Author's Note: The epilogue was supposed to be very fluffy... and it still is, but I had to end it with a bit of suspense to lead us into the sequel. Hopefully, I will have the first chapter of the sequel ready to go in a couple of days.

Thank you, everyone, for reading... for reviewing... for all of your encouragement and inspiration! I hope to see you all again when I begin the sequel, and maybe at my Yahoo group if you would like to stop by and chat.

Disclaimer: Harry Potter and the characters from the series are copyright JK Rowling. They are not being used for profit, only for personal enjoyment.


"Honestly, Severus!" Hermione tried to supress a laugh, "A cauldron?"

"And what, may I ask, is wrong with it?" Severus tried to scowl at her, but had a hard time keeping a smile from tugging at the corners of his mouth.

"Who in the world gives their child a cauldron for his first birthday?" Hermione couldn't contain her laughter any longer.

He shrugged his shoulders, "But, it's been enchanted... to simulate a simmering potion! And look at Samuel... he LIKES it!" he pointed emphatically to his son, who was sitting on the floor, entranced by the realistic sound of a simmering potion that the caudron was emmitting, along with small puffs of misty steam.

Hermione shook her head in amusement. *Leave it to Severus to enchant a cauldron to be used as a toy,* she smiled to herself.

"And I suppose... you plan on... teaching... our son... to..." she choked through her laughter, "bottle fame... brew glory..." she couldn't continue as tears leaked out of the corner of her eyes.

Severus smirked, "I would rather give my son something... educational," he paused and pointed to the toy broomstick that Samuel had clutched tight in his fist, "than something like THAT deathtrap! What was Potter thinking?"

Remus and Elizabeth were smiling at their banter as Hermione responded, "It's not as if it can fly, Severus. It only hovers a few inches off the ground. Besides, it's enchanted to keep the child from falling off!"

Severus smirked, "That would come in quite handy, if Samuel's flying abilities are anything like his mother's!"

Hermione playfully punched him as Remus laughed, "And it's not too early for him to learn to fly properly, if Slytherin ever hopes to win the Quidditch cup again!"

Severus scowled, his House team hadn't been playing very well this term, and he didn't appreciate being reminded of that.

"Who says my son will be a Slytherin?" Hermione stamped her foot indignantly before reaching for another present for her son to open. As the child tore through the gift wrap, Remus smiled in amusement as Severus moaned, " 'Hogwarts: A History'? He's a bit young for that, is he not?"

Hermione glared at him, "It's never too early to read to your child. Besides," she smirked in satisfaction, "It's NOT just any copy of 'Hogwarts: A History'... it's 'Hogwarts: A History, Children's Edition'... it's for ages five and under. Look! It even has enchanted pop-up pictures!" As she took the book out of Samuel's hands and flipped it open, a page folded outward in the shape of the castle, lights were twinkling in every window.

Samuel quickly abandoned his cauldron and broomstick, and reached out for the book. Severus tutted to him, "If you want that book, you must walk to your mother to get it!" He reached down and allowed Samuel to grasp tightly to his finger as the child tottered a couple of steps to his mother. "Very good, Samuel," he smiled. Each day brought his son closer and closer to taking a step on his own. Samuel plopped down onto the floor as he grabbed the book from his mother's hands. He looked up in satisfaction, looking so much like his father as an expression that nearly passed for a smirk crossed his face. Severus settled onto the sofa next to Hermione and placed his hand on her abdomen, "And how is our little one enjoying the party?"

"Wanting to join us, I think... the little dear is kicking up quite a storm in there," Hermione smiled as she felt a twitch of movement, "See?"

"Indeed," Severus smiled as he felt it too, and leaned in to whisper, "Just a few more weeks, little one."

After missing out on Hermione's first pregnancy, Severus was thoroughly enjoying every moment anticipating the arrival of their second child. In bed at night, he would fall asleep with his hand gently caressing the swell of Hermione's abdomen, smiling in delight at every movement of the child within.

