
A/N: Nothing is mine all belongs to the almighty JKR. I HIGHLY recommend to all reading this that they first read: The Scars of Our Youth. This story, Losing Hope, is the sequel to it and you may not understand everything that's going on if you don't read that one first. And trust me, there is a LOT going on. Enjoy! (Sorry it took me sooo long!!! I hope to have chapter one posted soon, I already have it written in long hand so now I just have to type it up!!!) ENJOY!!!


"How many times do I have to say NO?" Fred and Ron heard an indignant voice say as it passed their dungeon door.

"Fred---doesn't that voice sound familiar?"

"Yeah . . . let me listen." His heart began to pound painfully in his chest.

"You're a member of their Order!" The Death Eater bellowed at the eighteen year-old wizard he had chained to the wall. "Tell me."

"No." The first voice growled.

"Is that---"

"It can't be---" The two Weasley's said at the same time completely dumbfounded.

"Lee!" Both boys leapt from their spots in the corners of the prison and ran for the dungeon door.

There was a massive grunt as the Death Eater hit the young wizard in the chest.

"Fred?" he coughed out. "Ron?"

"Don't speak to the other prisoners!" The Death Eater threw his wand arm behind him. The curse flew through the tiny window in the door, tearing the bars from the small window at the top of the door and knocking Ron and Fred to the back of the dungeon. "Now," the cloaked figure rounded on Lee. "You will tell me now and die next to painlessly, or you can make me drag the information out of you and have your next few hours filled with insurmountable pain. It's your choice."

"And what is it, EXACTly, that you want to know?" he threw a brave, bruised, grin at the man.

"Lee!" Fred was fighting the conflicting emotions that were running through his head. Lee couldn't say anything. Not a word. But it was Lee. LEE. His best friend. He couldn't die . . . not like this.

"Don't be smart with me boy. Tell me who you are working with. Who else is in that bloody Order!"

"I am afraid I am not privy to such confidential information."

"Don't lie! You were on your way to someone."

"I was on a school trip to Hogsmeade!" Lee interrupted.

"You're out of school! Who were you supposed to contact?"

"A mammal." Lee snarled through a barely controlled smirk.

"Demolishio!" There was a terrible crack and a strangled cry as Lee's forearm snapped. "Who was it?!"

"Don't Lee!" Ron bellowed, leaping at the door again. "Lee you can't say anything!" He banged his fists against the thick wood.

"I know you git," he replied through clenched teeth.

"Who?" The Death Eater repeated venomously.

"I'll die first." Lee spat.

"That can be arranged."

"Do something, Fred," Ron hissed, turning on his brother.


Harry Potter ducked as the quarter staff rushed at his head, swinging his own at the feet of his opponent, eighteen year-old Terence Higgs. Terence leapt out of the way, aiming the end of his staff at the centre of Harry's back. Harry spun and caught the staff between his feet, ripping the weapon from the older boy. He spun, flipping the weapon into his hand as he waited for Terence to make his next move.

Terence stood only six feet away from him watching Harry in the same manner that Harry was watching him. Taking in his defensive stance, where his hands and feet were, and it was a good thing Harry was watching as he was, otherwise he may not have noticed the dagger sliding out of his sleeve before it penetrated his skull. But Harry did notice and therefore caught the dagger before it skewered his brains.

Terence nodded and came out of his offensive stance. Harry followed suit, returning the weapons to the table at the side of the room.

Both boys left the training room through a side door leading into their dorm room. Terence left to go take a shower.

"What's the count up to, Terence?" Harry asked of his roommate as he came out of the bathroom.

"Eighty-three wizards, since yesterday," Terence answered, toweling off his curly locks.

Harry nodded.

"Have you heard from them?" He peered over to where Harry sat on his bed, half naked as he unlaced his trainers.

"No," Harry answered, his friends weren't allowed to write him, no-one was to know that he was at Hogwarts.

"Yeah," Terence said, his sadness for Harry's situation implied in his tone.

Harry Potter and Terence Higgs' relationship had evolved considerably over the three summer months the two had spent together. They never spoke much, Terence being silent by nature and training and Harry having lost much of his desire to converse with anyone after Ron's kidnapping the previous year; which he continued to blame himself for. Harry found himself trusting Terence as much as he had trusted Ron, almost more so. Harry occasionally worried that Terence was taking Ron's place in his life. He tried to dismiss it as him just missing his best friend and he was looking for someone to lean on and Terence just being the closest person available, just became who he went to. But Terence never let Harry lean on anyone or anything. Terence was his teacher and mentor. Someone whom he could depend upon, trust with his life. //But that used to be Ron.// . . .

Terence nodded toward the bathroom, his question implied. Was Harry going to bathe or not?

He nodded, exiting their dorm, finishing his disrobing when he was sure the door was closed tight behind him. Harry took a moment to examine himself in the mirror, taking note of how much he had changed over the summer. //Watch Ginny not recognise me now,// he thought to himself. //And Hermione and R---//.

"I see you're finally filling out, young man," the full length mirror said to him in its soft Welsh dialect. Harry frowned at his reflection.

"Yeah," Harry agreed.

"What's bothering you, lad?" The mirror asked softly.

Harry shrugged.

"Oh, come-on, tell an---"

"No." Harry cut her off. He climbed into the shower stall without any more from the mirror.


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