The Second Time Around

By: Tomo Kakashi

Disclaimer: I do not own Ranmna 1/2.

WARNING: This contains HET, a Ranma/Kasumi romance. This goes out to my own Master Ranma Saotome, whom I love to no end. I hope you like this, Kevin!

If I could go a second time around, I wouldn't have let myself become engaged to Akane. I would have been sure to let, no, make Kasumi chose me. I wouldn't have ended this way.

I wouldn't have chose Akane the second time around.

What kind of fool am I, really? Getting stuck with the violent, uncute tomboy? Allowing her to fall in love with me, even. If Kasumi had chosen me, then both of us would be happy. I would protect her and she would care for me. Feh, she does anyway. She takes care of everyone.

She's so the opposite of Akane. Kasumi is extremely beautiful, sexy, cute. Greyish-green eyes, long brown hair. Endless smile, cheery voice.

...Akane is extremely uncute, scary, and violent. Brown eyes, short black-blue hair. Endless frown, manly voice.

Kasumi is always sweet, even to those who treat her like dirt, or don't respect her. Like Akane. Akane just thinks of Kasumi as background art, the sister that was always there and will always be there.

Akane is almost always ill-tempered, even to those who love her the most. Like Kasumi. Kasumi respects Akane and defends her the best she knows how, always trying to make me love the little brat, even though I can tell Kasumi loves me. Kasumi just wants everyone around her to be happy, even if it causes her pain.

I don't like Kasumi to be sad. I want her to be happy. I want to be happy. And if the two of us were together, both of us would be happy...Because...The truth is...That I love Kasumi.

But Kasumi is too sweet. She knows that if the two of us were together and happy, Akane, Shampoo, Kodachi, Kunou, and Ukyou would all be sad. She doesn't want that.

But she wants me to be happy...She just doesn't know that I love her. Like everyone else, she thinks I love Akane. She's wrong. Oh, so wrong.

Why is Kasumi walked all over, disrespected, and ignored? Because she's so sweet. Too sweet to make anyone respect her.

Why do people treat her like she doesn't even exist? Does one have to be a strong martial artist to get respect? ...Akane isn't a strong martial artist, she's a brute, and she gets respect. Or is it fear?

What if she were to leave? No one could get along without her. Especially me. She keeps the house clean, cooks better than Shampoo and Ukyou combined, and keeps order in the Tendou home the best way she knows how.

And she loves me. She loves me, and I love her. She's the best fiancee I could have ever picked.

But I didn't. I didn't even have a choice, and if I did, I'm sure I would have chosen her. Not because I loved her, I didn't know I loved her until recently. It's because she's more beautiful than Akane and Nabiki combined, more graceful and respectful, too. She's a lot like my mother, someone my mother would want me to marry.

And I would have, the second time around.
