He looked up at the moonless night, and one star caught his attention. It shone more brightly than all the others, eclipsing the light from the rest of the sky. The longing his heart felt at that moment matched the star's brilliance, and his thoughts started wandering into places he always fought to avoid.

'I should tell her how I feel.'

'She thinks I'm revolting.'

'I shouldn't be thinking about her. . .'

The hanyou's eyes changed their gaze to the girl sleeping only a few feet away. His heart stirred as she mumbled something unintelligible, but he caught the words 'run', 'no', and 'Kikyo'. He cringed at that word. He returned to the sky with his thoughts. His hand went through his raven hair, and he cursed at the human emotions he struggled with.

'Kikyo is dead. My promise was made in life. . .She is DEAD!'

His fist met the ground with a resounding thump. The sleeping miko rolled over and her face was scrunched in torment. His violet eyes looked over at her, afraid he had awakened her with the noise. She whispered, 'I love you, Inu. . .' Her voice trailed off, and he didn't know what to do. He was shocked.

As if Kami above had heard the girl, the star started to pulse. He returned once again to the sky, confused and hurt. His heart ached to think about what it must be like for her. He may hide it fiercely, but he was no fool. He wished to be able to return the feeling she held for him without holding anything back. The pulsing star reminded him of the miko. She guided the way for him, and nothing could be more beautiful than the light she gave to his life. As he watched the star, it seemed to know what he was thinking, and he started to speak to the night.

"Star light, Star bright,

First star I see tonight,

I wish I may,

I wish I might,

Have this wish I wish tonight."

He closed his eyes, and with all his heart he wanted only one thing. Giving one last glance at the girl, he curled up to await the rising sun.


The sun came without so much as a sound, and the morning dew started to disappear. A bird was singing it's morning call, and Kagome woke up and stretched.

"Ahh, good morning Inuyasha!"

"Feh. 'Bout time you woke up."

She had expected as much from him. She knew the night before had been restless for him, and felt bad for falling asleep. As it was her sleep was fitful and full of images that she feared would soon be reality. She pushed back her sleeping bag and looked around at all of her dear companions. Miroku was sleeping with his hands outstretched towards a certain sleeping taijiya. Sigh.

"Even in his sleep he is a lecher."

Inuyasha looked over at the grin plastered across the monk's face and knew he had to be sleeping. If only his own dreams could be so peaceful.


Kagome looked down at the little ball of warmth curled around her midsection and smiled. She wasn't really sure if he could sleep without her anymore. At least this one thing was consistent in her life these days. Her dreams the night before were testament to that.


Inuyasha was walking just ahead of her towards the God Tree, and he bent over to pick something up. She caught up in the time he had stopped, and he turned around to meet her with a small flower in his hand.

"This is for you." A blush was creeping up his cheeks and he couldn't look at her.

"This is the nicest thing anyone has ever given me. Thank you, Inuyasha." She grabbed his hand as he turned around, eyes half open, and he leaned in closer to her face.

"You're. . .welcome. . ." She closed her eyes, awaiting what was to come with unabashed glee, when a whistle went past her ear and her eyes shot open.

"Inuyasha! How dare you forget about me!"

Kikyo. Damn. The only thing keeping her dream from being reality.

"Kikyo, no! I would never forget you!" Kagome's heart was shattering into a million little pieces, again. She watched as the undead priestess notched another arrow, pointing this one straight at Inuyasha. Fear gripped every fiber of her body as she knew the inevitable had come.

"Inuyasha, run! She's wants to take you to Hell! Don't listen to her!" The scene unfolding before her was too much to bear. A tear ran down the hanyou's cheek as he whispered to Kagome.

"I have to go with her. I love her."

She fell to the ground in a heap as the enchanted arrow struck its mark.

"But I love you too, Inuyasha." The tears ran freely as the pair dissolved into mist, and she was alone in her dream world again.

*end flashback*

Kagome swallowed hard, not wanted anyone to see the hurt she felt from recalling that dream.

"Well, I guess it's time to wake up the others and get started, huh?" With a cheery smile, she looked at the boy sitting in the tree overhead.

He jumped down from his perch and looked into her face. The sudden closeness put the girl a little off guard, and a gasp escaped between her lips. That small parting was all he needed. Wherever this new found courage had come from, he didn't know, but he hoped to gods it wouldn't fail him now.

He kissed her.