Disclaimer: I don't own

Inuyasha or Yu Yu Hakusho.

Prologue: Goodbye.

Kagome watched as Inuyasha

walked up to Kikyou. The

battle was over Naraku was

dead. The Shikon no tama was

complete once again. As

promised Kagome gave it to

Inuyasha to make his wish

believing, he was going to wish

to become a full youkai.

She was wrong. Inuyasha

wished for Kikyou to be alive

once again. That meant one

thing. Kikyou got her soul back

and Kagome will die. Or so she


Kagome felt as her soul left her

body and the jewel entered her.

"You will not die. You are still

needed." Kagome heard the

jewel tell her. "You now have a

new soul more powerful then

the one you had. Because of

your son you will be a kitsune so

you may raise him."

Kagome was shocked yet

pleased that the jewel gave her

back her life. She didn't mind

becoming a kitsune at least, and

she can be a real mother to

Shippo now.

"Thank you." Kagome

whispered to the shikon. Now

that it was back in her body she

had to make sure to protect it so

no one could use it for evil.

"Kagome!" Kagome watched

as Sango, Miroku, and Shippo

ran to her they thought she was


Kagome smiled at them. It

would seem they were her only

friends. "I'm fine."

"How?" Sango was the first to

ask she saw when Kagome's

soul left her body after

Inuyasha made his wish.

"The shikon gave me a new

soul." Kagome explained she

didn't want her friends to

worry over anything. "More

powerful then the one I had. I

have the soul of a kitsune now."

Shippo jumped into Kagome's

arms happy to hear the last

part. "So can you be my

momma for real now?"

Kagome smiled at her adopted

son. "Yes, Shippo I can be your

real mother now."

"I'm glad you're still with us

Lady Kagome." Miroku said he

still couldn't understand why

Inuyasha did that he knew for

Kikyou to live she had to have

her soul back and when that

would happen Kagome would


Sango was thinking the same

thing. She hated Inuyasha at

that moment. Inuyasha didn't

know that the jewel would give

Kagome a new soul which

means he didn't care if she did


Kagome knew Inuyasha didn't

love her and she found peace

with thinking at least they were

friends. It seemed they were

not even that. Kagome wasn't

in love with Inuyasha any more

after knowing he would always

go back to Kikyou.

It hurt knowing that Inuyasha

didn't care if Kagome didn't

live after his wish. Yet she was

going to leave it alone and go on

with her life. Kagome was

eighteen now after spending

three years looking for the jewel

and trying to kill Naraku.

"What are we going to do

now?" Sango was the first to

ask. Now that Naraku was dead

and her brother put to rest she

had no where to go.

"Get on with our lives."

Miroku answered watching

Inuyasha kissing Kikyou. He

was sick to his stomach. "What

else can we do?" Miroku took

Sango's hand. "We can have a

life together."

Sango blushed, she did love the

monk even if he was such a

hentai. "Yes, maybe we can?"

Kagome grinned from ear to

ear as she saw Miroku and

Sango walk off hand in hand.

Then she saw Inuyasha walking

away with his arm around


"Come on Shippo let's go

home." Kagome picked up her

kit and followed Miroku and

Sango to say bye before going

back to her time.

Shippo saw the longing and

sadness in his mother's eyes. I

wish my mother would find a

kitsune mate that would

love both her and me. A

mate that would never hurt

my momma and would love her

forever. A kitsune that

would mate for life. Shippo

thought to himself. He knew

better then that the only kitsune

that would mate for life was a

silver and they were too rare.

Please review this is my first

crossover so please tell me what

you think.

Vegeta's Heart