Remus had moved to sit on the floor with Samuel, and was now entertaining him with a child-sized fake wand that had been a gift from Ron. No doubt that it was one of the twins' creations... it spouted red and gold streamers with every wave. Samuel laughed in delight as Remus gently tickled him with the streamers.

"Re!" he giggled, making Remus grin.

"That's right, Samuel... Re... Re-mus... Remus."


Severus scowled, "He can't manage a Pa... or a Da... or even a Fa, for Father. No... but he can say 'Re'," he sneered.

"He hasn't said 'ma' yet, either... " Hermione sighed, reaching to pat Severus' hand, "Though, I think he might have been trying to say 'Sev' this afternoon..."

Severus smiled, "That will do just fine."

They spent the rest of the evening celebrating Samuel's birthday before Hermione reminded Severus that Christmas was approaching, "We should decorate a tree!"

"Tonight? It's too early for that!" Severus furrowed his brow.

"It's only a few weeks away, Severus," Hermione smiled, "Besides, I want to have it done before I'm too big to move around anymore! Look at me!" she waved her hand towards her abdomen as she shook her head and sighed, "I wasn't nearly this big with Samuel..."

"You look beautiful, Hermione," Elizabeth assured her.

"Radiant," Remus added.

"They are absolutely right, you know," Severus whispered in her ear.

Blushing in embarassment, Hermione waved them off and changed the subject, "So, how about that tree? We could do it for Samuel's birthday... it will be our first family tradition!"

"What do you think, son?" Severus looked down to Samuel, who smiled as he began banging on his caudron with the fake wand, thumping out a rythym as if it were a drum.

"I think that is a yes, Severus," Elizabeth smiled.

"Very well, then," Severus sighed as he rose to his feet, pulling out his wand with every intent of conjuring a tree.

"Not with magic!" Hermione squeaked.

"Whyever not?"

"It's no fun that way!" she replied indignantly.

"If you think I am going to spend the rest of my son's birthday out in this weather trying to chop down a tree without magic..." he scowled.

Hermione raised her hands in defeat, "Point taken. Fine, conjure a tree, but the rest we do without magic!" she demanded.

Severus waved his wand, and an impressive evergreen appeared before them. Before they could get started on the decorations, they heard a popping sound in the fireplace. They all turned to see the face of the Headmaster peering in at them. They all looked at each other, sensing that something bad was about to happen.

Not only was it unusual for Albus to appear in their fire, but they knew that he wouldn't disrupt their son's first birthday celebration unless it was serious.

Severus approached the fire, kneeling down to look into Albus' eyes. It was then that he noticed the Headmaster's grim expression.

"Excuse the intrusion, Severus. You know that I wouldn't if it weren't urgent," he shook his head, looking regretful.

"What is it, Albus?" Severus asked, the concern in his voice quite apparent.

Albus spoke quietly, so that none but Severus could hear. As Albus' head disappeared from the fire, Severus shot to his feet and whirled around, "Lupin! The headmaster's office, immediately!" he growled as he pulled on his robes and turned to Hermione, his eyes full of regret, "I'm sorry, Hermione..."

"Severus...?" she asked nervously.

He leaned in and kissed her, "We'll be right back. You and your mother go ahead and take care of that tree!" He tried to smile in reassurance, but failed miserably.

As the men hurriedly rushed out the door, Elizabeth rushed to Hermione and gathered her into her arms. "What do you think...?"

"I don't know, Mum... but it must be bad. I haven't ever seen Severus react like that before," Hermione moaned, "Why tonight? Samuel's first birthday... why?" she sniffed back her tears, "I'm not going to cry. No... not on Samuel's day," she squatted down on the floor to scoop him up into her arms, but couldn't get back to her feet. She allowed herself to collapse onto the floor with him, where she leaned against the sofa, stroking his hair as he curled up in her lap.

Moments later, he had fallen asleep, and Elizabeth reached down for him, carrying him off to the nursery for the night. When she returned, she took her daughter into her arms and they sat on the sofa waiting for the men to return.


