

"And so I feel horrible!" Miki emphasized over the phone to Yuu. She hadn't felt the least bit shy talking to him about all her problems. It made her happy just being able to know that he was willing to listen to her. And Yuu, still feeling guilty about the way he'd dumped her at the hospital, was more than eager to listen to every little thing she said.
"Don't worry about An." He said reassuringly. "I talked to her this morning, she's a lot stronger than she used to be. And she's happy for both of us.
"I know… but I'm telling you that I can't get over my own guilt!"
"Well, are you trying to say that you wish we weren't together again?" Yuu said sarcastically.
Miki's voice caught in her throat. " Wha-? NO! It' s just that… that…." She found she couldn't argue.
Yuu chuckled. "Hime-sama is finally running out of breath!"

"Mou! Yuuuuu! Stop teasing me!"
"Ha ha! Oh, but it's what I missed the most about you, you're so cute when you worry your head over nothing."
"… It's really nothing?"

"Yes! Like I told you before, Anju isn't that kind of person."

"… yeah…" Miki plopped onto Meiko's comfortable couch and twirled a loose strand of hair. "I guess you're right…"

"Finally! I get her to agree with me." Yuu said, feigning exasperation.

"Hey! I said no teasing!"

"Yes yes! As you wish, Hime-sama."

Miki decided to let that one slide, "Hey... Yuu?"
"When do you get off of work?"
"At five o'clock. Speaking of which, I really should try and get SOME work done today…"
Miki glanced at the clock and realized she'd kept him on the phone for ten minutes already. "Ah! Yuu I'm so sorry! You're not going to get in trouble because of me, are you?"
" Oh it's okay, I've been drafting while you were talking."
"… Oh…" Miki wasn't sure what "drafting" was, but she figured she'd ask him about that later. "Well, want me to come by when you get off work? We can have some dinner together!"
Yuu's voice sounded enthusiastic. "That sounds great! I know a good place not too far away too, it's fancy though, so be sure to look nice!"
Miki's heart leapt with excitement at the thought of seeing him again. It hadn't even been a day and she was already yearning to be near him. " Okay! I will! I'll see you at five then!"
"Okay, Talk to you later."
"I love you, Yuu!"
"I love you too. Bye!"
Miki hung up the phone and then jumped up with a squeal of delight, she felt like dancing.
"Silly silly! I'm acting like a little kid about this… Well- I don't care!" She threw open her suitcase and began to rummage through her clothing selection. Unfortunately, she found nothing that she wanted to wear for a nice dinner out. "Hmm… well- I think I have some time to do some last minute dress shopping. I want to wear something nice for Yuu."
She scribbled a note to Meiko, grabbed her purse, slipped on a comfortable pair of black sandals and hurried out the door and down the street.

