Title : Hear No Evil, Speak No Evil

Author : Jaggie 107

Disclaimer : JAG characters belong to DPB, CBS and Paramount. Update on 'Sue Thomas, F.B.Eye' – the program is aired on PAX TV – and I still hope all parties will allow me to have fun for a little while, and replace them all when I'm done. Thank you.

Rating : G to PG-13

Author's Notes 1 & 2 : See Default Chapter


Thanks go to Ninjaturtle, Starryeyes10, Another Tracy, Jtbwriter, Alicia5, CapriceAnn, Melissa, DD2, Cbw, Lisa Brown and Steven Pennie for all their reviews throughout the story. This is it, folks – The End! Finis!

From what started out as a thought of what might happen if JAG met STFBE, I've had a blast! Thanks for staying with me, and I hope you'll be as generous for the next story. (There's got to be one somewhere!) Until then, take care, and catch up with you all later.



McMurphys Bar – Washington DC – Friday evening

Mac and Sue were talking at a table with Jennifer, while Jack, Harm and Bobby ordered drinks for their party at the bar. When the Admiral, Harriet and Bud arrived, they were waved over, and Harriet left the men at the bar as she carried on over to the table, sitting down next to Jennifer. Mac glanced up as Harriet sat down, and caught the glint of amusement in the younger woman's eyes. This was usually a sign that Harriet was on alert for a 'Mac and Harm moment', as she now called them, and Mac grinned. It occurred to her that perhaps the elevator door hadn't closed as fast as Harm had thought. Once the car was moving, and they had both parted in the need to breathe, Mac had giggled softly.

"What's so funny?" Harm had asked, looking affronted that she could laugh after what he thought was quite a kiss. Mac had smiled teasingly and leaned in for another kiss before answering.

"I think we may have had an audience," she had murmured against his lips. When the car opened on the ground floor the two officers exited in almost precise co-ordination, were it not for the fact of the two briefcases that lay on the floor of the car, where they had fallen. Sheepishly Harm stepped back to collect them, handed Mac her own briefcase, and then walked out of the building and into the parking lot.

Now, when Bud took a seat next to Harriet and had a hard time looking at either Mac or Harm, Mac knew she was right. Bobby and Jack had returned to the table also, but the Admiral and Harm were still at the bar, talking. Looking back over her shoulder at where the Admiral was talking to Harm, Mac was curious. Turning to Sue she leaned forward, knowing that Sue found it hard to read lips in low-lit areas.

"Sue, I need a favor, please?"

"Sure, what is it?"

"Can you tell me what the Admiral is saying to Harm?"


"Please. It could be important, and I don't want to say the wrong thing when the Admiral comes to sit down."

"In that case," Sue smiled, and glanced over at where the Admiral was leaning in to talk to Harm. "Oh!" she murmured. "Oh, no!" she muttered. "Oh, my goodness!" she almost squealed. Mac, getting antsier by the second with each exclamation almost grabbed at Sue in her haste to discover what had been said. Jack had picked up on what Sue was doing, and grinned at her as she turned back to face the table.

"What?" asked Sue, lifting her shoulders in what was now her trademark gesture whether it indicated joy, sorrow, or indecision when combined with the look on her face. Jack pointed a finger at her.

"I'm getting wise to you, Miss Thomas. You're definitely up to something."

"I'm just helping out a friend, that's all," defended Sue, turning to a now-frantic Mac as the Admiral and Harm began to weave their way through the other tables towards the rest of the group.

"What did the Admiral say, Sue?"

"Nothing I can repeat," Sue replied, straight-faced, and Jack laughed at the almost-murderous look on Mac's face. "I can't repeat anything, Sarah. It should be up to Harm to tell you."

"Oh great, then it'll be another eight years before he tells me anything!" Mac knew she was exaggerating, but she couldn't see an early answer on the cards. Sue leaned in and spoke so only Mac could hear her.

"I wouldn't count on that, Sarah…" she murmured, and then sat back as Harm took a seat between the two of them, and the Admiral found a place between Bud and Bobby. Raising his glass in the air, Chegwidden spoke up.

"Okay, people, a toast to a job well done, and new friendships forged. Here's to us all."

"Agreed!" The toast made, everyone drank to seal the gesture.

Conversations started around the table, and Mac leaned in to talk to Harm. "Ask Sue to dance, Harm. I need to talk to Jack."

Harm shrugged and turned to Sue. "Would you do me the honor of this dance, Miss Thomas?"

"I would love to, thank you, kind sir." Sue grinned and got to her feet, winking down at Jack as she left the table. Harm was still in his uniform jacket, and cut quite a dashing figure as he followed Sue to the small dance floor. As they started to dance Sue smiled up at Harm, her face animated as she spoke to him. "You're very easy to follow, Harm. I would imagine you and Sarah cut quite a dash at your official naval functions."

"I guess so. You dance well yourself, though, Sue. How do you hear… I am sorry, that was thoughtless…"

"Oh, Harm, it's okay, really! And to answer your question, I feel the beat of the music, but it is easier if my partner is a good dancer too, then I can follow his lead."

"Then let us carry on!" Harm grinned, glad that his faux pas wasn't as glaring as he had feared, and that Sue had passed it off without any distress.

Mac watched as Harm lead Sue into an easy dance routine, and caught Jack's gaze on Sue also. Smiling to herself she leaned in to talk to him.

