This Idea came out as a celebration of the fact that I have finally seen the Saffron Manga. Good? I dunno. But I'm damn sure it's original. On with the show.

Chapter One

"She's not going to wake up," Mouse told Ryoga.

"I know. I don't think she could either. I would be very impressed if she even manged to open her eyes." Ryoga replied.

They watched as Ranma held Akane. The Akane that he loved. He spoke to her. They didn't her him though. And neither did Akane. She didn't wake up.

Akane died there. Ranma had watched her as her pulse stopped. After she had died he lost his will to live. They went to Jusenkyo after the battle and found that the springs were there and filled again. Their curses were cured. But Ranma decided against curing himself.

"It'll remind me of better days," Was his excuse.

Ryoga and Mousse tried to cheer him up but it was impossible. When Ukyo and Shampoo next spoke to him (Glomped him) He litterally threw them off him, violently. Ukyo to the ground and Shampoo into a building.

It would probably be better not to tell you what happened to the Black Rose and Kuno. The hospital was their home for close to six months.

Akane, however, though she had died still had a presense. She was there. Ranma felt her. He went to search for a way to bring her back to life. After three months he found a way, though his life wasn't garenteed. It was possible for him to die from doing this.


"Elder of this temple, I have a question, that I hope you can answer." Ranma said.

He had spent a grand total of three months trying to find this place in China. He was told it was absolutly impossible. That only one cursed from Jusenkyo and had felt water from both the Kaisui-fuu and the Chiisui-ton, had taken a Pheonix pill, come in some contact with the Gekkaja and the Kinjakan and was physically able to hold three tons at least. Fortuantly, Ranma had allready met these terms. He passed the tests required to enter when he finally found the hidden cave near Jusenkyo. A month to find that and two months more he had finally destroyed all the traps and manuvered through the mazes to reach the legendary temple of Jusenkyo.

"Hmm... I have never had a visitor before. Not in the three thousand years it's been since I created the Jusenkyo pools and Mount Pheonix. You are an amazing individual. What is your name?" An old man said in a raspy voice.

Ranma would have been amazed that this person was old enough to have created the Jusenkyo pools, but he had no time to linger in amazement.

"I am Ranma Saotome. Do you know of a way to revive someone killed by the Kinjakan? I assume you know what that is." Ranma said.

"There is one way. Why do you want to resurect this person?" The elder asked.

"I love her," Ranma said without hesitation. The months of solitude in the mountains returning to Jusenkyo and searching for the cave. And once in the cave fighting, had given Ranma the time to put his priorities in order. And the first on his list was Akane.

"Oh, my. This will end so odly. Yes I felt that the Gekkaja and the Kinjakan were being used as of lately. As have the Chiisui-ton and the Kiasui-fuu. The pheonix pill was also eaten not long ago? By you I presume?" The elder asked.

Ranma nodded.

"So your curse is female? That is good." The elder told her.

"Your avoiding the question. Is there or isn't there a way?" Ranma asked firmly.

"She may be revieved, if she loves you in return. If she doesn't then you die, but she will live. You must have a body for her to occupy." He said calmly.

Ranma had brought Akane's dead body along with him. It was wrapped carefully in a robe so that none of her body parts were visible. He now laid it on the floor.

"If she doesn't love me I'd die anyway," Ranma thought.

The elder handed Ranma a potion.

"If this is your choice. Drink this, and think of her and only her. And then look at her body." the elder said.

"Can I have any time to think about this?" Ranma asked.

"It will decompose in one day of being out of that." The elder said pointing to an odd sort of freezer.

"So I have one day.." Ranma stated.

"The sooner it is used, the better chance you have for success." the elder said.

"And if she isn't revieved?" Ranma asked.

The elder laughed. "It all depends on what you feel and do. She may be revived and possibly not. However. If not then she will become a spirit within you. Flooding you untill you die along with her a second time. If you fail to do any of the requirements.... /thinking of her only & looking at her/ this is what will happen."

"Figures, I'd have to do something like this to get Akane back." Ranma said.

He uncorked the vial and drank it. Then he thought of his beloved. Everything she had ever done. All the good things. And the bad. Everything he ever remembered about her came to his mind. His eyes closed and his hands and legs began to shake uncontrollablly. "What the hell is this!?" He shouted as he cluched his head from the massive headache he seemed to be developing.

"This is the pain the must be taken. One must die for someone who is allready dead to live. However if the person is strong enough, then both may live. If the person is strong enough. Are you up to it?" The elder said.

The words repeated themselves in Ranma's mind. He screamed as the pain became horrible, unbearable. But he withstood. A green light now circled his body signalling that he now had to open his eyes. He didnt' know the light was there. He just felt it was now the time do look at Akane. To bring her back to him, he had to look at her body. He had to open his eyes... for her.

He opened them so slowly. When they were finally open he looked at Akane.... But she was still wrapped in the robe! He couldn't see her!

The elder laughed. "You think on her alone! But fail to look at her because you wrapped her body in a robe? What irony young boy!"

"Ranma crawled. Very slowly, he crawled to her. Making every possible effort to make it to her. To free her spirit from his body. He had to look at her. She was so close. Less than a foot! He placed his hand on the robe and pulled at it... trying to pull it off of her to look at her face, only to find it tightly bundled.

"I'm sorry Akane, I couldn't bring you back to me." He cried as her spirit took over his senses. He knew she was going to take over his body and then they would die.

But suddenly the ground underneath Ranma cracked. He didnt' notice. His pain was too intense to care. However he was happy. He felt Akane around him, one with him. That being his last feeling he was happy beyond any man. But when the floor collapsed he fell through... directly into an underground pool.

