Hey guys i know you want to kill me for not updateing any of my stories!! Go ahead and flame me if you wish but i'll just laugh at you. I usaully dont have that problem cause all the authors and readers pretty much RULE! K go ahead and read and have fun. Peace! Luv ya. Oh yea if you ever want to talk to me i have msn messenger and yahoo and my e-mail is [email protected] and [email protected] i look very forward to talkin with some of you! OK i know you want me to shut the hell up and let you read the story! So here ya go!

Unforgiven Angle WARNING: Please read slow so you will get the actual sad parts in this.

FaTaL dEciSiOns

Inuyasha sniffed the air and adrubtly stopped.

"Eh? Inuyasha whats wrong? You usaully not the type to lag behind."

"Just shut up Miroku and mind your own business."

"That hurts me, Inuyasha."

"I'll show you hurtin if you dont leave me alone."

"Miroku you might survive the future if you just shut up." Sango replied while scanning over the empty village they had just arrived upon.

"This village would the Korkian, right?"

"Thats right Kagome. And something just doesn't feel right."

"What do you mean, Inuyasha.?"

"MOVE!" Inuyasha pulled Kagome to the ground avoiding the pure arrow targeted for her heart.


"Inuyasha, have you forgotten me already?"

Inuyasha trembled at the cold voice directed to him and stood up facing Kikyo.

"Forgotten?" Inuyasha shook.

Her eyes were still calm and sad. Every feature the same in her beautiful pale face. But she was cold inside.

"Come Inuyasha." Kikyo quickly faded away.

"Wait! Kikyo!" Inuyasha took off full speed into the woods determined to find his lost love.

"Inuyasha!" Kagome shouted but he too quickly vanished.

"Kagome are you alright?" Sango rushed to her side.

"I'm fine but what about Inuyasha?"

"It seems he went to find Kikyo." Miroku stood on the other side of Kagome.

"Kikyo....." Kagome felt sadness fill her as the name wispered off her lips.

She always knew that she would be forgotten once Kikyo was in the picture.

"I'm going to find him." she said standing up.

"Well of course we are." Sango said heaving up her large boomerang.

"Eh? We?"......

"Well dont lag behind dear Kagome." Miroku yelled back as he entered the woods Inuyasha recently passed through.

"Me? No way." Kagome said as she ran into the woods with Sango.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~WARNING READ SLOW~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Inuyasha may have been running for what seemed half and hour before a cold draft reached him.

"KIKYO! I KNOW YOU HERE, WHERE ARE YOU?" Inuyasha yelled across the woods.

"No need to yell. I'll always be here." Inuyasha felt the cold breath on the back of his neck.

Inuyasha turned around to stare Kikyo in the face. He reached out and grabbed Kikyo before she would disappear again and hugged her to make her know that she was his and his alone.

Kikyo was shocked by the feelings Inuyasha showed.

"I wish you could always be there." Inuyasha sooth thru her hair.

"Inuya--" was all Kikyo could get out before Inuyasha's lips swallowed the rest.

The kiss was long and passionate until it ended with sudden footsteps hurrying away.

A faint smell of roses held the air. "Kagome...." Inuyasha wispered.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~WARNING READ SLOW~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Kagome ran down the wild path with tears that threatened to fall. It had been many minutes ago that she had caught Inuyasha kissing Kikyo with all the love he had for her.

"Her........not me." Kagome fell to the ground and clutched the dirt.

"Kagome." Kagome gasped as Inuyasha spoke behind her. She turned to find that he was alone.

She stood and stumbled towards Inuyasha. "Inuyasha, Please just tell me you dont love her."

Inuyasha stayed silent.

"Please....." Kagome dropped her head and felt her heart shatter with every second of silence.

"I want you to leave."

Kagome snapped her head up.

"Please just leave this time and go--"



Kagome gasped and looked into his eyes. No sorrow took place in the the golden pools she once loved so much.

She clenched her fist and forced herself to turn around and run.

"I love you." She wispered.

Inuyasha's heart shattered.

"What have I done?"



I promise the make the next chapt longer! Please review. Pweeeeezzzzz! Please and thank you! I love ya all!