Nearly an hour later, the door opened with a bang, and Severus rushed in, trailed by Remus. He rushed to Hermione and pulled her into his arms, "I'm sorry, Hermione..."

"What is it, Severus?" she asked, near tears.

Severus looked to Remus, who had gently pulled Elizabeth into his arms to reassure her. They shared a knowing look, and Remus nodded as Severus took a deep breath and turned back to his wife to answer her question.

"The security at Azkaban has been breached," he replied in a hoarse voice.

"What? How? And what does this have to do with you?"

"Nobody knows how... and luckily, they got it under control before a large scale breakout occurred..."

"But?" Hermione sensed that there was more.

"But, one prisoner has not been located."


"Lucius Malfoy," he rasped.

"But I thought he was..." Hermione gulped, "dead..."

"So did we... but it was all a cover up..." he whispered as he stepped away from her, running his fingers wearily over his eyes, "It's quite a long story, Hermione. I'd rather not go into it right now..."

"But Severus, I still don't understand... WHAT does this have to do with you?"

Severus ushered her back to sit on the sofa before he explained. "Lucius Malfoy... blames me..." he took a deep breath, "for being a traitor... for turning his son against the Dark Lord... and for putting him in Azkaban."

He heard Hermione's sharp intake of breath, and pulled her into his arms, "Hermione... He's a dangerous man. I fear for you and our son. You will not be safe until he is back in Azkaban..."

"And you intend to be the one to put him there?" Hermione asked fearfully. Shaking her head, she whispered, "No! You can't go! It's too dangerous, Severus!"

"I am the only one who can!"

"Why, Severus! Why does it have to be you?"

"Because I know how he thinks, Hermione. And I know his hideouts as well as he does. And," he paused as he looked deep into her eyes, "I need to do it for Draco."


"If his father is after revenge, he won't hesitate to go after his 'traitor' son as well."

Hermione was sobbing by now, "When do you need to go?"

Severus looked to Remus before answering. Remus was still holding Elizabeth, who's eyes were wide with horror. She had never known how truly dangerous men like Lucius Malfoy were... but she could sense the fear in the room. Remus closed his eyes and kissed her on the temple, as Severus turned back to Hermione and replied, "Tonight."

"But Severus!"

"Please understand, Hermione. I need to do this for you... for Samuel..." he placed his hand over her abdomen, "and for the baby. I need to keep you... ALL of you... safe."

"We'll be safer if you are HERE... with US!" she cried.

"I'll be back before you know it, love," he assured her.

"Remus," Hermione turned to the werewolf, "Don't let him do this... tell him not to go..."

"I'm going, as well," Remus replied.


After quickly packing some light supplies, Severus and Remus bid the women a tearful goodbye, promising to be back and assuring them that they would be fine. Severus left strict instructions for Hermione to NOT leave Hogwarts. She would be safe as long as she was within the safety of the castle grounds. Remus encouraged Elizabeth to stay there, as well. "For Hermione's sake," he told her... but he was concerned about her safety, too. As a member of the Order, ultimately responsible for Voldemort's downfall, Remus could be a possible target of Malfoy's revenge, and he didn't want Elizabeth caught in the middle.

"We'll be back before you know it," Remus assured them.

Severus pulled Hermione and Samuel into his arms, "I love you... both of you..." he smiled as he reached to caress their unborn child, "All three of you."

"We love you, too..." Hermione sobbed before kissing him goodbye. She reluctantly pulled away and rasped, "Be careful... both of you."

She clung tight to her mother as they stood there and watched the men they both loved walk away, praying that they would return safely.

To Be Continued....


Just wanted to add an end note for anyone who might have scrolled through the author's notes... YES, there will be a sequel! I wouldn't be so evil as to end the story like this if I didn't plan on continuing my writing. Watch for the sequel to be posted within the next couple of days!

Thank you one and all for seeing this through to the end. :)