Ok, some people asked for another chapter so I decided to supply it. I know that there were several mistakes in the last one, words in there for no reason and words flipped from what order they should be in. That was because I wrote it late at night. This chapter will probably suck in the same way because the movie is not closer to when it premiers, the grad project is done but I don't know the grade, and I am writing this as I half lay, half sit in bed because I am home from school hacking up a lung with a slight fever. Please understand if there are mistakes in here, I'm lucky that I can type. I should be sleeping, but when was the last time that I did what I should? Well, Green Sword forever, God save the monkeys, enjoy the story.

ok, my birthday is today so the present that i will give to myself is a better reputation (updating after a reasonable amount of time)

Dee pushed the door open and led me to the couch. I told him that I could do it myself, but he refused to let go of me, holding me even tighter. His worried eyes scowered me over, perhaps expecting to see another wound open up before his very eyes. He finally left my side to make me some hot tea, which he knew what my favorite drink.

"After you get a little rest, I'm taking you to the hospital." He announced as he strolled back into the room, tea in hand. I sat up to drink the tea and Dee quickly moved to the space that I had vacated. He put his arms around me, not tightly, but just in a soft embrace. I leaned against him, resting my head on his shoulder, and began to drink my tea. Even if I didn't need him holding me up, it was nice. I could just relax, not think about anything other than the taste of the tea and the feeling of warmth coming from behind me.

I must have fallen asleep like that because I woke up an hour later with Dee still there. Dee's gentle breathing rocked me and, now that I felt safer, I could examine my thoughts some. I would not give in to anyone, not if it meant losing Dee. Uncle Rick still loved me, even if he hated Dee. It wasn't as though the things he said hadn't hurt, they still did even now, but their blows were somewhat lessened. Aunt Elena had accepted me for what I was, and had accepted Dee as well. Jered would never change, but I was ready to deal with that since it had been so long since I had spoken with him.

I moved some and it must have been in the wrong directions. Shots of pain came from my leg and chest. I stifled the cry but the wince jostled Dee enough to wake him up. His soothing hands an over my arms, asking me if I was alright.

"You have rested enough, you are going to the hospital right now." Dee stood up, pulling me up with him, careful not to touch any of the bruises, and wrapped a coat around me, even though it was summer. I appreciated the help, but I didn't need the thick coat. "It's padding," Dee explained, "Because I know that people will bump into you on the way there and I don't need you any more hurt than you already are."

We ended up taking a cab to the hospital, apparently Dee had lost his courage to drive or had decided to stay in the back with me, as though that would help me get better. The drive was somewhat frightening, most cab rides are, but otherwise calm. In the little English that the cabdriver knew, he shouted profanities at the other drivers on the road, revering to his native language, whatever that was, when he saw people who he suspected could understand it. Judging from what he had said in English, I was glad that I couldn't understand it.

When we arrived at the hospital, Dee paid him, no tip, and rushed me inside. He sat me down on one of the chairs and went up to gather the mountains of paperwork that would be required to get so much as a bandaid from this place. He explained the severity of my condition, exaggerating more than a little, to get me taken care of before messing with the paperwork. Surprisingly, he succeeded.

After my clothes were switched with the thin gown, I sat on the examining table waiting for someone to come in and take care of me. Dee waited with me, holding my hand in his and ready to snap at someone. The nurse came in first to take care of the little things, weight, height, blood pressure, for the normal reasons. She explained that the weight was to make sure that I was not malnourished, the height was also to help them with that, and the blood pressure was to look for underlying problems. After those were taken care of, she ushered Dee out of the room.

"Now, please answer these questions for me. First, in what way did you acquire these wounds?" She read off of the paper she held in her hands and then looked up at me for the answer.

"I was attacked." I did not want anyone to hear of my weakness, no one other than who already know. "I wasn't expecting it."

"Do you know who attacked you?" She scribbled something down on the paper. I told her that it had happened out of town and she scribbled more information down on the sheet of paper. "And why did it take days for you to ask for treatment?"

"This is the first chance I got, I didn't trust the hospitals down there, even the police were corrupt." I pulled at the edge of my gown, worried about where the conversation was going. I had done enough police investigations to know that there was abuse suspected, and Dee was the official culprit at the moment.

"Tell me, and answer honestly, is there any violence in your home?" Her eyes pierced into me as though she were dissecting me like a frog. I felt exposed, more than I already was.

