
It's Lily here, author of Checkmate! The total review count for Checkmate when all was said and done was 89. I find that amusing and appealing, knowing that a story that started as a half-assed idea in the middle of math class (I'm not joking) could do so well. Thank you so much for taking the time to read and review my story.

If you read this strictly (or not so strictly) because you enjoy the Sango/Miroku pairing, I'm going to shamelessly suggest the oneshot AU of mine, called Stuck in the Middle with You.

--- PREVIEW ---

Sango sighed and pressed the button to go back up to the top. A floor or two up, the elevator stopped, and the doors opened. Miroku walked in.

"Evil Kagome, evil Shippo, evil, evil Inuyasha," he muttered, looking around the small space.

"Didn't tell me I left my coat here."

He was looking around on the floor for the black form. A cough alerted him to another presence.

"This?" Sango replied wryly, and Miroku gave a cry of triumph.

"Thank you, my beautiful hime!"

Sango rolled her eyes. "I'm not a hime," she said dryly.

"You look like one," he responded. "It's been awhile, LaRoc."

"For a reason," she said dryly. Neither of them noticed the doors had closed, or that they were moving downwards. Miroku clutched at his heart.

"You pain me so, my dear Sango."

"Yea, yea, next you'll want a kiss to heal the wound," she said sarcastically. He winked at her.

"How did you know?" he asked, straightening. He fell over, though, when Sango fell into him as the elevator made hissing screeching noises and fell at a stomach-churning pace. She gasped as they fell into forever.


I know some of you have already reviewed it, so Pocky to you! Well, Pocky for everyone, but extra Pocky for you!

Also, I know I said this would be e-mailed, but the amount of people who reviewed was phenomenal! I had to do this as an extra chapter. Thus the preview above, since doesn't allow non-story content, which is stupid, because the whole thing is run by bots anyway.

On with the gratuitous praise!

Anikki: Ah . . . thanks for letting me know! I'm a huge Evanescence fan, which is probably why it was on my computer without a title…ehe…

Myriadragon: I totally agree with you about the ending, but I wasn't sure how to wrap it up. I change d my game plan halfway through…argh…thanks for reviewing!

Silver Flame of the Phoenix: No marshmallows for you smacks hand You didn't finish reviewing, and now I'm sad sniffle…Oh, I finished Alone, by the way, the one with you in it.

Anime-Manga-Lover-23: Thanks!

Shaniqua: Yes…fluff is good…

Sango fan!: Well, I left you the URL for the Sango/Miroku one, but the only other Inuyasha thing I really have right now is Beauty and the Beast, and I hate where it's going right now. I need to get Kat-chan to give it a total overhaul.

Dark-Angel-Shui-17: I'm glad you enjoyed the story, sis. By the way…you need to e-mail me, I have a favor to ask of you…

Custos: Glad you liked it!

SM-Together: Thanks! It's all done now..whew!

Queen of All Chipmunks: Okay! I finished! Call off the chipmunks all ready! Hope you enjoyed.

Aamalie: I'm glad you enjoyed this story so much. I'm actually a fan of a lot of your work, and it's really cool when one of your favorite authors reviews your stuff. Thanks!

Kuramasgirl556: Yes, I did read your fics, you should find my reviews on there (I hope). They were pretty well done (your stories, that is).

Kat: You think so? I thought it was sort of an easy idea…thanks though! I'm glad you like it!

Queen of Air: Glad you like it so much and I hope you enjoyed!

Midoriko Sanban: grins I'm glad you liked it so much, I mean, I'm totally psyched that you liked this one.

April May: Whee! I found the Evanescence song, I'm a huge fan, and it is a pretty cool one I admit. Thanks for reading and enjoying the story!

Sekitan: I was actually surprised no-one had thought of chess before. Well, they probably have and I just haven't found it. Thanks!

Sango'n'Miroku Forever: Thanks!

Dog Demon: Really? I would have called it OOC, but I'm glad you like it!

Punk-Rocker-Sango: Thanks so much!

Pline: Updated and finished, my friend! Enjoy!

Sailorpsychosis: Thanks! I pride me on my grammar… (lol)

Personification of Fluff: Yea, you're line gave this story the extra push it needed to hit cloud 9. Thanks a ton! As for why…well…because it works, lol. And I'm glad you like the chess analogy.

JadeGoddess: Thanks! I'm glad you like the plan. The original one was actually pretty bad…cringes

Kaida-kun: Now why would I be nice? grins Hope you enjoyed!

Kazaana the Furyou Houshi: No, there is no reconsidering. Thank you for the review, however. grins and brandished frying pan

Black-Moon-Goddess: Heey…I've seen that movie! Was awesomeness…gotta love Ed. Thanks for letting me know! Have you any clue how to play? nibbles on bubblegum cigar

Evelyn12345: Um…that's the end grins sheepishly I'm glad you liked it though.

Demon-Slayer13: No sequel as far as I know, I have no plot for one! And I just finished a story by request, which I totally hated, because it was a weak idea to begin with…so while I'm flattered that you loved it, I don't think there's gonna be a sequel.

JadedDemon: Thanks.

Sango: I'm glad you liked it!

Demon Exterminator Barbie: Oh, I know Raidon sucks. In all honesty, he was based of a jackass from my old school who acted in a similar and more lecherous manner. Thanks for reviewing!

Mesmer: Thanks!

Chibi Keruri: WAFF is good…so if fluff…thanks!

Gabsterz: Thanks! I'm not a fan of the ending myself, but I'm glad you like it!

Loonysango: Glad you enjoyed it!

Doggyears14: Yes, bad Raidon. Hope you enjoyed and hope to hear from you soon! And yes, Kikyou must die (again, lol).

Anime-luva00: Glad you liked it! tosses pocky

Chee Cheez Chan: Totally psyched that you liked this story, dude!

Flamingfiresenshi: Thanks! I'm glad you find it funny, most people just call my humor weird…

KuroKage: Thanks! I'm glad you like it.

Suicidalslayer: Ooh…no, I did not know that. Thanks for telling me scratched out half a page of B&B Hope you enjoyed and sorry for the little oops!

OneUnheardVoice: Well, they don't get together, thankfully! Hope you enjoyed!

That's all folks! Oh, and by the way, I have (some time in the slightly-distant future) another Sango/Miroku oneshot coming out. It'll be posted on mediaminer, because . . . well . . . it's lemon. If you wanna read it, send me an e-mail with the subject: and I'll put you on a mailing list for it. If you want to be alerted when I update anything else, leave the title of the story in the subject bar, as well as your e-mail.

Enjoy! And thanks for reading!