Author's Notes: I don't own Hunter X Hunter. Edited.

When they reached their house Leorio, Gon, Killua and Mito went straight to bed while Kurapika and Neon was left downstairs. Neon washed her face while Kurapika drank water. After wiping her face they met near the stairs. "O-Oyasumi nasai Kurapika". But he grabbed her wrist and let her turned around, after that he hugged her tight. "Kurapika what's wrong?" Neon asked, startled.

"Please...don't leave", he pleaded. Neon sighed. But she felt happy when she is embraced by the one she loves.

"I'll visit you some other time", she said.

"Neon-sama". He heard her giggle.

"I told you not to call me that anymore", she left his arms and looked at him with a smile on her face. "We'll see each other again…someday". She kissed his cheek and turned around. She was trying her best so that he wouldn't see her tears.


That very morning, Neon was still in bed, thinking. "Last night was really strange"', she thought. "Why doesn't he want me to leave?" She gets up on her bed and fix herself. After that she went downstairs to eat breakfast. "Ohayou gozaimasu minna-san!" Neon greeted.

"Ohayou gozaimasu!" they all greeted.

"So..." Gon said. "Are you going to explain why will you leave soon?"

"Oh...right. Well it's just a vacation so...I need to go back to Nostrad mansion", Neon explained. "Actually that's the half truth. I have done my business with that someone but funny why will I leave the one I love?" Neon thought. Looking at Kurapika for a while then looked away. She continued. "So that's it. But don't worry guys I'll visit you sometimes".

"I hate to admit but the house will be lonely if you go. Without you cause your genki", Leorio said.

"Thank you Leorio". And she noticed that he never glanced at her. She sighed and resumed eating.


After they eat they plan to clean the house but Kurapika went out to buy something. While sweeping the floor, Neon's cell phone rang. "Hello? Ah...Eliza. About my return..."she looked at her fellow comrades left. "Think Neon think! Are you going to leave HIM behind? Come on!" she thought. "Eliza I'm sorry to say but I won't be back by Monday. I'm staying here for quite long", she said. She heard the cheers of Gon, Killua, Leorio and Mito. Too bad Kurapika is not there.

"I understand Neon-sama. But please don't make it five years after!" Eliza said. Neon chuckled.

"Oh no! Um if ever I'm gonna be back can I bring Kurapika friends along?" she asked.

"Oh sure! Anything you want Neon-sama! Enjoy your vacation! Sayonara!" Eliza said.

"Right sayonara! Until next time...Elaiza", and Neon hang up.

"Woo-hoo she's staying!" Gon said.

"Yeah! This is great!" Killua added.

"If only Kurapika was here", Leorio said.

"Kurapika", Neon thought. Then Mito pats Neon's shoulder.

"I'm glad! You've got to tell him", Mito said.

"I know", Neon answered. "Can I go and look for him?" Mito nodded as she saw the young lass smiled. "I won't be long".

"Take your time", Mito said as she looked at the young lass leave. She sighed happily. "Love has a way after all".


It was afternoon and Kurapika wasn't home yet. Here he was sitting near the lake where he and Neon sat last night. "Neon..." he shook his head. "She'll leave but why do I feel like I'm saddened imagining her absence?" he heard footsteps behind him as he turned around was shocked to see that his Mistress had found him. "N-Neon-sama". She made a "Tsk" sound and sat down beside him.

"I told you not to call me that anymore", she said softly and looked at him sadly. "Eliza called". She saw him stiffen as she added, "She asked me when I'll be leaving".

"A-And?" he asked but somehow a part of doesn't want to ask that. "What did you say?"

"I told her", she looked away and then looked at him again, a grin on her face. "That I'll extend my vacation for a while". His face lit up when she said that and she gave a slight laugh. "Surprised?"

"You sure did". Absent mindedly he pulled her wrist lightly as he tilts his head and kissed her. He heard her gasp but soon she was responding to his kiss. "I think I am falling for you", he said, caressing her face. She blushed.

"K-Kurapika you are daydreaming right?" she asked nervously. For her he was acting so strangely. "Right?"

"I don't think so. When you told me you love me, it was like a mantra in my head and when you told us that you'll leave, I just don't know what to do", he replied. "Neon-sama I think I have fallen for you ever since I've watched over you. All I know is that I want you near me. Like this close", he said huskily, nibbling her lower lip. "Aishitei'ru". She wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling herself close to his.

"Aishitei'ru Kurapika", she whispered as she saw him smile on what she said. She kissed his cheek as she stood up and looked at him with a grin. "Race you home!"

"Hey no fair!" he said, laughing as he chased after. She doesn't want to be alone anymore. He doesn't want to be alone anymore either. They have finally found each other.

The End.