This is our (except for DEVL41) first fanfic, so please no FLAMES!!!

Disclaimer: I do NOT, repeat, do NOT own Inuyasha or any of it's characters, but I will rule it one day, MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

Sorry, but we don't like Kikyo and we don't wanna make fun of her cough so she's not in this fanfic, but she MIGHT be later on though, cause we're still not sure yet..

Alright, enough with our blabbing, and on with the story. Hope you like it


Chapter 1 – The Dare

Kagome was sitting in class, listening to the teachers blab on about memorizing the periodic table of elements, which she, of course, had known since the seventh grade (she's a senior by the way). Finally, the bell rang for lunch and she, Sango, and Hojo walked out the door.

'I don't have to hang out with these immature and sophomoric people anymore next year.' Kagome's thoughts trailed off to college.

They finally entered the cafeteria and sat down at their usual table.


Meanwhile, Inuyasha, Kouga, and Miroku sat at the table and talking about hot chicks and how to get them, then just out of nowhere, Inuyasha said, "I can get any chick I want."

"What about some chick that looks nerdy" Miroku smirked. "Then I could go with all those hot chicks in their tight dresses that show every curve in their body."

"You're such a pervert!" Kouga laughed.

"Well, every year Inuyasha always goes with the hottest and most popular chicks!" Miroku reasoned. "Even though Sango is the Apple of my eye." He had a far off look in his eyes.

"But she's not popular and she hangs out with her nerd friends." Inuyasha said. "And besides, I don't JUST care about looks and popularity."

"Then, I dare you to go to the dance with the nerdiest girl in school." Kouga said.

"Fine, then choose any girl you want." Inuyasha said, "And I'll go to the dance with her."

Kouga and Miroku whispered to each other and finally pointed to a girl with raven black hair, brown eyes, and VERY round and thick glasses. (AN: don't worry, inukag fans, she won't look this weird later on, we won't mention the glasses every time)

"We dare you to ask Kagome Higurashi to the dance," Kouga and Miroku laughed.

"Fine. whatever" Inuyasha rolled his eyes and walked over to Kagome, who was reading a book on the history of physics. When he got over to her table, Kagome looked up and looked at him confusingly. 'Why would HE be over here, the most wanted guy is at the nerd table?' She thought.

"Hey," Inuyasha said.

"Um, can I help you?" Kagome asked nervously.

"Actually, I was wondering if you'd go to the prom with me."

"I, um, uh, are you sure you're talking to the right person? I'm not Kikyo you know." (AN: Kikyo is two years older than Inuyasha, which means she's in a sophomore in college)

"Yeah I know," Inuyasha rolled his eyes. "So, do you wanna go?"

"..... no thanks" Kagome walked out of the cafeteria in a panic.

Inuyasha looked REALLY REALLY REALLY, and I mean REALLY, surprised. 'I can't let Miroku and Kouga find out that I was rejected by a nerd, I have to find some way to get her to go with me.'


"What was that all about, there must be a good reason for this, maybe he's sick or just crazy. I've never been asked out in my whole entire life and I doubt I ever need to be. I just don't trust some popular guy for SUDDENLY wanting to talk to a nerd like me. The only guy who ever talked to me was Hojo." Kagome thought.

"Kagome! What was that all about, I just came back from the library and saw Inuyasha at our table, did he think you were Kikyo?" Sango came in. "I think he's feeling a little nostalgia

"Yeah, probably." Kagome agreed, "He asked me to the prom."

"WHAT?!?!?!?" Sango exclaimed, "AND WHAT DID YOU SAY TO HIM??!?!?!"

"I just said no."

"WHAT THE HELL?!?!?! Every girl in the school would trade places with you, what on earth were you thinking when you rejected?"

"I just feel a little suspicious, besides, what would YOU say if he asked you?"

"Of course I'd say no, I've got Miroku and he's really friendly," Sango blushed.

"But he acts friendly to everyone, especially girls."

The two girls hurried to their next classes when the lunch bell rang, and noticed that everyone was waving or staring at them.

'It must be that rejection thing from the lunch room' Kagome thought, 'word sure travels around fast.'


"So, Inuyasha, what'd she say?" Miroku asked with a smirk on his face.

"Well, of course she said yes, she even looked like she was gonna faint, that's probably why she ran out of the lunch room." Inuyasha lied, "She couldn't stand looking at me. I'm so good."

"Have fun ruining your rep," Kouga laughed evilly.


The school day was over and Inuyasha went home. When he got home, he saw his dad sitting in front of the TV. His dad beckoned him to join him watching a school news report.

The reporter was standing in front of Inuyasha's school. "We have a survey on some seniors at the high school, asking them if they were stranded on a deserted island, who they would prefer to be stranded with."

"One girl said, "Who else? Of course, INUYASHA!!! Can you see me, Inuyasha? If you are, just wanted say I LOVE YOU. I'm asking you out someday!" The girl finished speaking, and squealed with delight.

"Here's one that's really unique, one that had a DIFFERENT answer." Kagome appeared on the screen, "I, personally, would like to be stranded with Emily Dickens, one of the most renowned poets in history. Oh, she could teach me SO much!"

Inuyasha's eyes dazed off, 'Hm, this is one weird girl, if she didn't even pick me to be stranded on an island with, it'll be even harder to ask her to the dance. I HAVE to find out her schedule."


The next day, Inuyasha decided to ask Sango for help, "Can you tell me? I need to know where Kagome usually goes after school today?"

"Why would you wanna know," Sango scrutinized him.

"Just wondering," Inuyasha said, "If I wanna take her to the dance, I should get to know her."

"I thought she REJECTED you." Sango looked at him VERY suspiciously.

"She did, but she won't be by the end of this week and don't tell Miroku or Kouga about it."

"Why are you suddenly interested in a geek, like her?"

"No reason really. So where is she going after school today?"

Sango sighed and said, "Well, on Monday and Wednesday afternoons, she goes to work at the hospital as a volunteer, on Tuesdays and Thursdays, she goes to the Humane Society to help the animals and on Fridays, she goes to the Library to study for three hours, and on the weekends, she goes to the lab and helps the scientists research."

"Wow, what day is today again?" Inuyasha looked confused.

"It's Tuesday."

"Oh great, I have to go see the stupid little mutts."

"It's not that bad, and you might not want to volunteer there, because first timers have to clean up the kettles."

"Whatever" Inuyasha leaves.


Meanwhile, Kouga was bullying Hojo.

"You forgot to do my homework, you stupid bastard!" Kouga yelled.

Kouga lifted Hojo up by the collar and pinned him to the wall, "This better not happen again you runt, or else you'll get it!"

Hojo nodded nervously and Kouga dropped him to the ground, Hojo then quickly scurried away, 'I need to pick up Kagome, so we can go to the animal shelter.'

He walked out and saw Kagome waiting for him, "Sorry I'm late Kagome."

"It's ok." Kagome replied, noticing some bruises on his face, but decided not to say anything. They climbed in to the car and drove away. Little did they know that someone was following them.


MWAHAHA, cliffhanger!!! Kinda, anyway, we thought this would be a good place to stop, and we hope this isn't so short, if it is sorry.

Please Review!!! thanks, we'll update soon!