Final Chapter!!


This is my last chapter, I'm posting it before Christmas, think of it as a gift! It's a bit shorter than any of my other chapters, but its sort of… summing up in a way. After this will be my sequel, True to You. Hope you like it!

Disclaimer: If I owned it, I'd probably still be writing about it because aside from owning it I get exceptionally bored. There you go, so no, I do not own it. and crap it, that didn't make sense...

Dedication: All of you! You who have lit up my life with your kind and encouraging reviews! Thank you!

Chapter 15 – Time


"Yugi, hurry up! Or we'll be late!"

"I know I know! I am coming!"


The albino's voice echoed up the flight of stairs, to which the receiver at the top could be heard thudding around a bedroom.

Ryou moved away from the stairs, towards the front door. Yugi had begun getting into habits of forgetting or taking his 'sweet ass-time' to get ready for things, since he'd been staying with Ryou.

The pair were normally punctual, arriving and looking utterly adorable together, unless of course they had only just raced out the door and Yugi was half dressed. Ryou sighed, shaking his head. And he'd thought only Bakura did that.


His dark made him smile. Always trying to convince everyone of his evilness, but always proving himself wrong. Always trying to be something that he's not.

It didn't matter what anyone said to him about Bakura, he knew he cared. The evil thing was just a phase, he had assured himself. All teenagers have them, despite him being a 5000 year old teenager.

"Yugi, this is 'important'. We can't be that late!"

"I'm ready!"

The small duelist made an appearance, as he bound down the stairs, tripped, and fell down the final four. Ryou burst into giggles.

Yugi looked up, flushing a nice shade of pink.

"Come on Yug."

Yugi stumbled to his feet, heading after Ryou who raced out the door. He was looking forward to tonight. It had been two and a half months since the group had last all been together. Two and a half months since that devastating night.

Yugi trembled as an icy finger slid down his spine. He quickly looked up and down the street, shivering.

Just thinking about it left him hollow.

Ryou lead the way, walking fast down the street, while Yugi thought.

Yami had stayed with Seto for weeks, days, and hours on end. Yugi knew, Yami blamed himself then, and still, for what happened, but Yami never let on to his feelings unless it was with Seto. After a while, he'd moved in, only after being assured by Yugi it was ok, and Yugi had had the house to himself and Ryou, who had promptly moved in. He giggled at the memory.

The teen had showed up on his doorstep all of a sudden, holding a suitcase, wearing a head band of cat ears, and had stuck a sign to himself that had read: 'lost sex kitten needing home.'

"Ryou, wait up," Yugi panted, as he jogged to keep up with the practically sprinting albino, trying not to picture him wearing only the cat ears…

"Nope, you keep up."

Yugi sighed.

Ryou was anxious to see everyone, especially Bakura.

Bakura had spent a lot of his time on his own of late. Since Yami had moved in with Seto, Ryou in with Yugi, Ryou had left their small house to Bakura. Any other time, he was with Marik or Yami.

Ryou could faintly recall a morning in the Kaiba living room, in which a very angry raven haired youth had stood there and told Bakura a lot of things Yugi himself found hard just to 'pronounce' let alone say.

To this day, Mokuba still held utter vehemence for Ryou's dark.


The spiky haired head whipped around.

"Jou! Mai! Tristan! Shizuka!"

The four teens raced up.

"Hey Yugi!"

"Hey guys, how are you all?"

They all beamed at him. "Just stunning," Mai said with a flick of her silky blonde hair.

"And you, Yug? How are you? Tristan said with sincerity, eying the Pharaoh incarnate with care. Yugi beamed at them.

"Guys, I'm fine, absolutely perfect."

"But you won't be if you don't move your shrimpy backside!"

Yugi groaned with a smile, turning to Ryou who had stopped and was surveying them all with an irritable look, his hand on his hip.

"As happy as I am to see you all, can we walk 'and' talk?"

"So long as you're not in a hurry or anything like that," Tristan replied in good humor, grinning at the already annoyed albino.

Yugi chuckled. "Ryou's a reverse vampire. He has to get out of the streets before dark falls," he said with mirth, casting a jovial look at the setting sun.

Ryou gave him the finger.

"And that's his magical wand."

Ryou's eyes narrowed at him, before he spun round, smirking off his face in a very Bakura like way.

"You got that one wrong Yugi. 'My' magick wand is the one you were moaning over last night."

He could tell the reaction of Yugi, when everyone burst into laughter, imagining the light a violent shade of red.

"Thanks Ryou, I needed 'that' visual," Jou laughed.

"Guys, Ryou's right, lets keep going," Shizuka chuckled.

Ryou continued to walk, as he heard his friends take up a slow pace behind him. At some point, he heard the others bring up the topic of Yami and Seto, and Yugi stutter to respond.

Ryou knew that, for Yugi, talking with and about Kaiba was still a tender thing.

A little more than a month ago, the albino could recall the executive arriving at the house, his eyes still cold and haunted, his face pale and thin.

He'd gone up to Yugi's room, and the two teens had spent over an hour in conversation. Ryou distinctly remembered waiting in the kitchen anxiously, wishing Yami had come along to talk to him. When the brunette finally emerged, it was to stride straight down the stairs and out the front door.

It had been another full hour and a half before Yugi emerged. He hadn't spoken for the rest of the night, sitting and staring as though he was on another continent rather than on the opposite side of the table.

