Disclaimer: Battousai will give me a full sword slash if I don't say that I don't own Rurouni Kenshin or anything from it... oh, and I ah... feels sword tip poke her back ... don't own Battousai.

Behind My Back – Chapter Fourteen – By Cherry Chibi

'The Wilting Flower'

- - - - A Synopsis - - - -

Kaoru was just a girl working at the Akabeko. Save the fact that she was a daughter who had inherited a unique ability from her parents. As an Empath – a person who had the unique ability – she lived a harsh life that was constantly being watched. Her father was a politician, and her mother was deceased. She had always served Battousai at the Akabeko until one night a shadow assassin arrived at the Akabeko seeking to assure the death of Battousai, by blocking a blade that would've struck Battousai from behind, Kaoru had risked her life and saved his. In return, he spared her life.

As the story progresses, Battousai is sent to assassinate Kaoru's father. She became witness to the event and in her shock, managed to escape death again. Soon, she is taken from her own household and brought under the control of Katsura, leader of the Choshu. Seeing the underworld and for what it is, Kaoru slowly finds herself helping Battousai and the Choshu whether she is willing to or not.

Kaoru then is reunited with Misao. She learns of the existence of the Oniwabanshuu who are being led by Aoshi Shinomori. Following their meeting, Kaoru is 'betrayed' by her brother, Sanosuke and remembers once more what it feels like to be alone. While Kaoru remains under the custody of the Choshu, Sanosuke and the Oniwabanshuu join forces in order to find out what is going on with Kaoru and hopefully save her.

After being consuming a drug booster that had come from a spiked glass of water, Kaoru's abilities as an Empath strengthen but she also learns that Battousai somehow develops of his own. Eventually, Kaoru makes her stand against Katsura claiming that she will continue to protect those she loves and cares for. Challenge is… Katsura too is an Empath.

"You forget. I am an Empath, I know what you plan to do." Katsura stated.

"You can never predict what I will do but what I may do. I too am an Empath and I will predict what may happen in the future, it is a continuous cycle Katsura. I will protect those I love and I will continue in doing so. You won't be able to stop me."

"You speak as if you know," He was cut off abruptly.

"You know what I will say to you so don't bother."

The line was cut off with a slam.

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It had almost been a week since the phone call with Katsura. Although the two of them should be worrying about what kind of scheme he was up to next, Kaoru and Battousai were by far, too occupied trying out to get a grip of the situation between them. Well, more like Kaoru was trying to get Battousai to accept the fact that he was becoming an Empath and that the fact shouldn't make him descend into his own little world inside the bedroom. Sighing, Kaoru walked up to the door and stood there for a few moments. She had been waiting for most of the week so far and each time, she walked up to the door, she would half-expect it to suddenly open and there would be the usual stiff-faced Battousai. There were times he would come out though, just to eat and then he'd go back into the bedroom.

"Kenshin…" Her voice barely pushed through the door. "Talk to me." No response. She could feel her temper rising. It wasn't like him to suddenly go into hiding like that. Her hands balled into fists. 'No, I must be patient…' She closed her eyes and leaned forward to the point where her forehead touched the door. It was almost time for dinner but she didn't feel like eating. However, she was hoping that he would come out some time soon.

Whatever was going through his head she probably wouldn't be able to comprehend so it was best that she would wait for him. 'But it's been a week… he should have… what the hell is wrong with him?' It felt like a mental 'snap' sound. Her hand grasped the doorknob and she opened the door. "Kenshin." She said firmly and then gaped at what was before her.


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Battousai stared emotionlessly at dead corpses before him. The lifelessness seemed to mix in so well with the silence and the darkness of the night. This whole week had been an ordeal to him, settling in with his discovery that he was now an Empath was something which concerned him the most. Second worry to follow would probably be what Katsura was up to. Although Kaoru probably knew nothing about this, Katsura had been delivering his orders via means of writing and the note would be slipped under the door very early in the morning. Battousai gritted his teeth and glared into the nothingness.

During times like this, he just wished that Kaoru would be right where he was. However, he couldn't bring himself to take her with him. Especially with the visions that he had been seeing for the past week. In his mind, he believed that she was safe in the apartment. Plus, she wasn't the kind of person who should be forced to be exposed to these kinds of situations. Turning around and heading towards the direction of home, he walked hastily but stopped when he heard a call.


Battousai looked over his shoulder to see the man that he had now grown loathe towards. He kept a lid on his feelings though and appeared as an emotionless doll. "What?" His amber eyes glowed fiercely through the dark.

"How long do you intend to keep your partner in the dark?" Katsura questioned in his calm, mellow tone, "It's not good to go against my orders." His gaze matched Kenshin's. Somehow… Katsura sensed a change in the assassin. He couldn't tell what it was yet though. When Battousai refused to answer, Katsura snickered. "Just remember Battousai, your efforts are meaningless. Don't forget your place." Katsura turned around and was heading towards the opposite direction. "One more thing…" The man tossed a black envelope towards Battousai who caught it easily. "Take care of that by the end of tomorrow."