The dinner had been French and Miki's taste buds were still dancing even afterwards as they casually strolled towards Meiko's home, arm in arm amidst other couples that were taking advantage of the beautiful, warm night.
Yuu stole a glance down at her, she had done an amazing job at making herself look exceptionally beautiful. Miki's new dress was dark green, with tiny black buttons that went up the back that looked like a pain to get on and off. The full skirt fell down to her ankles, and flared around her as she walked.. The click of the heels of her black shoes complimented the swish of the skirt. The top was tight over her chest and had a low V-neck with no sleeves. She had a long black jacket to keep her bare arms covered, and her hair was elegantly twisted up into a knotted bun held with a black clip. She looked like a princess.
"Yuu! Hey look!"
Yuu jolted out of his reverie and noticed Miki pointing with enthusiasm at an ice cream shop, which they were approaching.
"Hey—let's get some ice cream!"
"But you pigged out on desert at the restaurant already!" Yuu said amused. Miki was tugging on his jacket and veering them towards the store.
"Oh… please? Just a single scoop!"
Yuu swore she had him under some kind of spell. Because the next thing he remembered was paying the ice cream store employee for two ice cream cones.
"Are you sure you didn't wake up with psychic powers?" Yuu teased her, putting an arm over her shoulders and drawing her closer to him. They entered the park on their way to Meiko's. That same park where they'd gotten back together again.
"What makes you say that?" Miki said, feigning ignorance, as if she DID have psychic powers and was merely trying to cover them up.
"Because you have this strange mind power over me… I can't say no to you tonight." Yuu grinned and stopped her in the light of the lamp. Miki turned to face him.
"Well, if that's true… then give me a bite of your Mint Chocolate Chip." She teased.
Yuu held his cone out to her and she took a bite, screwing her face up in delight. "Mmm! Good!"
Without a word, Yuu brought down his head and took a massive bite out of her Super Fudge Chunk. "Mmmm! Good too!"
"Yuu!" Miki laughed. "You have chocolate all over your mouth!" She brought her hand up to wipe it away, but he caught her wrist and pulled her too him instead.
"You should talk." He whispered.
For a brief moment, Miki thought she could feel their hearts beat in unison as she pressed up against his strong frame. Yuu leaned in closer to her lips and indulged himself in an ice cream kiss.
They stood kissing under the lamp light for a long time, Yuu nudged her mouth open and deepened the kiss. Finally Miki drew away a little and grinned at him.
"Your ice cream is melting."
"So is yours." Yuu gestured for them to sit down on a nearby bench. Miki, still holding firmly onto his hand with her free hand, led him to the bench and they sat down closely together to finish off their ice cream. When done, they sat in silence, just enjoying the night. Miki cradled in the crook of Yuu's arm, she looked up at the night sky and ran over in her mind all the crazy things that they'd gone through. She sincerely hoped that this was the end of all their troubles. She wondered if Yuu was thinking the same thing.
Miki clung to him, her knuckles tightening around the soft fabric of his button down shirt. "Yuu…"
"Tell me what you're thinking about."
Yuu followed her gaze up into the night sky. "All kinds of things, I guess… a lot of things."
She could feel his grip tighten around her, she laid her head in the comfortable niche between shoulder and chest. It seemed he was being troubled now.
"What's wrong? Are you worried about something?
Yuu brought his hand up that was around her shoulders to her hair, he turned his head and kissed her. He took a deep breath.
"Why Miki? Why after all I've done, do I deserve you? After I rejected you, and gave up on you… sometimes I feel in the back of my mind, that I don't deserve to be as happy as you make me."
"Baka…" Miki's voice was surprisingly strong. Yuu glanced down, all he got was a view of the top of her head. Miki ran her free hand over and around his torso, hugging him. " It's because I love you Yuu, we need each other, because our souls are destined to be together. When I'm with you, I am happy! That is why I couldn't give up on you. "
"Shh!" She jerked her head up, covering his lips with a finger. "I'm not done yet." She smiled at him and raised her hand to caress his cheek. "… Promise me something Yuu."
"Promise me that you'll never give up again. Promise me, that you'll never deny yourself happiness. I want you to understand, that…" She bit her lip, choosing her words carefully, "…That…what I most want, is for YOU to be happy… because that's what makes me happy. Promise me that you'll do this!"
