
Update: The second book has started. Go check it out!


Author Alert People: The first chapter has the same explanation, but seeing as how you wouldn't have gotten an alert for that chapter, I'll put it here, too: This is a complete rewrite of the old version of Voices of the Lost Realm, as it was in bitter need of being redone. Thus, here we go. The plot may be fairly much the same, but I assure you, it's an entirely different fanfiction and I hope some of you will be interested to read the storyline again or for the first time, depending on what you "alerted" my account for.


New Readers: Yes, there will be sequels. I'm just not sure yet if there will be different parts to this "book" or if there will be separate books like the original version. The other "books" that are still currently posted are, as they say in their descriptions, just shells, which means there aren't any actual chapters in them and it's just so that I can keep the same location for the stories (and the reviews as well.). As they are written, chapters will be posted in those shells.