Battousai stared at the departing figure before glaring fiercely at the direction of home. There was a sinking feeling in the air. He hated it.

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Kaoru was seated on the sofa with her knees pulled up to her chest. Tears were angrily building up. When she entered the empty room, all the pieces fell together and she realized how much of a fool she had been taken for. She felt like things had reverted back to how they were before. She would sit here and wait for him to return. If she knew where he'd gone, she would have dashed out in pursuit but she didn't. Her abilities weren't any good for it either.

Where did he go? Why? These questions couldn't be answered. She was feeling really angry at him and at herself. Weren't they meant to look out for each other? What the hell was he doing? Katsura probably had something to do with this. Her feelings were strong about it. 'Idiot… idiot!' She shouted in her mind. At that last phone call, she even claimed that she would protect the ones she love and care for from him but look at what she was doing now.

She heard a click and the entrance door to the apartment opened. Kaoru's eyes darted up, "Ken-," Her voice died out. Auburn eyes gazed back at her. The woman who stood at the door stepped in and closed it behind her. "…shin…"

"Were you waiting for someone? I'm sorry." Uno said with a quiet voice.

Kaoru just observed the woman. She had not forgotten what Uno had done to her just over a week ago. Although Kaoru knew that Uno had probably been following orders, Kaoru couldn't somehow bring herself to speak normally around her. The woman smiled meekly.

"I'm sorry for… what happened earlier on." Uno said as she approached Kaoru, then taking a seat beside her. "I should have shown up earlier but…" There was a sad look in her eyes. "I'm really sorry."

"I can't say that it's alright…" Kaoru said in response, "but I can't say that I hate you now." When Uno looked up at her with a small smile, Kaoru returned it with a smile of her own. The 29 year old woman placed a hand on Kaoru's. There was subtle warmth in her eyes and Kaoru felt calmer compared to earlier.

"Thank you." Uno turned her gaze away and then said, "That was all I came for… just to check on you that's all. Now, why the tears?" Uno spoke gently. Kaoru took note that Uno looked a little pale and almost as if she had lost a little weight. Seemed like she wasn't the only with worries that made her feel ill. When Kaoru didn't answer, Uno continued to speak. "Is it… Battousai?" Kaoru have a small nod. "Don't worry. He'll be alright."

"It's not that…" Kaoru quickly interjected.

Uno just smiled sympathetically at Kaoru. "Just believe in him." The two of them fell into silence again. It felt as though Uno understood what Kaoru was feeling even though she probably wasn't fully aware of the situation. The silence eased away from Uno stood, "I'm sorry that my visit is very brief but I should return home to my husband." Just as she was leaving, Kaoru took hold of her sleeve and pulled her back a little. "Is there something wrong, Kaoru?"

Kaoru's eyes looked a little teary still. "Can you… please tell me a bit more… about mama?" Uno was taken aback.


Kaoru nodded. "I… haven't been able to talk about her for a while and I don't know much more about mama other than when she was taking care of me and Sanosuke. I never got the chance to know about her as a free woman… she was always tied to the house and wasn't able to go anywhere without supervision." When Uno sat back down, Kaoru smiled. "Thank you."

"Your mother and I were good friends." Uno said with a smile as she remembered the woman, "A good person too…" From Kaoru's request and the look of her face, Uno felt that she couldn't leave Kaoru in such a state. Even if Kaoru was a strong girl, she still needed to have someone to talk to about her memories. "We were the same… she… was suffering a lot after she was taken away by the Shinsengumi. However, she was very happy to have you with her. She loved you very much as much as she loved K… your father."

When Kaoru heard the part where her mother loved her father, she couldn't help but scowl. "My father never did any good for her. He just used her and then threw her away." From her memories, she couldn't even pick a single moment where her father actually treated her mother right. It disgusted her.

Uno shook her head slightly. "No… I think you've got it slightly wrong…"

"What do you mean?"

There was a pause. "I can't tell you. If you want to know, ask Katsura."

"Katsura? He knew her?" There was a confused look in Kaoru's eyes.

"Very well." Uno replied, "But this is not my place to say any more. However Kaoru, Kikuno had a hard time and wanted the best for you so that was why she allowed the Shinsengumi to do what they did to her. She protected you so make sure that you don't give up in this place." Uno smiled genuinely this time, it caught Kaoru by surprise, "Do your best, Kaoru! Even if I'm working for the Choshu, you are Kikuno's daughter regardless of your abilities, I feel that it's my responsibility to watch over you as best as I can."

