Okay! This is a new fic I am starting. I hope you guys likey!

Innocent Eyes

"Daddy," the 8-year-old said, "Where are you going?"

"Serenity, go back to bed." The man said with a gentle voice but you could see the tears in his eyes.

"Daddy, what's going on? Why do you have suitcases?" Serenity asked. She looked her daddy in the eye. She saw tears stream down his face.

"Serenity, sweetie" he said choking out the words, "I have to go somewhere baby, somewhere far, far away." He bent down on one knee so he was eye level with her.

"Are you going to come back?" She asked. She didn't understand why he was doing this.

"No hunny, I'm not." he cried.

"Then let me go with you" She sobbed. Tears began to flood her freckled face.

"No baby, you've got to, you've got to take care of your mommy for me. Can you do that Serenity?" He asked her.

"Yes daddy, I can do that." Serenity whispered.

"Serenity Devante, I will never forget you baby, I love you." he cried. He got up on both feet and was about to walk out the door when she jumped on him.

"Daddy, I love you too!" she cried as she hugged him tightly. He dropped his suitcase and wrapped his arms around his daughter's small form.

"Daddy?" she asked

"Yes sweetie?"

"Will you tuck me in?" she asked him. He looked at her and cried even more.

"Okay baby. I will." He said


It has been three years since Serenity Devante saw her father walk out the door with a suitcase in his hands. She is now 11-years-old.

Her freckles are now gone, and she had long black silky hair, and cold blue eyes. She was still a sweet girl though. Tomorrow is her birthday. She will be twelve. And she couldn't wait. Her mom was out buying a birthday cake. The doorbell suddenly rang. She got up and opened he door. Nobody was there. She looked in the road and saw a car drive away. She looked at the man. Then a voice went through her head.

'Serenity Devante, I will never forget you baby, I love you'

"Daddy!" She whispered. She was about to close the door when she saw a package on the ground. She picked it up and went inside. She sat down on her bed and looked at the package.

'Should I open it?' she thought. She untapped in and looked inside. There was a letter.


Hey baby! I've missed you so much. I have seen you grow up through the years. I wish I could still tuck you in at night. So you're going to be twelve tomorrow huh? That's amazing. Remember when I told you to never grow up? I wanted you to stay eight forever. But that can never ever happen can it? Only pictures preserve the age. Well baby, I've got to go. Happy Birthday,

Love, Sean Devante'

She smiled at the letter. She waited 10 minutes and her mom still wasn't home. She decided to call her.

"Hey mom when will you be home?" She asked

"I'm on my way Hun."

"Okay I love you" Serenity said

"I love you t...." Her mother's words were cut off by a big crash.

"Mom!?" She screamed, "Mommy?! What's going on?" All she heard were her mothers screams and distant voices. Then the phone cut off, and then the dial tone.

She started to silently cry. She ran out side and looked down the street and could see people start to gather around. She ran as fast as she could until she reached her destination.

"What's going on?" She asked a lady.

"Some lady in a white Honda Civic was hit by an 18-wheeler."

"Momma." She whispered she ran up to the car and saw her mother inside struggling.

"Mommy!" Serenity cried.

Her mom looked at her crying.

"Mommy! You can't leave me! Daddy already did! I can't lose you too!" She screamed. Everybody that was watching was crying.

Her mom turned to her and said, "Serenity, I'm not going to leave you, I promise, I'll always be with you. Happy Birthday baby, I love you" She closed her eyes slowly. And didn't open then again.

"Mommy!" She screamed. The next thing she saw were police cars and ambulances surrounded her.

"Let's get her out of here." One said

"Don't bother!" She yelled, "You're too late. Why do you bother helping people? It doesn't do any good."

"What do you mean?"

"She's dead, my mother is dead! Because you were late! Now I don't have anybody! Happy Birthday to me!"


"Those cats outta San Bernardino are tuff" Zigzag/Max Kasch Holes Audio Commentary