Disclaimer: I don't own X-men: Evolution but I did create Siren. (Not the actual character as I have just been informed that there IS a Siren but this one I made up)

YAY! I got reviews! Thank you! Ok, I'll stop now. Glad you all like it.


After getting another pitiful man to drive her Siren decided that she would walk the rest of the way. Her backside was starting to go numb from sitting down for so long and the guy was REALLY starting to annoy her. He kept grovelling and saying that he would leave his wife and kids and make her feel like a queen. Her power had worked a little too well on this one. After getting out of the car and finally getting rid of the obsessive male, Siren took a deep breath. He was close, she could tell. Her heart began to beat faster and she set off at a brisk walk.

Meanwhile, the X-girls were suited up and were sitting in the X-jet waiting to be deployed. Kitty was a little confused. "So, like, what does this Siren do anyway? Where are the guys?"

"Professor X said something about them not being able to come. Something to do with this new girl's powers" Said Rogue from the backseat

Storm enlightened them "Siren's power is that she can control men by humming a song, her voice makes them do whatever she wants. The boys would just be a danger to us"

"Man, that would be handy" Kitty started daydreaming about what she could do with that power.

Jean on the other hand was making a plan of action "We shouldn't take her down but get her to come with us"

Kitty stopped daydreaming "Why? I thought she wanted one of the guy?"

"She wants one of them but we don't know if it's just a crush or her intentions are hostile. Professor Xavier couldn't get that far into her mind so we can't tell if she's evil or not"

"I'll knock her out, then I might be able to tell if she's bad or not from her memories"

"Rogue, I don't think we should do that straight off the bat, if she defends herself and attacks us then you can use your power on her"

Suddenly a voice came over the monitor "X-jet deploy in 10..9..8..7..6..5..4..3..2..1. X-jet, you are deployed"

While travelling to where Cerebro said Siren was the X-girls devised a plan. First they would try and talk to her. If that didn't work and she started to attack then Kitty, Jean, Storm, Magma and Jubilee would subdue her while Rogue closed in. They had the plan fully formed when they landed. This was their first mission without either Logan or Scott.

They landed in a field far from the city, it was obvious who Siren was as she was the only human for miles. She was fairly tall with a well-formed body and long raven hair. She wore a trench coat, ripped jeans and a jumper with the Linkin Park logo on it. She stayed still while the jet landed and was wary when the girls got out. Jean stepped forward "Hi, I'm Jean Grey. Professor Xavier sent us."

"That the guy who keeps trying to get in my head?"

"Well, erm, yes"

"What does he want? Except my thoughts that is."

"He wants to know if you would like to join the X-men"

"What would happen if I said no?"

"Then we'll leave you alone"

"Not if I'm a threat to the X-men. You'd attack" She then got out a pole that oddly resembled Gambit's

Jean stepped closer to Siren "No we wouldn't. Really.. Whoa!" Siren had thrust the pole right at Jean, she had only just managed to get out if the way. The X-girls then went into action, they formatted like they planned in the jet and while Siren was distracted Rogue managed to get close enough to attack. Siren fell to the ground, unconscious. Rogue steadied herself but was still a little dizzy. Storm came to help her into the jet "What can you tell from her memories?"

"Nothing. They're all jumbled up. She's really confused, I can't even tell which of the guys she wants"

"It looks like we'll have to take her back with us for Xavier to probe her mind"

Later, back at the institute, Xavier was concentrating hard on Siren's mind. He had been working for an hour and the only thing that he could figure out is what she had for lunch. It was nearing midnight and he was beginning to get tired, he would try again tomorrow. He left Siren in her bed and left to go to his own. As soon as the door closed behind him Siren opened he eyes and got out of bed. She waited until Xavier was definitely in his room until she left and treaded softly down the corridor she entered the room that she was heading for and started humming her tune.

Sorry to leave it there but I'm writing this in my lunch hour. Keep reviewing and I'll finally tell you who she wants!