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When Battousai arrived at the apartment, he felt exhausted more than usual. He found Kaoru curled up on the sofa sleeping. When he noticed the open bedroom door, he guessed that Kaoru had found out that he had been leaving the apartment without her knowledge. Stifling the urge to sigh, he headed towards the bathroom. The stench of blood has to be ridden of. While Kaoru was still asleep, he should hide the fact that he had been doing the assignments without her knowledge.

As he shut the bathroom door and turned on the hot water of the shower, he heard light footsteps moving until they stopped just opposite of the bathroom door.


The voice wasn't heard physically, more like mentally. Ever since he became an Empath, they were somehow able to communicate through the mind at a close range. A pang of guilt struck him when he realized that the voice was weak and rather… hurt.

"You left without telling me anything. I was really worried you know? I thought…"

After removing his clothing and getting into the shower, he could still feel her presence beyond the door. There was nothing he could say. He was expecting her to complain and tell him how much of an idiot he was or something along those lines. However he almost felt his own mind jump out of his skull when the bathroom door opened and Kaoru entered with only a towel wrapped around her body. She entered the shower.

"What are you-!" Kenshin half yelled but rather angry and at the same time surprised. He kept staring back at her gaze. They stood a step apart. He settled a bit while she kept her rather firm expression on her face. Their eye contact never broke.

"You idiot…" Kaoru said in a soft voice. She embraced him and diluted blood which had caked on his body stained her fair skin. It almost felt like a sin to stain her flesh with blood. He couldn't say anything. "Kenshin… I said that I wanted to protect you too… do you know who'd be the first to break if you were to suddenly disappear…?" When Kaoru fell silent with her face buried in her chest.

Battousai's hard eyes softened at her words. Slowly, he wrapped his arms over her bare shoulders. Whenever he was around her, no matter how much he would try to build a wall of ice between them, she would somehow get through. This girl… she's such a beautiful and pure existence to him. Although he couldn't see, he knew that right now, tears were falling from her eyes. Tears for him. More and more, he felt it. The feelings that made him want her by his side, the feelings which made him feel grief when she was in pain… they were continuously growing. Sometime, maybe it's already past the point, they would overflow.

"Kaoru… I'm… sorry. Don't cry."

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Aoshi had been waiting in the dark for sometime. He had left Misao and the others back at the hideout. From the information he had gathered just recently, it appeared as though he's best try was to get in contact with one particular Choshu member who he had made a deal with before. Sanosuke was hidden somewhere as a back up. In moments, he saw two headlights approaching the parking spot. When the car stopped and a woman stepped out. Their eyes met and the woman's eyes hardened. "What do you want now?"

"Uno, I believe that you would know something concerning a Kaoru Kamiya." He approached with smooth and graceful movement. "Tell me."

"No." Uno responded harshly. She stood tall and her eyes narrowed.

"Hm… that's not a very good answer." Aoshi then revealed a diskette, holding it between his middle finger and forefinger. Uno's eyes changed expression immediately. "I believe that you know what this is? Now, unless you want me to send this to Katsura, it's best for you to open your mouth."

Uno's lips tightened and her muscles tense. The icy-blue gaze coming from Aoshi sent shivers through her body. What was he up to? Uno wasn't sure what his motive was and she had close connections with Katsura so she couldn't betray him. However… her life and the life of others are also at stake… all because of that one diskette in Aoshi's hands. She gritted her teeth. "Damn you…"

"Heh." Aoshi smirked, "Not going to say anything?" He was waiting patiently. He knew that sooner or later, the woman will bend to his will. "So you're willing to sacrifice yourself and others in order to stay loyal to Katsura's damned purpose? I'm sure that you're not very supportive of his using of Empaths. Especially Kaoru… who is Kikuno's daughter, correct?" A cold breeze blue, and his white trench coat billowed behind him as he took a step closer. "I took an extra measure as well, right now, your husband is with a friend of mine. They're not close friends I'll have to warn you on that. All I have to do is just raise my hand and give him the signal just like th-"



Tears formed in Uno's eyes. "Damn it. I'll tell you."

Aoshi's face fell serious again, "Good. Start with why Katsura is testing drugs on her."

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Battousai watched Kaoru sleep while she was resting her head on his lap. He could feel his eyelids becoming a little heavy. In his left hand, he held onto the note that he had taken out of the black envelope. Unlike earlier, his eyes were stiff amber. He had a bad feeling about it. This assignment… didn't at all make sense to him.

Take care of Uno by the end of tomorrow. She'll be at the Peace Park at 9.00pm.

Although he really didn't care, he pondered for a few moments on what Takasugi would do if he should find out that his wife was to be the next target of Battousai's blade.

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AN: Phew… finally finished writing this chapter. Hi everyone! ….sweat drops… Sorry for not updating this story for such a long… long… time. Picking up a story as complex as this one after so long was hard as. Hahaha… hope you all enjoyed it!


Cherry Chibi.