Title: Only a Cross to Bear

Author: Emily Anderson

Rating: R

Anime: Nightwalker

Brief Summary: A bitter hunt from a long and twisted past still haunts the young vampire, Shidou. To this day, he cannot be rid of this seductive hunter. Will he be able to ever escape this? And what will happen when this new case will put his life in danger? [Shounen-ai, CainxShidou]

Disclaimers: I do not own any of the characters from Nightwalker nor do I claim to have made them up at all.

Feedback: Yes, please. R/R?



Bloodlust Dreams

Crimson splashed against the black concrete, turning it into an even darker color. The blood slowly seeped into the cracks, causing a sticky mess. There was nothing safe from the spilling blood. It was everywhere now. The walls. The ground. Even him. That lone figure that stood above the fallen body of the defenseless human of whom could never breathe life again.

A twisted smile crossed the male's face, the blood trickling from the corners of his mouth. "Beautiful…" he whispered to the crumpled and twisted body. Kneeling to its side, he took a few stands of hair in his hands and yanked, pulling the lush blonde from the skull.

"My souvenir," he murmured as he brought the bloodied strands to his lips and nose. He kissed the silk and took in its delicious odor. The vibrant yellow glowed in the night, reflecting out light from the pure darkness. The blood glinted on his chin as he walked past a streetlight, which shattered the moment he entered the light.

The glass rained down on the man, covering his shoulders with fine grains. Small spectrums glinted on the ground from faint light shining through the tiny shards. It was like a piece of twisted art out of a book. A nightmare that was only to be written about in some far away land, it wasn't supposed to be happening on the streets of everyday life.

Real life. It couldn't be real life. Nothing was supposed to happen like this. It was all supposed to be protected. Nothing could keep the pain from seeping out. Nothing could keep the darkness trapped from the light. Complimenting the light, taking it on as a lover, darkness's velvet grip over the world could tighten. No light without dark, no dark without light. Living almost as one entity.

Wind spread over the city, complimenting the eerie dark with subtle noise. The gentle breeze hit the moving figure and caused his trench coat to crack lightly against the air. Tension began to rise in the cold city, making everything seem more crisp and insecure. Not a place was safe, not a heart was untouched.

The sinister smile curled on the dark figure's lips as he looked to the sky. "I am free," he whispered as the wind muffled his voice and spoke only to him, wrapping him in its grip, as if trying to rape of him of his arrogant dignity, but all was lost as he suddenly strode back into his lair, to be unseen until another day gave birth to night.


On the other side of town, a young appearing man paced around his office while his even younger looking mate watched him. "Ne, Shidou… what's wrong?" she questioned in a worried voice. Her soft eyes rested on him, watching each step he took. She looked rather apprehensive and wished he would inform her more often of his mental anguish.

His eyes shifted over to her and a sigh escaped his lips. The ember that hinted in his eyes now mellowed back to their normal green hue. His head lightly shook as a faint smile pressed over his lips. He walked over to her and placed an arm around her, seating himself. "It's nothing, seriously," he informed her gently. He hoped he was being convincing enough. He didn't want her to worry about the thoughts that plagued him. That and the voice he heard deep in his dreams.

That was one thing the vampire was glad about, his counterpart was rather naïve about everything. She merely smiled her gracious smile and nodded to him a couple of times. She looked up at him with wide eyes and then flipped some hair from off of her shoulder. "I think I'm going to go to the coffin… it's starting to get a little light out. I'll see you soon," she commented, standing up and placing a small kiss on Shidou's cheek before waltzing to the coffin.

Calmly, the brooding vampire stood and walked to the window. He looked out at the graying sky, which heralded the morning light. He knew he must go rest soon, but his mind was far too active. He wanted to wander the streets. He wanted to be out of this place, but he didn't want to be weighed down by all his 'day wear.' He merely sighed and drew down the shades, casting his look to the floor.

His chest heaved in and out as he felt time slowing down. A cold breeze pushed into the closed office and black seemed to freeze the air. It was hard now to even take shallow breaths. His eyes shifted to the door, which hinted at a lingering figure. Familiarity beckoned with the form. "Cain…" the lips poured out from the office-bound vampire.

Slowly, the door creaked open, revealing this foreboding form of his sire. Darkness was vengeful and lashed across every shred of light that whispered once into the room. The cold and bitter past seemed to bleed into even the needed elements of living creatures. "I'm not here to beckon you back to me today, Shidou."

"Really now, Cain. I thought that was your whole purpose in life," the feisty one spat out in bitter rage. He never could quell the temper that boiled inside of him… not since that day. "If you're not here for that, then why are you here?" he inquired as he looked away in bitter angst. There were still feelings that stirred in his breast from the other vampire and he hated that with all his passion.

A smirk placed itself on the pale cheeks as he walked close to the other. "I am here, Shidou… to inform you that there has been a murder. This is no ordinary one, either… I believe you may want to take up my help on this case. Yes, Shidou… I am offering you my help this once," he explained coolly.

There was a look of disdain that rested on Shidou's lips. He narrowed his eyes at Cain. "And what are you expecting to get out of this? Me?" he asked with a hiss to his voice. He knew there had to be some sort of a catch to all this. Cain wouldn't just help him of his own free will. He wasn't the type to have emotions.

Chuckling softly, the blonde stepped closer. His eyes examined the other's face calmly. He took in each figure and nodded gently to this. "I come to help you because I don't want to lose you. You are mine… and I will have you back some day, but that means you mustn't die before that day comes," he remarked delicately.

The younger of the two rolled his eyes a bit. "Arrogant as always, I see. What makes this case so… different than most, I guess, that would put my life especially in danger? As well, what makes you think you could be the one to save me?" he inquired out in a flat tone. He was in no mood for this, as he wanted to put his mind to rest. Odd, he had wanderlust only minutes back and now felt worn.

Cain merely smirked at his words, his eyes trailing along the younger one's face. "You shall soon find out, my young one. Time… time shall reveal it all to you, my beautiful one. Learn patience." His voice was deep and rumbling. In seemed as if his words echoed against the walls, reverberating into the soul of the 'boy.'

Without leaving even a trace behind, the shadows lifted and the elder vampire was gone. Even if his tormentor was gone, he still felt a haunting essence from the words that were poured onto him. A hint of subtle fear traced his soul as he took his leave of the world, returning to his mate in the coffin they shared.


A/N: I know this isn't very long, but as it says… it's only the prologue… Let's see if anyone likes this before I continue. ^_^;; I hope so~!