AN: Special NCIS definitions at the bottom. Ie: goatrope, etc. Okay my people, this story is finally coming to a close. sob Well, it is over a year old. :D I'm pretty sure I know what's coming in the next chapter. Yes, that means I haven't written it yet. Sorry. My baby just French-fried again, so I'll be gone for a while again. Probably a month or so. Sorry, again. BUT, I'll try to type stories up at friends' houses and email them to Jenni. Love all of you! Special thanks to Cupid's girlfriend for emailing her review. :D WOW! Made me feel REALLY special. :D lol. This one is for you and The Bookworm Princess. :D Sorry it's two days late. :D I still think that today's Wednesday. LOL. : Sorry for the shortness of the story. But a short update is better than none! So there:p On to the story!


When Kate woke up again, the moonlight streaming through the window mixed with the street lamps was casting an eerie glow over the room. Her head was pounding from where Craig had hit her with God knows what. She groaned as she recalled her mistake: she should have tied Craig first. There had been no other threat. Gibbs was going to kick her ass when they got out.

'When? At least I'm subconsciously optimistic.' She thought.

Kate wiggled her hands, and winced. Craig had retied them so tightly that the rope was nearly cutting off her circulation. But if she remembered correctly, she'd sawed partially through Tony's bonds. She squinted in the dark, trying to see them clearly. They were shadowed by the loll of his head.

"Tony," Kate harshly whispered. Her partner's head jerked up.

"Kate! Are you okay?"

"Well, I woke up, so I'm pretty sure I don't have a concussion. The back of my head is a bit sore though. Did he hurt you?"

In the darkness, Kate could barely make out the moving outline of Tony shaking his head.

"No, I'm fine… What time is it?"

Kate looked out the window to her right at the night sky.

"Judging by the moon's position, I'd guess it's close to midnight."

"Gibbs should be here any time now." Tony asserted.

Kate sighed deeply as she returned her gaze to the room they were locked in.

"How can you be so sure?" She tiredly asked.

Although she was facing the back of his head and couldn't see it, Tony frowned at her.

"Because he's Gibbs, Kate."

"I- we've been here for hours. You keep talking like you know he's coming. I understand that it's Gibbs, but I don't expect him to come after us now- by Monday morning, sure. But why now?"

"Have you ever noticed where he parks?" Tony quietly asked.

"Level three parking deck next to the green sedan."

"Where he has a perfect view of the parking lot, two sides of the building, the rest of Level three, and both ramps. This morning, we parked right behind him. I know he saw my car still there, so I know he's coming after us. It's only a question of when he gets to his car tonight. Gibbs may be a bastard, Kate, but he's never let us down before."

Kate blushed slightly. She should have though of that herself. Just like she should have thought about tying Craig. It was almost like a bolt of lightning flashed in her head as she remembered why she'd spoken up in the first place.

"Tony, I think I got your hands about halfway undone before he knocked me out. See if you can get loose."

Tony flexed his arms and pulled as hard as possible in opposite directions. His efforts were finally rewarded with the gentle sound of the rope tearing.


Gibbs slammed his palm into the middle of the steering wheel and the horn blared in response to the sub-speed limit speed of the driver in front of him. The man nearly drove up onto the curb as Gibbs furiously passed him.

"Jesus, Gibbs! You won't be any help to them if you die in a car wreck." Fornell yelled.

"I won't be any help if they're already dead either!"

"Do you think he'll kill them?"

Gibbs gritted his teeth in determination as the speedometer topped 90.

AN: Angelii, congratulations! You are the first review out of like… 161 reviews to tell me that you noticed the similarities between the CSI lab tech and my killer. :D The CSI dude's name is Greg Sanders. My guy's name is Craig Anders. You win a cookie! LOL. Actually, you get one wish. Granted(pardon the pun) it can't be money, 'cuz I'm broke. LOL. But anything having to do with the internet, I should be able to pull off. :D Name it.
Oh, and DEFINITIONS! FUBARD means F'd Up Beyond All Repair. SNAFU is Situation Normal, All F'd Up. :D Edited for ratings approval. ;)