Strong Emotions

{A/N yeah...I know it took long...just too much stuff happening...too little time...and a bad case of writers-block...but that doesn't matter now...I UPDATEEEED lol...R&R please...hope you like...}

Disclaimer: I Don't own Inu Yasha...but do own Takegara, Taku Hashu and please don't use them in your stories or anything unless you ask me and I give you permission...thanx

Chapter 5

Inu Yasha was sitting in his tree, pouting, and occasionally muttering to himself.

Miroku shook his head, "he's been in that tree for the past three days." Sango sighed; "ever since we got back from that encounter in the forest...I still want to know who that was..." looks up at the sky thoughtfully.

"I'm really worried about you think she's alright?" Sango asked after a long silence.

"I don't know...I honestly don't worry equals yours..."

Sango suddenly stood up, "I can't just sit here...I have to DO something!" she ran into Kaede's hut and got her equipment, and changes.

"What are you doing Sango?" Miroku said poking his head through the door.

"I'm going to search for Naraku's castle..."

"And how are you going to find it by yourself if all of us together haven't had any success in doing so after Kagome disappeared?"

"I have a feeling that it was right under our noses."


Taku Hashu was practicing his sword in the court yard.

Takegara walked out into the court yard and sat down to watch him. "Have you and Karaku finished torturing that woman in the dungeon?" she asked when she was near enough yet far enough to not get hit by the swishing sword.

"No." Taku said between swings and patterns.

"That would explain the screaming...let me join you in your practice." She took out her sword and put it in front of her face.

Taku Hashu stopped and looked at her, "You are not ready yet."

She frowned, "yes I am. Try me."

Taku Hashu shrugged and started the attack; Takegara blocked one after the other. He was impressed; she had improved so much over such a short period. But it was time to end it.

He did a complicated flip with his sword and rested it across her neck. She stood motionless.

"You are getting better." He placed his sword in his sheath and turned around to walk away.

"Teach me." Takegara said, stopping him in mid-step, he turned his head, "What?"

"I said, teach me." She responded stubbornly.

He turned around completely, "You are serious?"

"Why would I be joking?"

"Alright...I shall teach you."

She smiled, "When do we start?"

"Immediately." He took out his sword again and charged at her.

}} The Next Day {{

Takegara was running on air toward the little village. She had an assignment and she would not fail. '

She stopped on the tip of a tree, listening watching. A red and white blurr was moving toward her, "SHIT!"

Takegara jumped to the ground and waited.

End of part ONE of the 5th Chapter

Sorry i just HAD to put the fiirst part up...i couldn't make you wait any longer...i'm finishing the last part right this moment! - hope ya like! it's not that exciting...but hey

-Fluffy Baby

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