This is my second LOTR Fic. It contains SLASH and implied MPREG. If you dislike these, I suggest you don't read.

Disclaimer: I don't own LOTR and if I did I wouldn't be writing this because I would be off, traveling the world, so please don't sue me.

Samwise Gamgee stepped off the long grey ship, along with the elves, onto the shores of Valinor. After sixty years, he had completed his final journey. His wife had passed on, and all his children had grown up. Now, nothing was left for him, in the Shire, and so he knew his time had come to pass into the West. Last of the Ringbearers.

He gazed upon the welcoming party, seeing faces both old and new. Among them, was Gandalf the White, who held aloft his staff in salutation. Elrond, Galadriel, and Celeborn were there, also, and raised their hands in their own gesture of greeting.

"Welcome to Valinor, Master Gamgee," Galadriel said with her bright smiling face. Sam replied with a bow, "Mi Lady." Sam needed no help in leaving the boat for he had aged remarkably well. Even has he stepped onto the ship, for the first time, back in middle earth, the healing powers of Valinor had already begun affect him. His hair had returned to it's golden-copper hue and his back had become broad and strong, again. It was almost as if he hadn't aged at all.

"It has been a long time, Master Gamgee," Gandalf said as he put his arm around the small hobbit. "I trust your journey was a good one?"

"Aye. I've been dreamin' of this day for a long time, Gandalf," he said returning the embrace. "Where's Frodo?" he asked with a hint of anxiety. Gandalf smiled and pointed his staff towards a group of Elves with whom Sam could make out a smaller figure. It was none other than the one person that he loved more than life itself.

Frodo looked just as Sam had remembered him, if not but a few years older. His hair was still the same dark-brown that Sam loved more than anything. His eyes were still blue, deep as the oceans themselves. But most importantly, Sam saw no glimpse of the haunted alien look that he had once seen in them, ever since the ring's destruction. Even better, Frodo was noticeably healthier than he had once looked before. Sam no longer saw the taut frail creature that had once been his old master.

'I can't believe it, after all these years. Frodo dear.' A tear fell down Sam's cheek as he slowly walked towards Frodo. The walk very quickly became a run and Sam threw himself into Frodo's arms. He couldn't hold it back any longer and the tears freely flowed from his eyes as Sam buried his face into Frodo's shoulder.

Frodo began to rock Sam slowly until his sobs seceeded. "It's okay, Sam. We're both alive and well and now we're together, again." He kissed Sam's forehead then pressed his against Sam's. "No more tears."

"Beggin' your pardon, Mr. Frodo, but I haven't seen you in sixty years. I can't help it." Sam smiled and brought a hand up to rub Frodo's cheek. "You've barely aged a day."

"My dear Sam. I'm sure that you've already learned that, here in Valinor, time has no meaning. We've many long years to look forward too, together." He put an arm around Sam's shoulder.

"Come Master Baggins, Master Gamgee, it's time to attend the celebration," and Elf announced, breaking the euphoria that enveloped the two hobbits. With that, they proceeded to walk towards the Elven city, along with the others.

"Celebration, Frodo?" Sam asked with anticipation. "What're we havin' a celebration for?"

"To celebrate the arrival of the last remaining Elves of Middle Earth and of the last Ringbearer, you silly hobbit" he said, laughingly and gave Sam a peck on the cheek.

Sam smiled and blushed a bright pink as they continued to walk. Frodo continued, "I want you to tell me all that has happened since I've been gone and...oh...there's also someone I'd very much like for you to meet."

"I'd be very glad to, Frodo dear. To tell you about the past sixty years, I mean...but...who is it that you want me to meet?" Sam asked as he stopped.

Frodo turned and looked at him with a loving expression. "Your son."

Sorry for the cliff hanger, but I promise the next chapter will be better.