Yuu brought his free hand up to her face and lifted her chin so that they're eyes locked. He looked back at her innocent, beautiful face with so much sincerity. Miki could feel her heart beat quicken as he drew her face closer to his. Ever so softly, he brushed his lips against hers, and whispered. "I promise you… I will." A smile cracked through the solemn expression. "And… will you promise me something in return?"
His sparkling eyes mesmerized Miki. She nodded. "Hai… what?"
"If I ever do something stupid like give up ever again, I want you to give me a good slap upside the head and say 'Yuu! You are being a complete IDIOT!' Okay?"
Miki couldn't help it, she burst out laughing. It made Yuu's heart soar to hear her laugh. It drove him completely wild. He wanted her so badly, and his mind swam with so many thoughts, thoughts of all the opportunities that were in store for them. A future that he'd almost killed was back and brighter than ever. He would build it with Miki.
"So, will you?" Yuu asked her.
Miki's laugh trailed off, she looked up at him, her emotions overpowering her and she threw her arms around him, leaning fully into him, she locked her mouth with his and kissed him hungrily.
After several long seconds, she reluctantly pulled her lips from his, and leaned next to his ear. "I promise you, I will."
"I will," Those words coming from her lips set his heart on fire. He thought that he might burst with emotions. Unable to contain his excitement, He stood up abruptly with her lying in his arms. Miki cried out in surprise from his sudden movement. She was so light when he held her, like a doll that he had to protect. He would do all in his power to make her happy, and himself happy.
"Ahh! Yuu! What are you—HUH?"
"That's good to hear!" Yuu joked. "Cause if you refused, then I'd have to tickle you mercilessly until you gave in!"
"Mou! You're teasing me again! Serves me right to think that maybe you'd grown up over these past years!"
"Not a chance…" Yuu whirled her around in his arms playfully. Miki wrapped her arms around his shoulders. She threw her head back and laughed.
Around and around, Yuu twirled her away from the park bench and over to the grassy lawn beyond the flowerbeds. An almost-full silver moon illuminated the field. He stopped and feigning dizziness, rolled down onto the grass with her.
Miki lay with her back against the cool ground, it contrasted to the warmth of Yuu's body as he lay loosely on top of her. His arms held her tightly, he kissed her again and again under the stars. Miki lifted her hands up to tangle them in his hair. Returning his kisses with equal intensity. His tongue entered her mouth, and the kiss deepened more. A passionate fire lit up inside of her. She wanted so badly to be closer to him. Closer than she could ever get. She wanted to be a part of Yuu. And she wondered if he felt the same way.
"I love you…" she breathed as he worked his kisses down her throat to play his tongue along her collarbone. She tasted honey sweet, with one finger, he hooked the strap of her dress and drew it off her shoulder, kissing the bare skin underneath.
" Yuu…" Miki whined, she was feeling uncomfortably tense, she wanted something and didn't quite know what, it burned inside of her, threatening to explode if not affronted. "Yuu…" Her breath caught in her throat. Yuu's head shot up and he looked down at her.
"Miki, do you want to come back to my apartment?" He whispered in her ear.
"She's staying with her parents right now, until she finds another place." Yuu said softly. His fingers ran up and down the soft skin of her exposed arm and shoulder. "She was kind enough to let me keep the apartment. Which means… we would… be alone…"
Miki's heart raced, she knew what he meant. She nodded her head. "I want to go."
Yuu's eyes widened. His body felt a completely new onslaught of adrenaline. But was this right? Should they wait? Why did he ask her to do that? What had he been thinking? He wanted her, that's what his body was telling him, but his mind bombarded him with harsh truths…
"You'll end up hurting her if you do it! You don't want to hurt her!"
Miki saw he was hesitating. She brought a hand up and caressed his cheek. " Yuu? Are you okay?"
Her voice jolted him back to the present. She looked at him concerned. Did she doubt him now? Yuu bit his lip.
"Are… you SURE you want to do this, Miki?" His heart raced. She watched him with bright, unwavering determination in her clear brown eyes.
"I'm sure." She said softly and gave him a reassuring smile. He almost melted at that look. The way she watched him with so much trust. And how she still retained so much of that innocence even with the knowledge of what they would do if he did take her back to his apartment. Why was she so wonderful? His heart and his mind engaged in heated battle, but the heart undoubtedly won, because in the space of about 4 seconds, Yuu wrapped his arms around Miki and lifted her up, carrying her out of the park.
"Wah! Yuu! I can walk! Don't carry me around like this it'll attract attention! Baka!"
"Oh? I thought you liked the attention." Yuu sniggered. Miki folded her arms, it was obvious he was not going to give in.
"Mou! Yuu no baka!"

