Yay* Thank you for reviewing*
I wanted to respond one by one.... (X__XForgive me**)
I'll do that next time*
Hope you enjoy.

3. Discrepancy

"I can ride by myself."
Squall narrowed his eyes when Seifer extended his hand.
"Suit yourself."
Seifer shrugged and rode off without looking back. Squall turned away and limped toward the stallions. He eyed the animals and selected the smallest one, although the top of its barrel was well above his head. He grabbed the saddle and tried to put his uninjured foot on the stirrup.
But the creature was just too big to jump on. The stallion looked down on Squall as if to mock him.
".......... I'm injured, you know..... Give me a break..."
Squall glared, but didn't seem to have any impact on the creature. Squall sighed deeply again and leaned his forehead on the stallion's withers. The hectic atmosphere and confusions from the unordinary events were weighing down on him.

".......... What the hell is going on?......."

Squall whispered when he heard hoofsteps approaching.
It's probably Seifer coming back to laugh at how pathetic I look..... Squall groaned and left his head at the nape of stallion's neck just so he didn't have to look at Seifer. He heard the stallion's hoofs stop right behind him but did not dare move. He was too embarrassed and ashamed of himself to look so weak, especially in front of Seifer.
Squall wanted to groan again but kept quiet. He heard a soft sigh behind him and was suddenly picked up by a strong arm.
Before he knew it, he was on the saddle of a black stallion. He struggled from the arm around his torso.
"Stop struggling, unless you wanna fall and break your neck."
He heard Seifer's irritated voice right behind his ear. Squall quickly realized how high from the ground he was now that he was on those giants. When Seifer saw that Squall had stopped, he released him and held the rein. He started by trotting and then sped up. Squall hastely grabbed the saddle when his back touched Seifer's body. He heard a little chuckle and expected some mocking remark, but none came.

".............. You're leaving them there?...."
Squall couldn't stand the uncomfortable silence. He wanted to ask so many questions, but what came out of his mouth was something totally inconsequential.
"What? The dead bodies or the horses?"
"............. The horses.."
Seifer's response somewhat frightened Squall. He remembered the hands around his waist were the same ones that murdered five men in cold blood...
"They're good horses, but I got better ones."
Seifer answered, somewhat proudly.
"You have more?...."
Squall couldn't hide his surprise and turned back to see Seifer grinning. The blond simply nodded and said nothing more. Squall faced forward again and decided to ask the most important question of all.
"... Seifer........ where.. a..re........ w.e...."
Squall's voice faded as he felt dizzy and saw different colors mixing in his eyes. The sand seemed to move in a curvy wave and felt very nauseous.
"Don't look at the ground. Either keep your eyes closed or look up at the sky."
Squall closed his eyes and slowly faced the sky. The feverish sun was behind Seifer and his body blocked it away. He opened his eyes and saw the sky for the first time.
It was purple, not blue...


Squall moaned from the heat. He opened his eyes and saw a small city below the hills. He quickly realized he had been asleep on Seifer's shoulder and moved away.
"Well, good morning to you too."
Seifer chuckled and held his arms tightly around Squall so he won't fall.
"..... How long was I asleep?"
Squall spoke quietly. He mentally slapped himself for sleeping and not even knowing he did so.
"Only about half an hour, I suppose. Don't have a watch."
Seifer showed his bare wrist. It was darker than Squall remembered. Seifer wasn't as pale as Squall, but his skin was obviously darker than usual.
"........ How long have you been here?...."
"Keep your questions 'till later. I'll answer all of 'em once we reach the city."
Squall sighed but nodded his head. The stallion was still running at the same speed despite the weather. Squall screwed his face as he felt his shirt sticking on his body from the sweat. His thick leather jacket and pant weren't fit for deserts, obviously.
He side-glanced Seifer's clothing. His body was covered in a long black robe and a white collar shirt underneath. From the feel of it Squall could easily tell they were silk. He didn't know how long Seifer has been in this strange world, but it looked like he was doing well. His tanned skin made him look healthier and leaner, and seemed more muscular than Squall remembered. He controlled the gigantic stallion like a obedient little chocobo, and says he has more...
The more he thought about Seifer, the more confused he got... He felt as though he hasn't seen Seifer for ages... but it only had been two weeks.

"............. Well..... now I know where he had been those past weeks..."
Squall wasn't thrilled to find out though....