"I have the sneakiest feeling you feel about Sue the same as Harm and I do about each other," she murmured. Jack swung round to face her as she spoke, and then he nodded in mute acceptance. Mac pressed a kiss to his cheek. "Sue feels the same, Jack. She is a strong person and you will both be fine. A little advice from a friend?" Jack nodded as Mac looked at him, and he suddenly realised what good friends she and Harm had become, to both himself and Sue as a couple and as individuals. "Don't wait as long as Harm and I did. Circumstances tore us apart so many times, and misunderstandings set in; we kept coming back together, but that relationship was weakening. We could have lost everything, Jack, but hearing Sue talk about you when we first met," Jack looked amazed at that revelation and Mac grinned before continuing, "… and then seeing the two of you together reminded me that Harm and I really have something special. Not everyone is blessed with a friendship that surpasses everything; it is a precious gift to be cherished and nurtured."

Jack looked up at the couple still dancing, joined now by Bud and Harriet, and then back at Mac. "Would you like to dance, Mac?" he asked, getting to his feet.

"I would love to." Mac rose, holding on to his hand as he made his way to the dance floor. Starting to dance along to the soft music playing, Jack leaned in and placed a kiss on Mac's cheek.

"Thank you, for sharing your wisdom, Mac. And for being our friends, both you and Harm. A lot has happened and yet it is only a few weeks since we all met. It seems like forever, in a good way."

"On that note, Mr Hudson, what say we claim our partners back?"

"Done!" Jack grinned and whirled Mac across the floor to where Sue and Harm were still dancing. Tapping Sue on the shoulder, Mac spoke up first.

"Mind if we cut in?" she asked. Sue looked up at Harm and nodded.

"Thank you for the dance, kind sir."

"You are most welcome, dear lady. Now, Jack… shall we?" As Harm made as if to dance off with Jack, Mac and Sue howled with laughter, drawing the attention of their friends at the table, and the couple still dancing, Harriet's face carrying the knowing smile again. Once the respective couples had been reunited, the dancing continued, and as Bud and Harriet took a break back at the table the Admiral glanced across at his two senior officers, and then down at his junior officers.

"It's time for these old bones to retire home for the night, people. I won't disturb Harm and Mac, but you might be kind enough to pass on a message, Harriet."

"Sir?" responded Harriet, slightly puzzled at her commanding officer's somewhat bemused tone.

"Tell them I like their new friendship, it bodes well for their futures."

Harriet nodded in acceptance, yet curious as to what the Admiral meant by his words. Shrugging down at Bud as Chegwidden shook hands with Bobby and nodded at Jennifer, Harriet once again looked across at the dance floor. Mac and Harm, and Sue and Jack were dancing closer now they were with their 'other halves', but while Sue and Jack were dancing without talking, Mac was in an animated conversation with Harm.

"Aw, come on, Harm… did the Admiral see us in the elevator?"

"Yes," admitted Harm quietly, "and he ordered me to stop such displays."

Mac was open-mouthed, at a loss as to what to say, but feeling something akin to anger that her commanding officer could order them to stop seeing each other in any way other than business. Until Harm continued.

"At least until he's had a chance to invoke Admiral's privilege, and sort out the paperwork."

"What paperwork?" Mac asked curiously.

"Well, you could have a new assignment, to the Judiciary. You would still have the position of Chief of Staff, but we won't be in the same courtroom, unless you're on the bench, Your Honor."

"Oh, Harm!" Mac squealed and tightened her grip around his neck as she squeezed even closer to him in delight. Harm returned her gesture, and then released her slightly to look down at her face again. As his eyes settled on hers she was aware that he had suddenly become serious.

"Harm, what is it?"

"Well, there's one or two other things the Admiral said, too, which could have a big impact on our future. Such as how you'll take to my being a higher rank than you, for a while at least."

"Higher rank… you made the promotions list! Oh, Harm, congratulations!"

"So have you, Colonel Mackenzie," Harm continued, and fielded Mac's full blown attack on him as she jumped up at him and he caught her, swinging her around once in his arms before setting her down on her own two feet again.

Jack caught Mac's excited reaction and smiled. He and Sue would find out soon enough what was going on; for the time being he was happy dancing with Sue. At the table Bobby turned to Jennifer and grinned.

"Jennifer, would you care to join me on the dance floor? We can't let the sides down, JAG dancing with FBI should even up the balance."

"Why not?" Jennifer took Bobby's hand and followed him out to the dance floor, as Harriet took a sweeping glance at the three couples and sighed loudly.

"Honey, what is it?" Bud asked, looking at his wife in consternation at her actions.

"Oh, Bud, I couldn't have planned this better if I had tried!" she clapped her hands in delight, already in matchmaker heaven!

"Harriet!" Bud warned, and then glanced across at the dance floor. Grinning to himself he had to admit, the three couples did go so well together. Getting to his feet he pulled Harriet towards him. "One last dance, then it's time for home."

"Yes, dear," Harriet acknowledged, and dropped a kiss on Bud's mouth. "Thank you."

"For what?"

"For being you." Harriet turned at the edge of the dance floor and moved into Bud's arms, moving into an easy rhythm as they joined the other couples.

Mac looked up from Harm's shoulder as Harriet and Bud came on the floor, and then she glanced around at the other couples Perhaps she and Harm were as good at matchmaking as Harriet, she thought to herself, smiling. Starting with Harriet and Bud, they had also helped Sue and Jack a little, too, and as for Bobby and Jennifer, there was always a chance!

"What are you doing, Mac?" asked Harm, raising his head to smile down at her, aware of her looking around at the others.

"I was just thinking that we did good, Sailor."

Harm's look swept the floor as well and, without asking, he was aware of what Mac was talking about. He nodded, returning Mac's head to his shoulder to continue their dance.

"Yeah, Marine, we did good."

The End


Author's Note 3 - Quote : "If you hear no evil, you speak no evil." I thought up this wording to put in the story, as an explanation of the title, but it didn't work out. It was to be attributed to Sue, possibly coming from Jack in admiration of her character, or Mac, for the same. At least I've managed to put it into words. Thanks for reading!