The elder looked at the floor in surprise. He smiled.

"I hope the girl likes her new body,"


Ranma woke. He found himself on the ground nearby what sounded like water. Apparently he had fallen into an underground resovoir and had washed up onto the rocks. He was soaking wet and his only sorce of light was from what looked like a hole in the ceiling.

"Wait, if I'm alive that means Akane must be alive!" He cried. He used a controled Moko Takabishi, and held it in his hand creating a light sorce. He looked around and realized the room he was in was possibly a mile long and half a mile high. It also contained what looked like a lake at the bottom.

"So the Akane must be in the lake or on the rocks like myself," He thought

He looked around. His eyes scanned the lake's shore.

While he was searching he thought of something," Wait a minute. If I washed up onto these rocks in cold water... why ain't I in my girl form?... Oh well, best not to worry about that now. Gotta find Akane."

After about a minute of searching the lake with his precise vision he spoted a figure. He ran toward it. As fast as he possibly could. When he got within a hundred yards of it he could tell it was a human laying on the ground.

Then he ran around a large pillar of rock that blocked his view of her. Almost a hundred yards later he saw it. It a figure of a girl, but he didn't get a good look at her because when he saw her his Moko Takabisha disapated. He knew who she was. She had awoken and was now sitting.

She noticed the outline of his pigtail and cried.

"RANMA!" She cried and ran to him.

Ranma heard the familiar voice and smiled ear to ear as he felt two small arms wrap around his wet shoulders and a head lay on his shoulder.


"Akane? Is that you?" Ranma yelled back as he wrapped his arms around her in the dark she felt a little cold and her body felt just a little different then it had before but perhaps that was because she had aged.

"Ranma, I died... how did you? Why...?" She asked.

Ranma looked away.

"On Mount Pheonix I said I love you... and I meant it," He told her.

"Ranma... I.. I love you, too! I've tried to tell you before, but I was afraid you'd laugh... you'd call me a kawaiikune tomboy again... "sniff" I was afraid you'd leave me for Shampoo or Ukyo," Akane told him.


They held each other for a while.

He pulled her off of his shoulder and looked into her eyes. "Akane... I'm sorry if you mind me bringing you back here. Were you happier dead or in heaven?"

Akane stared back at him and said, "Heaven was hell without you,"

They stood.

"Well, what now?" She asked.

"Akane... I know were to young now but.. will, Will You Marry me, Akane?" Ranma asked her.

"Yes, Of course Ranma!" She cried.

Ranma looked at her and she at him. While they couldn't see too much they could see from the light from the whole in the ceiling. The moved toward each other and kissed, there first real time kissing anyone of their own free will, they had both realized.

"Well, what do ya say Akane? Wanna get outta here?" Ranma asked.

"Not yet," She replied, "Being alone here... is perfect." She watched the small light from the hole in the ceiling reflect of the water.

"Well, I guess we should get some light," Ranma said. He raised his hand and used the Moko Takabisha technique which luminated the room. Then he looked back to her. What he saw next brought him very close to feinting.

"What is it Ranma?" Akane asked.

Ranma had turned around away from her.

"Look in the water. Please dont' get mad at me Akane I didn't know!" Ranma said expecting a mallet.

Akane looked in the water at her reflection. She feinted.

Ranma, afraid Akane would wake up.. took off his outer shirt and drapped it around the unconsious naked body of his cursed form... Of Akane's new form.


"Akane... Akane wake up!" Ranma said to her. She was laying in a bed in the temple above the underground cave. He had picked her up and brought her. He had now officially proposed to his fiancee only to find out she was in his cursed form.

"I guess that explains how I lived. I must have seen my cursed form in my reflection. I hope Akane doesn't mind this body... Please don't hate me," Ranma thought.

Akane moaned.

"Ugh, what happened?... Ranma?" She asked as she adjusted her eyes to the light that she was now bathed in.

"Akane.. your awake," Ranma said.

"Ranma... You proposed to me? Right! Tell me that wasnt a dream!!!!!" She cried.

He smiled and then nodded. She hugged him and smiled as well.

"But.. Akane your... your not you really anymore... I'm sorry. You don't hate me do you?" Ranma asked.

"What do you mean I...." She said but was interupted as he moved her hair into her eyes. She saw it. It was bright red.

"Ranma?" She asked. "Wha... what happened?"

"Akane... I... I was supposed to look at your body to get you to be your normal self but... I forgot to unwrap you from a robe and I couldn't undo it when I took the potion to bring you back... But somehow a hole opened up in the floor and I fell through into some cold water... I saw my reflection in the water... and we split. You became my cursed form and I was cured... Are... are you mad at that?" Ranma explained.

"... No... you brought me back to you. As long as you.. as long as you still love me I'm happy," she said.

He smiled.

"So... what are we gonna do now, though? Go home? Straight into a wedding/disaster?" Akane asked.

"I dunno. Whatever you want to do, Akane," Ranma told her.

"I... I want to go home. But not yet... can we stay here in China? For a little while?" She asked. "I want to be alone with you. With no one around to get in the way." Akane said.

"Well... there will be one person," Ranma said.

"Really? Who?" Akane asked.

"My mouth," Ranma joked.

"Yeah... but I've gotten used to it, baka," Akane said. She smiled.

Ranma frowned.

"What's wrong Ranma?"

"There's only one problem..." He said.


"I can't call you uncute tomboy anymore!" He cried.


"Idiot..." she said as she lifted the mini-mallet off his head.

He smiled.

"I love you, Akane," he said.

"And I you," She returned.


(I would end this with "and they lived happily ever after" but this is Ranma after all! Hope you liked it! Tell me if you want it continued! Lata!)