(sigh) An other short chapter where a lot happens. Just so you know, there are a lot of flash backs so the flashback sequences will be noted. You learn a little of Kumako's past and I've just started with unraveling her. Sorry there isn't much Ses or Rin right now. There will be, I promise!

Rin's Flowers
Chapter Four: Sunflowers pt.II


"I want you to do a reading."

"My cards?"

"For that woman with Inuyasha."


What if...I'm just in the way? I feel so useless. I can do nothing to help and nothing I do makes a difference. Is that how they see me? I am so different and no one understands. Perhaps this is why I despise love...if I were to love, I would have to open my heart, but I will never do that. Not even to those who are dearest...because no one understands.


"No...I won't. I don't want to know. Please don't have me do that Sesshomaru-sama."

Sesshomaru gave her a quizzical look as she sighed, "It's my policy. If I know someone too well, my emotions might alter the reading. I...I just can't Sesshomaru-sama. Even without consulting my dragons, I feel a failing barrier. I don't want to know..."

"You read her cards before."

Kumako turned downcast eyes towards Sesshomaru's red carpet. Without even trying, he knew her actions. He couldn't hide anything from her, but he knew more than she realized he did, "...yes. Once. Long ago, when we first met. That's when I swore never to tell the future of one I know...please take care of Rin today...I need to get going."

Kumako partially bowed to him, her amber hair falling over her shoulders, covering the sides of her face. She ruffled Rin's hair as she slightly stirred in her sleep then Kumako bid a final farewell. As soon as she left Sesshomaru's office, Kumako rushed out of the building, letting her mind wander and her feet carry her to an unknown destination. Kumako stopped then sat on the curb, contemplating her thoughts.


"Okay Kikyou! Do you have your question in mind?" Kumako asked cheerfully. Kikyou had been nagging Kumako to do her tarot, but she had been holding off. Now she was finally getting to it and Kumako felt the surges of power she often felt from a powerful reading.


"Good! So. This is a four-card reading. This represents you, this one is your problem, this is your support, and this...is the solution."

--End of Flashback--

Kumako hugged her knees to her chest. She abruptly broke herself from her trance and breathed deeply.

'I feel like a child.'

"Excuse me?"

Kumako looked up at the woman leaning over her. At a second glance it was apparent that she was younger than Kumako, but her simple beauty gave her a more mature appearance, or maybe it was her aura...Kumako examined her looks; Her eyes were a strange color. As Kumako gazed into them they seemed to change from green to blue to green once more. The woman's umber colored hair was tied back in a loose braid that went past her waist. She was dressed in a beige cowgirl skirt with colorful patches sewn on and a purple turtle-neck.

"Are you alright?" the woman asked as Kumako nodded and turned her gaze towards the street, "Good. You seemed lost. Well...I must be on my way. Prepare for pain, my dear oracle."

Kumako looked back to the woman at her words, but she was no where in sight, 'Who was that?'


"Turquie! I'm home!" Kumako called as she opened the door to her apartment. She giggles as her cat came into her sight. The feline's belly was swaying back and forth as she attempted to rub against Kumako's leg.

"Where do I go from here? Kikyou's fortune is coming true very soon, but I can do nothing about it." She turned to the cat for advice. Turquie merely purred, then hopped onto the couch.

"You're sure helpful." Kumako rolled her eyes, then sat down next to the cat. Turquie pawed at Kumako, but with no response, she jumped onto the coffee table, scattering Kumako's tarot cards.

"Turquie! You stupid...cat..." Kumako's eyes widened as they fell on the card at her feet. The tower. Kumako felt her heart flutter, "Please no. Not again..."


"Will you do my reading, Kumako?"

"Sure, Mom. Keep in mind what you want to ask the cards. Here is an event that will change the lives of those around you." Kumako turned over the card. The Tower. Kumako looked up at her mother to explain, but she had collapsed.

"Mom? Mom?! Oh Gods! Dad!"

--End of Flashback--

Kumako grasped the card tightly in her hand as she imaciently listened to the rings on the phone, "Please pick up. Please!"

"Hello?" Sango's groggy voice answered.

"Oh thank whatever being above! Sango? Is Kikyou alright? Is she with you?"

"Um...She's fine. She's here with Inuyasha. Are you alright, Kumako? You sound horrible."

"I'm fine....thanks." Kumako breathed a sigh of relief as she put the phone on the receiver. She had over reacted. She shook her head then picked up Turquie, "Well, my mask's not broken."


Kumako juggled with the cat and a vase for the sunflowers Rin had picked. Memories of the child occupied Kumako's mind as she filled the vase with water and placed the flowers in it. Kumako took one of the flowers and breathed in the aroma. She thrust open the window and threw out the single flower. A light drizzle started, decorating the falling bloom with the drops that touched it's petals.

"To those I hold dear." Kumako whispered as the blossom hit the grown, the drops from it's petals giving the effect of shattered glass. Three women walked down the street below Kumako's window. She gasped as she recognized one of them as the woman from earlier. One of her companions bent down and picked up the fallen flower, her black hair falling out from under her hat. She turned her face to Kumako's window, her red eyes holding mischief and sorrow at once.

Kumako closed her window and rushed out of her apartment, down to the street, but when she arrived, once more, like before, they had vanished.


So there's Chapter 3 part II. Yay! It only took me forever! But I did it. Sorry for making you wait so long. I hope it wasn't too confusing!

Review Responses

Mystic Hanyou: There are many dark pasts and I love ! Thanks so much for reviewing!

Kitsune Hiei: Ah! Thank you so much for reviewing! It makes me so happy! Is it really that good?

Crimson Colored Cloaked Figure: Hmm...I guess it is odd, but I hope you're enjoying it!