"Well, not really. I'm a detective from the 27th precinct and sometimes my work follows me home, but other than the occasional criminal, no." She was not satisfied with the answer and asked me more about abuse until I had had enough. "No! Dee has only hit me once in the entire time I have known him, and that was well deserved! I suggested that he would be low enough to take advantage of my fragile mental state to get me into bed with him. He knocked some sense into me and for that I am thankful. Dee would never do anything to hurt me, ever! He is the one who saved me from those barbarians who were trying to kill me!"

"Please, Mr. Mclean, I did not mean any harm, we have to ask these questions if there is even the slightest of injury to the patient. We even had to ask these to a poor man whose only wound was received when he stepped on a rusty nail and to the one who received a nasty scratch from his neighbor's cat which got infected. These are only routine. I saw how he looked at you, I don't suspect any abuse, but human judgment doesn't count much in the world of medicine it seems." The nurse finished scribbling down the last answer that I gave and I realized how little I have been hospitalized outside of police work, where they just assume that it was the bad guy who gave the bullet wound, not your lover.

The nurse finished with her business and Dee was invited back in the room. He stood next to the exam table that I sat on. It would probably be some time before the doctor came in. They knew that my condition was not so serious as to need immediate attention and there could easily be someone who did need it. During the time that we waited, Dee did little other than stand there, or maybe hold my hand some.

I was about ready to fall asleep, using Dee's shoulder as a pillow, when the doctor finally entered. He was an elderly man that I had seen before in the hospital while visiting Dee, Drake, JJ, Ted, and most any other officer who ended up here, he was a far cry from Dee's "gorilla nurse."

"Randy, is it?" He asked, looking over the notes left from the nurse. I nodded and he approached me, setting the clipboard on the stool. "Ok, lets have a look at you. Top to bottom or bottom to top? Lets try top to bottom, shall we?"

I nodded and he began to poke around through my hair, feeling the place where my head had connected with the stone bench. "Hmm, nice little lump you've got there. I doubt that it is too much and any damage that happened has cleared up by now, I'm sure but we can run an x-ray on it if you want. If not, just make sure not to smack it again." He moved down to looking at my arms, my left one in particular. "This arm worries me a little. It could be broken, but only a hairline fracture at most. We should run an x-ray there, just in case. Your chest too, I can already see the burse through the gown. May I ask you to remove the gown so that I can have a better look at it. Here, I'll give you a towel to wrap around yourself for modesty's sake."

The doctor continued his examination, marking me down for three x-rays by the end of it. One for my arm, one for my chest, and one for my leg. The final results were that my ribs were badly bruised, but had held up well to the beating. My arm did have a hairline fracture, but nothing too big. He put an air cast on it rather than a bulky plaster one, saying that it was more suited to it. My leg was broken and I ended up on crunches and received strict orders to keep off it as much as possible. He prescribed a heavy pain medication and warned me about taking too much of it before he sent me home. Overall, I though that it wasn't bad, considering that they had killed Jett. Then again, Dee had gotten there before they could do too much.

When we got home, there was a message on the phone. Dee placed it on speakerphone and sat me down on the couch. We heard the beep signaling the beginning of the message and the sound of someone clearing their through. "Ryo, I hope that you are alright. I didn't mean what I said about Dee hurting you, I don't think that he would ever hurt you. And, what I said about it being his fault because he loved you back, well, if it wasn't him then it would have been someone else." My uncle paused before continuing. I could tell that it was hard for him to say this. He was a very proud man and admitting his faults did not come easily to him. "Try to understand, I always thought of Ryo as my little child, even though he is grown up now, and also I was raised learning that it was wrong, all of this town was raised like that so try not to hold that against them. Anyway, your aunt wants you to call whenever you get back home. She would also like to come up and visit you, so would I. Well, good bye."

Dee stood over the phone for a moment, confused. "But didn't they only take you in after you were eighteen?"

"I thought I told you, my parents were busy a lot when I was young so they would always come and take care of me or I would go to their house. They almost spent more time with me than my parents. Could you call my aunt, this painkiller is making me tired and I want to get some sleep. Thank you, I love you."

Ok, at this point, I am really lucky that I can type. About to fall asleep here, there are probably more mistakes closer to the end and i cant edit my own work AND post it after a reasonable amount of time, it doesnt work. truth be told, i delayed posting for about a week thinking that i would edit it, but it didnt happen. my movie is three days away from premeiring!!!! AAAHHH!!!

Anyway, flamer, please don't even bother pointing out the grammar mistakes in this specific chapter, I know that they are there. Feel free to point them out in my other works, but in this one I already acknowledge their existence and yet I am too sick to do something about them. God i hate motrin! it made me so out of it that i picked up something hot and thought "i shouldnt be holding sharp things in my condition" so i have decided not to take anymore.