"You're gonna need your own abayah to protect yourself from the heat."
Seifer said as they entered the city.
"A what?"
"A robe. There's some over at that store.... Shh... keep your mouth shut and don't look at people in the eye."
Seifer slowly trotted his stallion to the crowded marketplace. It was full of energetic people wearing clothes similar to Seifer, but not as expensive. Some women giggled and eyed Seifer shyly as he stopped in front of the store owner.
"Ahh.... your grace.... I will not allow myself to sell you these old rags... There are some special clothings just for you."
The old man rushed to the large chest at the corner of the store soon as he saw Seifer. He opened the lock and took out some beautiful silk robes.
"Now these...... These will fit you perfectly."
"Well? What do you think, commander?"
Seifer asked, smiling. Squall turned his attention to the robes and then looked back at Seifer.
"Ahhh... it is for your handsome bride, I see. May I suggest this beautiful purple for your beautiful lady?"
Squall turned to the shopkeeper in disbelief. He glared and was about to open his mouth but Seifer pushed his face away from the man's direction.
"Actually, we only need one for the road. Do you have anything dark?"
"Of course, of course. I have a very deep black for a shy lady like her."
The man rushed back to the chest and pulled out a long black robe. He spread it about on the counter to show Seifer, who nodded in approval.
"That will do."

After purchasing the black silk robe, Seifer carefully walked his stallion through the narrow streets. Squall wondered how much the silk was worth in this place. Everyone looked at Seifer in awe from head to toe. Some people even bowed down on their knees.
"In this world, you are what you wear."
Seifer laughed as Squall's eyes wandered about. The people were totally new and foreign to Squall, he couldn't stop staring. The most significant thing he noticed about them was that they all had crimson eyes. The deep red reminded Squall of ruby........ And then it also reminded him of the bloodshot eyes of the dead men out in the desert... Squall looked away from them and leaned a little bit forward to keep some distance from Seifer. Squall knew Seifer realized this, but was relieved he didn't comment on it. Seifer stopped at the entrance of a small building.
"Hold on to this."
Seifer held out the rein. Squall took it but didn't know why.
Squall immediately held on tight as Seifer jumped off the stallion. He didn't know how unstable the saddle was until Seifer's arms were gone.
"Here, give me your hand."
Seifer chuckled and reached for Squall, who glared and shook his head. He slowly lifted his uninjured leg over so he was side riding. He lifted his body with his hands to jump off when a pair of large hands gripped his waist.
"I have been in this world longer than you have, Leonhart," Seifer glared up, "if you wanna survive and see your little friends again, I suggest you drop the fucking stubborn act and listen to what I say."
Squall gulped at the sharpness of Seifer's emerald eyes. He figured it was the sunlight and the unusual color of the sky, but Seifer's eyes looked..... different. Squall was lifted off the horse and gently set on the ground. Seifer turned away and pulled his horse to the side of the building where there was a small stable.
"That's a very handsome horse, mister.... How long are you staying?"
A young boy came out of the stable and stroked the stallion's nose.
"It'll only be a couple of hours. He needs some food and water."
Seifer smiled and threw a bagfull of coins. The boy peeked in the bag and violently nodded his head.
"He'll get the best apples and carrots! I promise, mister!!"
The boy took the rein and guided the dark horse in, skipping with joy. Seifer quickly turned back and Squall completely forgot he was smiling.
"...I didn't know you could do that with your face."
Seifer widened his eyes with mocked amazement. Squall brought back his usual frown and looked away.
"... Where are we headed?"
"Relax........... Christ, my horse and I have been running while you were sleeping all nice and cozy, Leonhart. Give us some break, will ya?"
Seifer sighed and walked pass Squall to enter the building. Squall slowly followed.

"I need to rest for couple of hours. Food and drink would be good."
Seifer swiftly checked in and beckoned Squall to follow. They went upstairs... which was only five steps... and entered a small but decent room. Two small beds, a bathroom, and air conditioned. Seifer dropped on the bed and stretched his large body. Squall closed the door behind him and leaned back. He waited until Seifer was comfortable.

"Are you going to answer my questions?"
Squall tilted his head. Seifer opened his eyes and glared.
"No. Not until I freshen up."
"Then take a bath."
"Too fucking tired..."
Squall sighed in annoyance and walked away. Thinking he gave up, Seifer smiled and closed his eyes. But he heard footsteps approaching.
"What the-!?"
Seifer jumped awake from the wet cloth thrown on his face. Squall placed a bowl of water on the end table.
Seifer blinked. He looked at the cloth and back to Squall. And then he started to laugh hysterically.
"........... What's so funny?...."
Squall narrowed his brows in confusion. Seifer continued to laugh and dropped back on the bed. After he calmed himself down, he placed the wet cloth over his eyes and spoke.
"Have mercy, oh brutal Commander. Find it in your heart this poor fellow needs as much rest as he can get!"
Seifer said in despair, but he was smiling.
"You said you'll answer all my questions once we reach the city."
Squall snapped. He felt frustrated that Seifer knew all the answers and he was clueless.
"Yes, I did. But I meant my city."
Seifer laughed and pressed his hand on the wet cloth.
"You wanted to know how long I've been here..... Well, I wanna know how long I've been missing."
Squall examined Seifer for a while, but slowly went to the other bed and sat on the edge. An answer for an answer.... I can deal with that...
"....Two weeks."
Seifer exhaled a little deeply, but that was all. He slowly replied, "....Four months."

