My little Yugioh Ponys

Anthy: Yet another of my deranged little ficcys.

Anshi: And your video.

Anthy: Be nice to my video.

Anshi:'s old.


Some derranged fanfic.

Chapter one: How the hell...?

My little ponies

My little ponies

Isn't the world a lovely place

"Ow...I landed on something." Seto said, opening his eyes and looking around.

"Get off my back." Yami muttered through a mouthful of grass.

The two sat up and looked around. This place was all green and happy and joyful and psychotic. Mokuba came running up to them, followed by what looked like a little orange pony with a yellow mane and tail.

"Shoot me." Yami whispered.


"Nii-sama! Meet my new friend Applejack."

The color drained form Yami and Seto's faces.

//Oh please Ra...take me now...// Yami thought.

"Hello! Are you new here?" The orange pony asked.

"Um...sure..." Seto said.

"Great! By the way, my name is Applejack. What's yours?"

Seto and Yami looked at each other for a moment before deciding that the only thing words than this would be locked in a room with Ishtaru and Akio (from Utena...he's a frickin rapist...I swear).

"My name is Yami."

"I'm Seto."

"Yay! Come on! I'll introduce you to some of my friends!"

//Ra must hate me, cursed me for eternity, Ra must hate me, maybe you should pray for me, I'm breakin' down and you can't save me FUCKIN' HELL man...I wanna go home...// Yami sand mentally.

(Copyright Simple Plan)

"Lookout belooooooooooooooooow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Yami heard and had just enough time to duck before a pink pony with a blue mane and tail and tiny little wings nearly took his head off.

"Hello Firefly!" Mokuba called up to the pink flying pony thing.

Seto and Yami looked at each other.

They were in hell.


Anthy: Stay tuned for the next chapter!

Anshi: -_-