He didn't have much difficulty carrying her fragile frame from the park to his apartment. He unlocked the door with grace and entered into the main hallway, flipping on a light.
Miki looked at him smugly. "You know, you're way to good at this…"
Yuu feigned ignorance. "I don't know what you're talking about, Hime-sama…" he set her back onto her feet once the door shut behind them. Miki stepped gingerly out of her shoes and hung her jacket on a hook. She stepped up onto the hard wood floors of the small, one bedroom apartment, then turned around to look up at him.
"Yuu-?" She started to speak but was cut short by his sudden embrace.
"I love you…" he whispered. He folded his arms around her tightly, taking in the scent of her hair, running his lips along the contours of her long, slender neck and bare shoulders. Did she have any idea how sexy she was to him right now?
Miki had to admit, she had been a little nervous as they'd gone in the door, but all of that instantly melted away in his embrace. She'd never felt surer of herself in her life. She was so calm when she was with him. She felt like she might burst with joy. Miki's heart quickened when he began to run kisses down her neck. She became conscious that they were still in the doorway of the apartment, Yuu certainly was wasting no time, she turned him around and pushed him towards the awaiting bedroom door, with trembling fingers, she undid the buttons on his shirt. It took her a few tries to get them all undone. The last one was terribly stubborn, and Yuu had to help her. All this time her mind was screaming at her. "Miki—what do you think you're doing?"
"I'm going to give the man I love the best and most precious gift I can give him." She thought back in determination, reinforcing her decision. She wasn't going to be shy about this. She'd decided long ago that if the opportunity arose, she would give herself to him willingly, and that she would have no regrets.
He kissed her lips hungrily as she pushed his shirt off his shoulders.
They had finally made it to the bedroom. Miki had managed to remove Yuu's belt in the process, and Yuu already had half the buttons that went up the back of her dress undone.
Suddenly, a thought struck Yuu and he stopped his eager kissing of the side of her neck, which was, as much as Miki wanted to deny it, driving her completely insane.
She looked up at him, confusion on her face. "Yuu?" She whispered. His eyes were bright as he seemed to briefly be lost in a different world, he was thinking about something. "Yuu!" She said it a little more forcefully this time. Yuu snapped out of it and leaned over to kiss her on the forehead.
"Wait here for a second… I want to get something…"
Miki wasn't going to argue, she had a hunch what it was he was going to get. Yuu left the room for a moment and came back with a small square, silver packet held loosely between thumb and forefinger in one hand, and something else held in a tight fist in the other. He sat down onto the bed next to her. Miki eyed the condom with a bit of nervousness. She wanted to become one with Yuu, but for the first time since the prospect had struck her, she began to wonder if it would hurt at all. Yuu watched her reaction to the condom. And quickly pocketed it.
"Miki…" He said softly, taking her left hand in his and adjusting his position on the bed so as to face her better. " I… I wanted to do this at a different time, but I think that… I couldn't make love to you without first asking you about… well… what I want to ask you is…"
Miki watched him bewildered, what was he talking about? She's already consented to giving herself to him… so what was going on?
"I love you, more than anything… and I'd hesitated before, because I wasn't sure if it was right of me to ask this under the recent circumstances, but…" He held out to her a small black box, and awkwardly slid to the ground, propping himself up on one knee. "Will you, marry me?"
Seeing him kneeling before her, eyes bright with hope, a small smile played on his lips, and his hands held out to her. She thought she would faint on the spot from the sheer delight that overwhelmed her. Tears came unbidden to her eyes and she brought her hands to her mouth, barely able to speak. Yuu looked at her, his hands were shaking as well. He was nervous. She had to say something!
Forming the word "yes" had never been so hard to do amidst her quickly beating heart and her overflowing emotions. She threw herself into his arms, they both fell back onto the thick, soft carpet. Yuu could feel hot tears on his cheeks, she was crying?
"Miki?" He whispered, his own heartbeat was all that echoed in his ears.
"Yes! I will!" She breathed. "I love you, Yuu!" She kissed him, her thin arms hugging him so tightly, and Yuu thought he was floating. Keeping her close to him, he rocked back up into a sitting position, so that she was positioned in his lap. And brought his arm around to offer her the small black box. Miki took it and with trembling fingers, opened it.
Her breath caught in her throat at the site of the ring. Yuu always knew how best to please her. The golden band was thin and dainty, like her fingers. A small diamond was set amidst two leaf like designs that looked like entwined ivy vines. It glimmered brightly even in the dim light that shown through the open window.
Miki was speechless, but a look was worth a thousands words to Yuu, and he took the ring from it's box and brought up Miki's left hand. She could feel his pulse racing as he brought her fingers up to his lips and kissed them softly, then slid the ring onto her left ring finger. Miki brought the hand up to caress his cheek, and leaned in to kiss him.
Yuu easily lifted her up and set her down on the bed again, undoing the rest of her buttons. Miki was nervous at first, hoping that he would like what he saw when he disrobed her. She'd always been sort of ashamed of the underdeveloped state of her body. She was so petite, not curved at all, and she had little cleavage in comparison to someone like Arimi or Yayoi-chan… But as Yuu pulled her dress over her head, and she sat and watched him in her bra and panties, those doubts melted away as he gazed at her.
"You are so beautiful." He said softly. Brushing her hair behind her left ear. Miki felt a surge of courage and stood up, standing right against him and brought her hands to his pants, unzipping them, she worked them down easily over his slender figure, and they fell straight to his ankles.
Pressing her body closer to his. She kissed him. Yuu backed her up against the bed again, and Miki turned and crawled underneath the covers.
" I won't regret it…" she thought to herself as he followed her movements, slipping into bed. Their limbs entwined, working free of their undergarments, Yuu was astonishingly gentle. Miki knew she wanted this, she'd wanted to be a part of him, they're souls were already one, and so after tonight, their bodies would be as well.
"After all…" she thought happily as Yuu's soft, feathery kisses fell over her body. "I will be Mrs. Miki Matsuura soon enough!"