Greenleaf and Undómiel



Pairing: Legolas and Arwen

Genre: Romance and Drama

Rating: R

Summery: This goes through before, during, and after the War of the Ring. Legolas and Arwen are in love, but they are separated a month after their betrothal. When Legolas returns, they marry only to leave again. Read and Review please.

Disclaimer: I don't own Lord of the Rings.

Greenleaf and Undómiel

Chapter 1: Proposing, Banquet, and Leaving

Legolas came to Rivendell to see his beloved and her family standing there to greet him and his father. Legolas walked over to Arwen and hugged her tight. Arwen hugged him back with a smile. "We have been apart too long, my love," he whispered. Arwen nodded and looked at Legolas with a gentle smile. Elrond and Thranduil smiled as their youngest children shared a beautiful moment together. Legolas felt their fathers' eyes upon them and led her towards the gardens.

As Legolas and Arwen walked through the gardens, Legolas removed something from the pouch on his belt. "Im gar o or an le," he said. (I have a gift for you.) Arwen watched as Legolas held out a beautiful necklace. (AN: I am making this up, it sounded like a good idea.) Arwen gasped when she how beautiful the jewel was. "Anim adar's oth a im can han i Undómiel," he said. (My father's people and I call it the Evenstar.)

"It's beautiful," Arwen said.

Legolas snapped the jewel around her neck with a gentle smile. "You are the Evenstar of our people," he said. Arwen smiled and kissed Legolas' cheek. "Hanna le," she said. (Thank you.) Legolas then pulled something else out of the pouch and went down on one knee before her. He held out a beautiful diamond ring before her. "Arwen Undómiel, thel le an anim ndis?" He asked. (Arwen Evenstar, will you be my bride?) Arwen smiled and let tears of happiness fall from her eyes. "Yes," she replied. Legolas stood up and hugged her tight. "Amin mela lle," she said. (I love you.)

"Amin mela lle ad," he said. (I love you too.)

That night, there was a party in the honor of Legolas and Thranduil's arrival. Legolas was the first to dance. He had many dance offers from plenty of the maidens at the party, but Legolas gracefully refused their offers. He walked over to Arwen. "May I have this dance, Arwen Undómiel?" He asked. Arwen smiled and held onto his hand. "I would be delighted, Legolas Greenleaf," she said. Legolas held onto her hand and then danced with her on the dance floor. Arwen could hear the maidens talking about her and fear filled her heart. "Man presta le?" He asked. (What troubles you?) Arwen looked at Legolas and sighed. "The maidens are angry with me," she said. Legolas looked at the maidens to see the looks on their faces. Legolas then stopped the music and looked at his father's guests. "Lord Elrond's people, I have an announcement to make," Legolas said. Everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at Legolas. Arwen stayed close to Legolas while Legolas kept an arm around her waist. "Everyone knows how much Arwen Undómiel, daughter of Lord Elrond, means the entire world to me. As you all should know, we have been courting for many years," Legolas said.

"A hundred years to be exact," Legolas's sister, Emilia, said.

Legolas smiled and nodded as he looked at Arwen. "That is why this night is special, before the party, I have asked Arwen the most important question of them all. I have asked the Evenstar of our people to marry me," Legolas said. People began to whisper about the sudden news. Elrond smiled and stood up. "Has my daughter given you her answer, Prince Legolas?" Elrond asked.

"Indeed she did my Lord Elrond. Arwen Undómiel has accepted my proposal. She has agreed to be my wife," Legolas said.

Everyone, minus the girls that were angry with Arwen, clapped for the new couple. Then one by one they each walked over to congratulate them. Arwen smiled at Legolas once everyone congratulated them. "Will you be happy with me?" He asked.

"Of course I will," she replied with a smile.

Legolas then pulled her into a gentle kiss.

*One Month Later*

Arwen sighed sadly as she stood before Legolas as he got ready to leave Rivendell to go back to Greenwood. A tear fell from her eye and she let out a sob. Legolas stopped what he was doing and looked at Arwen. "I don't want to say goodbye," she said. Legolas wiped a tear from her eye and stroked her cheek. "Im thel tol ad an le," he said. (I will come back for you.) Arwen let out another sob as she looked into his beautiful blue eyes. "Tol ah nin na Greenwood," he said. (Come with me to Greenwood.) Arwen's eyes widened, her heart skipped a beat, she always wanted to go back to Greenwood, but when she was about to answer, she remembered she had her duty for her people. "Im gar u-bad ah le, anim oth baur anim," she said. (I can not go with you; my people need me.) Legolas held onto her hands and stroked her soft skin. Arwen could barely hold it back; she could see the sadness in his eyes too. "Im gar u-lassi le nef," he said. (I can not leave you here.) Arwen took in a deep breath before answering him. "Im thel an nef an le or e fuin le tol ad," she said. (I will be here on the night you come back.) Legolas then lifted her face up and looked deeply into her eyes. "Amin mela lle, Arwen Undómiel," he said. (I love you, Arwen Evenstar.) Arwen forced a smile on her face. "Amin mela lle ad, Legolas Greenleaf," she said. (I love you too, Legolas Greenleaf.) Legolas then captured her lips into a deep passionate kiss. "Legolas, we have to go," Thranduil said. Legolas pulled out of the kiss and climbed onto his horse. Arwen held onto his hand until he was out of reach when he rode off. Arwen then broke down once Legolas was out of sight. Elrohir caught his sister as she fell to her knees crying. "He will return to you, my sister," he said. Arwen knew her brother's words were true, but it still hurt for the fact that she wouldn't be seeing her beloved Legolas for a long time.

As Legolas, Thranduil, and Emilia continued on to Greenwood, Emilia could see a single tear fall from his eye. "Don't fret little brother, you'll see Arwen Undómiel again and you'll marry her like you plan to," Emilia said.

"Your words are true, my sister, but it still hurts that it may be a very long time before we will be reunited," Legolas said.

"You sound a lot like me when your mother and I were betrothed. We were separated for a long time as well. However, it'll be exciting when you two are reunited again," Thranduil said.

Legolas sighed and thought about Arwen. "When will we return to Rivendell, father?" Legolas asked.

"When Elrond needs our help again," Thranduil said.

Legolas knew those words quite well; it'll be a very, very long time before he would be able to see Arwen again.