To this day, he hadn't told anyone what they had discussed, even though Ryou was insanely curious, he didn't approach Yugi about it.

He did what he had to, he was there for him.

"Isn't it just round the corner Ryou?"



The lights and music pulsated around the three bodies, already intricately woven together, moving to their own beat.

The young albino holding center was sandwiched between two scarcely clad blondes, each clinging to their center with determined ferocity.

When the music pitched, each thrust their hips against the albino, who moaned in pleasure.

The song ended, and all three staggered against one another for support, as they made their way back to the table, at which sat two closely huddled figures.

The table, with soft, blue velvet chairs to seat about five, was in the far most corner, but gave a perfect view of the dance floor.

Which was why the two figures grinned, as the three took their seats.

"You realise, Baku, if you didn't orgasm then, every person within a three meter radius of you three did," the shorter one chuckled.

The spirits and hikari grinned.

"Then you guys must be good for tonight then."

Both just laughed, one a little more loudly then the other. Bakura took a moment to watch them, their new happiness that had become such a rarity.

Yami sat with his back in the corner, and in his lap, legs spread across soft seats, was Seto Kaiba, looking thoroughly at home and comfortable.

Bakura could not hide the smile that crossed his face.

It was nice to see the soft light in those normally hollow blue eyes. Kaiba had carried the shadows around his eyes and heart for months.

"Aren't you two going to dance?"

Kaiba allowed a faint chuckle, a sign that strangely made his spirits lift.

"Absolutely not, if what you three just did is dancing."

"That wasn't dancing you twit, that was a precise and well planned piece of choreography. I've been working on it for ages. You wouldn't believe how many times we've had to practice," Marik said with a light hearted grin.

"Besides," Yami put in with a smirk, "I'm quite comfortable.'

Malik grinned. "I'll bet."


Five heads whipped around.

"Ryou!" Bakura called back, with a grin on his face and mirth in his voice, as his light raced across the dance floor to throw his arms about the dark.

When the smaller teen finally released him, he saw the entourage following his lights foot steps.

The whole group.



"And two girls," Mai put in.

Everyone laughed.

"How you all been?"

"Its' been too long!"

As the chatter fired up, competing occasionally with the music, friends embraced, before taking up and pulling up seats. None wanted to disturb the couple in the corner, who watched with amusement.

"Drinks!" someone shouted, undoubtedly Bakura.

"Yami rolled his eyes, when a cheer went up at the suggestion.

"Allows us!" the fellow darks cried with glee, leaping up to dart away to the bar.


Yami's head shot up at the name, as the emerald eyed entrepreneur strode over to the table, smirking at the close knit group.

"Sorry I'm late, couldn't decide on what to wear," he said with a mischievous grin.

Kaiba eyed the fellow businessmen with an amused look. He wore skin hugging black leather pants, with a loose black and silver studded leather belt draped about his waist. His top was a soft and light material, a striking emerald color that only compared to the glowing green of his eyes in the light.

Whatever crisis he'd been through, he'd certainly fixed it, as he found it hard to think of Yugi fitting well into the black pants.

As he returned his gaze to the table he caught the hungry looks Malik was directing at the raven haired and teen, and smirked. Lowering one of his feet, he gave him a swift kick under the table.

That seemed to be all that was needed.

"Dance with me?" the blonde purred.

Otogi looked at him, and a brief look of indecision crossed his face, before he smiled. "Absolutely."

In a flash of scanty clothing, they'd both gone on to the dance floor.

"I didn't know Otogi was gay!" Jou said with amazement, as he turned to look at his sister. "He was always chasing you!"

She giggled. "Yeah, but I talked with him. And, he's not 'gay', he's bi."

This seemed to shock the blonde even more.

"Come on guys, lets dance before we can't stand!" Tristan hollered with enthusiasm, offering a hand to Shizuka who gladly accepted.

"Cool!" Jou cried, forgetting completely about Otogi, as he jumped up alongside Mai, who seized his hand.

Both pairs flowed towards the dance floor.

Yugi took a moment to give his dark a loving look of 'hi', before his hand entwined with Ryou's, and they moved off after the others.

"Are we going to dance?" Yami asked lightly, looking down at the brunette in his lap.

He just shrugged.

As the music swam through all their senses, Bakura and Marik returned with drinks, which they then proceeded to drink.

On their own.

The group came back in giggles, apparently after having watched Tristan get hit on by a very attractive young woman who had then mentioned to him that she'd only just gotten the operation.

They watched, in apparent ecstasy, the two pissed spirits talk absolute crap and shamelessly grope one another.

All was laughter, fun.


In the corner, huddled together and watching with amusement sat lover and lover, Pharaoh and High Priest.

Yami smiled at the antics of his friends, before he kissed the top of the brunettes head.

Seto shifted slightly, enough to turn around, and lightly kiss the exposed flesh of his lovers neck.

Yami nuzzled in closer, bringing his lips to the teens ear.

Gently, with compassion and warmth, he whispered those three, binding words of faith.

"I love you."


That, my friends, was the end of First Touch. Did you like my ending? Well, it might have cheesed a few off, as I left many things unresolved.

All of these will be answered in the sequel.

Many thanks to everyone who reviewed, you kept my spirits up muchly, as I mentioned for those who don't bother with the opening stuff.

Until the sequel then, have a safe and happy holidays, and a Merry Christmas to everyone!