"......................................................You are joking....."
Seifer said nothing. The silence was all Squall needed to know it was true...
"--Do you know how it happened? .....How we got here? How do we get back??"
Squall began to panic a little. His breathing became hard and started to sweat. He eyed Seifer deperately, but the blond just lie there.
"Seifer!! Are you listening?!!"
"Yes, yes. I'm listening...... Stop screeching like a woman, you're making my head hurt..."
Seifer said annoyingly. He spread the cloth on his face to cool off.
"........How can you do that? How are you so... calmed?"
Squall asked in disbelief.
"Well, after staying here for four months, you get used to it. It's not that bad, actually."
Seifer said in a mocking tone. Squall closed his eyes and opened his shaking lips. He didn't want to say it, but he couldn't hold it back any longer...
"You've changed, Seifer.... Like how you killed those men?.... Back at the Garden, you'd never--"
"So, what are you suggesting? That I just watch you get gang-raped and take it up the ass over and over--"
"Listen!! I'm not done!...............All I am saying is that you've changed and got accustomed to this lifestyle............... But I just got here.... and I want to go back........."
"Well, you might change your mind too if you stay here a bit."
"Let me finish........... You can stay here for the rest of your life if you want to, I don't care..... I'm not forcing you to come back with me.... But I need all the information you have.......... I need your help, Seifer............. Please..."
Squall begged pleadingly. He didn't like it, but Seifer was the only person he could rely on at the moment. Seifer took the cloth away from his face and looked at Squall.
"Unfortunately, I have no information for you. I never even tried looking."
Squall stared at Seifer as if he'd never seen him before.
"Hn, why he asks," Seifer lifted his hands in the air, "Why? Because I like it here, Leonhart. People treat me like a king and they don't know anything about Ultimecia and me being the Sourceress' Knight. They respect me here, and you wonder why I don't want to go back?"
"People respect you in the Garden as we-"
"Bullshit, Leonhart!! I had enough of this! Do you think I was happy when you made me second in command?! Huh?! Did you ever stop and think how it would feel like being the worst criminal one day and a high commander in another? How would it feel, Leonhart? How would it feel when everyone around you hates you and thinks you're lucky to have a generous legendary hero giving you pity?"
"I didn't select you because I pity you, Seifer. I selected you because you were worthy of --"
"Of being your dog?! ........Poor little Seifer!!... All alone and no where to go to..... Oh! Look who came to the rescue!! It's the ever kind and generous Ave Maria, Squall Leonhart!"
Seifer started to laugh. Squall opened his mouth to argue, but bit his lips. He didn't know what to say... He had no idea Seifer was feeling this way...... but in a way, he knew.... By appointing him to be second in command was a death sentence to a man like Seifer. Squall knew there were some people in the Garden who still despised Seifer, but he had hoped they would change their minds about him.....

"Well, now it's your turn, Leonhart..."
Seifer smiled. Squall wanted to look away but kept his eyes towards Seifer's.
"It's your turn to be the dog, Squall..."
Seifer smirked and looked down on Squall. Squall knew exactly what kind of mind game Seifer was playing. Squall was used to it from the sword fights in Garden.... He was mocking him and testing how long Squall could keep his stance.
"I'm no one's dog, Seifer... If you're not going to help me, fine. I'll find my own way....... You can rot in here for all I care. We promise to stay out of each other's way............. But if you do get in my way, .......I'll kill you........."
Seifer cocked his head.
"And if you get in my way?"
"You'll do the same..."
Squall kept his face. Seifer narrowed his eyes to think.
"Hmm.......Too bad...... I always wanted a disobedient and a prideful dog...... so I can train it from scratch and by the end, he'll be begging for my orders..."
Seifer chuckled. Squall stood up from the bed.
"Fuck you, Seifer!! I'll rather die like a dog than being yours!!!"
Squall was surprised by his own words, but kept his glare. He knew Seifer was just teasing him and wanted him to get angry.... But he couldn't help it.

Squall thought he saw Seifer's eyes go wide, but he quickly turned it into a smile.
A smile Squall has never seen before....
"Why don't you go take a nice long bath, hmm?"
Seifer said in a very soft tone. Squall didn't like the sudden change of Seifer's attitude, but didn't argue. He needed a bath...
".....Be sure to wash thoroughly."
Squall made wrinkles between his eyebrows from that remark... What is he getting at?....
He turned around from the bathroom door and froze. He thought he saw a complete stranger...

"'Cause I'm fucking you afterwards."

His lips were smiling, but his eyes weren't...

to be continued...