Last Time:

"Kagome is her mother! That can't be!" at least that's what I keep telling myself

I couldn't see her father's name because her hair was covering it but I will uncover her secret and get my mate back. Just then he remember something

"I left Inuyasha alone at home, Kuso" and with that said he jumped off the balcony and flew towards home not noticing a pair of brown and gold eyes watching him

This Time:

Kai watched him get on his cloud an fly away

"Kai you know that was dangerous, right?" reprimanded Kagome "what if he would have gone into rage?"

"I can take that mongrel" Kai spat "I'll never know what you saw or see in him for that matter"

"What do you mean by see?" said Kagome "I don't see anything in him if I left"

"Come on mother I can tell when you look at him" she said " you still love him, even after everything he put you through"

"Well Kai he is your father" Kagome said

"DON'T REMIND ME!" spat Kai

Kagome walked up slowly to Kai and slapped her across the face "don't you ever talk to me like that again Kai"

"Yes mistress" Kai submitted but you could see the fire burning in her eyes

"Don't call me mistress" Kagome said

"But it is your rightful title and I am below you in status" said Kai vehemently

"Kai…" but right before Kagome could say anything else there was a violent explosion in the west wing of the castle.

"Go and find the others" ordered Kagome

"Hai" and Kai sped towards the west wing of the castle

Meanwhile in the West Wing of AKP

Kai's pov

The Lords of the East, North, and South were attacking the castle. Lord Taki (a dragon

youkai) of the northern territories was fighting Kagura and Koga. Lord Blaze (a fire youkai) of the Southern territories was fighting Sango and Miroku. Lord Nada (a ice youkai) of the eastern territories was fighting Kohaku and Juromaru. When I arrived I saw Lord Taki's mate Lady Tashi about to stab Shippo in the back.

I melted into the shadows appeared right in front of her

"On this day you die" I said right before I separated her head from her shoulders.

Lord Taki saw what I did to his mate and it sent him into rage. He sliced Koga in two and his drove his spiked tail through Kagura's chest. All the Lords saw the showdown and moved to get out of Taki's path.

He transformed into a gross green color and had red eyes with huge brown wings and spit that was acidic.

"You have no clue who my father is" I said boredly as I transformed into a pitch black inu youkai with red and silver bangs.

He charged me trying to gain enough momentum to knock me over but I jumped in the air and bit one of his wings off bringing he down on the ground with me. He crashed to the floor and I smirk when I hear all of his allies gasp as I put my giant paw on his throat.

"Do you submit" I bark

"I do" Taki roared

Before I let him up I heard my mother scream and I noticed that Lord Nada is missing

"Shippo" I barked "Find him NOW!"

As he sped off I tried to reach my mother telepathically

mom can you hear me?

Mom are you there?


I'm here

Where are you?

I'm not in the castle anymore

Where are you?

I don't know

What do you mean you don't know

I mean I don't know

Koga and Kagura are dead

No, not Koga

Me, Shippo, and Naraku are coming to get you

No, I need you to do something for me

Anything mother

I need you to go to your father's castle


Because he can help you find me quicker

But mom

Do it for me

I can find you without him

Sweetheart…oh no… here he comes…hurry before it's to late


Just then Shippo ran back in

"She's gone Kai"

A sea of red clouded my eyes and I heard the demon under my paw gurgle on his own blood bringing me back down to reality. Lord Taki was still trapped under my massive paw screaming

"Stop your cowering" I barked " On this day you die" and I bite down on his pressure point and watched the blood fill the room. I transformed back to my humanoid form

"Shippo you start the clean up crews, Naraku you're on damage control" I ordered

"What about you" asked Naraku

"I have a dog to see" and with that I melted into the shadows

Shippo's pov

"Kai be careful" I said before I felt her presence leave the room

"I will on the wolf's blood" she whispered before she faded out

Naraku looks really confused, he probably thinks I'm talking to myself

"It's okay to talk, she's gone" I said

"Shippo how do you know her" he asked

"Simple she's my sister" I stated

At Sesshomaru's place "My Lord" squawked Jaken "The Lords of the South and East are here to see you"

"Show them to my study, Jaken" said Sesshomaru

Sesshomaru's pov

When I walked in they stopped talking very abruptly as if they didn't want me to know. I looked at them momentarily before I looked away.

"To what do I owe this pleasure Nada?" I asked but it was Blaze who answered

"We were just attacked and a psycho pitch black inu youkai with red and silver bangs just killed the Lord and Lady of the North" he said

"And you want me to do what?" I asked

"We would like you to accompany us into battle in exactly one week" spoke Nada "We believe we have their weakness in our possession and we plan on using it"

Before I could answer them something in my gut told me not to

"I'll inform you of my decision in two days, good day gentlemen" I said

"But Sesshomaru you are a Lord and you are aware of the code" yelled Blaze

"If you wish to leave with your tongue intact I suggest you leave" I managed to growl out

"Jaken" I called

"Yes my lord" answered Jaken

"Show them out" I said in my obey me or die voice

"Right away milord" squeaked Jaken

I watched them leave

Kai's pov

I watched the whole scene play out and wondered how I still managed not to rip his head off when he called my mom our weakness. She is our strength the only reason we live but I have to be patient for I will have his head soon. Just as I was about to leave I heard him speak

"That was pretty foolish sitting in the same room your enemies were in, incredibly brave, but foolish none the less" he said

Sesshomaru's pov

I knew she was there, I could feel her but I couldn't pinpoint her exactly location in the room so I spoke to her

"That was pretty foolish sitting in the same room your enemies were in, incredibly brave, but foolish none the less" I said hoping to draw her out

"It would be foolish if I was some weak lower class demon" she said

It was as if her voice was everywhere around me so I tried again

"And you're not some weak lower class demon" I asked trying to bait her

"If I was some lower class demon that would make you a weak lower class demon seeing as how you couldn't get a hit in back at the castle" she taunted

I could see my vision starting to blur, as my inner demon wanted out to prove her wrong

Kai's pov

I knew he was trying to bait me so I decided to beat him at his own game

"If I was some lower class demon that would make you a weak lower class demon seeing as how you couldn't get a hit in back at the castle" I taunted

I could see his eyes turning red

"What's the matter Sesshy not the demon you use to be?" I taunted once more

By this time his eyes were blood red

"Enough what are you doing in my castle"

She stepped out of the shadows covered in blood, I sniffed, covered in Lord Taki's blood to be exact

"My mother sent me to retrieve your help" I said

"Didn't that bitch just threaten to kill me"

I was starting to see red

"Don't talk about my mother that way" I growled

"Why didn't she call your father?" he asked

Sesshomaru's pov

"Why didn't she call your father?" I asked

"You still don't get it do you dog" she spat

At that moment I sped across the room and pinned her to the wall

"I will not tolerate disrespect in my house" I barked "Now answer my question"

"Well my father isn't one of those people that you can depend on but for your info, she did send me to get him" she said

I knocked her head against the wall and that's when I saw it, underneath her bangs the blue crescent moon on her forehead marking her as the heir to the Western lands and as…my daughter.

What do you guys think?