Twist of Fate Chapter 1 : Retreat

Synopsis : Kiba, Naruto and Shikamaru catch up to Sasuke and the ninjas as the battle starts to regain their former comrades.

Pairings : Unknown for now. Suggestions are welcomed

Disclaimer : I don't own Naruto but wish I did

Timeline :

- This takes place when Shikamaru, and the team he created went after the 4 Ninjas that took Sasuke with them. In other words it's right after Neji finished his battle with his opponent in Manga Volume 22 Chapter 198.

- Sasuke was NOT put in the wooden barrel to begin with

- Sakon is one of the four ninjas under Orochimaru's command. He's the ninja that seems to have two bodies of some sort ( Chapter 200 )

- Kimimaro is another one part of the four ninjas under Orochimaru's command, also appears in ( chapter 201 ) if you want more information.

- To me, all underlings of Orochimaru are male, so sorry if they were any females that I wasn't able to spot.

Extra Information :

- Kagemane no Jutsu – Shadow Copy Skill : Allows the user to control their own shadow, changing it to any shape they wish, and extending/shortening it inside a certain radius. When the shadow contacts the opponents shadow, it combines the two, making the opponent do anything the user does. The shadow can also latch onto multiple targets Yet, the jutsu has a time limit.

- Gatsuuga - Piercing Fang : Powerful Taijutsu attack, where the user spins at the opponent with amazing speed, in an attempt to cut and scratch them with claws, fangs, etc. Performed better with two or more people/animals.

- Juujuin Bunshin - Beast Human Clone : Used in combination with an animal partner. Chakra is used to reform the animal into an exact replica of the human - or vice versa, with the human becoming an animal. A loss of power in the transformed body - will cause a revert into the original self.

- Kage Bunshin no Jutsu - Shadow Clone Skill : A forbidden jutsu, that creates clones - which are not just plain illusions (like the normal bunshin no jutsu). Each clone is an exact replica of the user, capable of attacking. A direct hit causes the clone to disappear.

- baka = idiot -

- dobe = dead last -

- naruhodo = I see -

- Itai = Ouch -

- Chikushou – Damn it / Damn

All notes concerning future reviews will be replied at the bottom of the story.

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*Deep in the forest*

The team continued to chase after the two remaining ninjas that held Sasuke captive.

Chouji and Neji had decided to stay behind and fight their opponent, so that the team could continue ahead and catch up before it was too late.

Only, Kiba, Shikamaru and Naruto were left to retrieve Sasuke from Orochimaru's underlings.

The boys came to a stop since they were very close to their original target.

Shikamaru landed ahead of the boys as he prepared to explain the plan he had thought up.

"Why the hell are we stopping for!?" Naruto demanded an answer

"Discuss the plan I thought up" Shikamaru answered with a serious look

"Get it over with already then! We reach them, we grab Sasuke, we get the hell out of there, and pick up Neji and your fat buddy along the way." Kiba stated as Akamaru barked

"Look, there's three of us, and two of them. It's most likely that the two of them are the strongest among the original four we encountered. It's most likely that they'll sense us the moment we are too close, so a surprise attack isn't possible." Shikamaru started to explain

"Then what the hell are we suppose to do then genius!" Kiba asked

"Do something unexpected. Simply catch up, and walk to them. From there I'm guessing, it will be one on one and two on one. Hopefully we'll be able to pull it off." Shikamaru replied

"There's something you forgot Shikamaru" Naruto let out

"I thought just about every option I doubt I forgot something Naruto" Shikamaru replied

"Sasuke won't allow us to help him in any way. He'd rather die before getting help from the dobe too." Naruto stated

"Naruto's right, after all, Sasuke did go with them willingly." Kiba commented

"It's your call Naruto." Shikamaru informed the blond

"Leave Sasuke to me." Naruto told the other two boys

After Shikamaru talked more about the plan, the other two boys nodded as they understood what each of them should do once they arrive on the scene.

"Let's go" Shikamaru ordered as he took the point to lead his team

Kiba and Naruto soon followed as they continued their pursuit.

"I'm getting you back Sasuke, one way or another" Naruto mentally told himself

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*Further Ahead in the Forest*

The two ninjas that were left stopped in their tracks, as Sasuke landed next to them.

"What is it?" Sasuke asked

"It seems that three managed to pass by our comrades." One of them said

"Sasuke-kun, we'll take care of this small matter, so if you would be kind enough to simply stand aside and just watch." The other ninja requested out of the Uchiha

Sasuke growled a little but nodded to show he agreed. The tall ninja stepped forward, as the other stood by Sasuke's side.

Moments after, three young boys appeared before the enemy and Sasuke, as Shikamaru took the point.

To his left stood Kiba and Akamaru, to his right stood Naruto. All three glared at the ninjas, as Naruto's eyes looked at Sasuke for a few seconds to confirm how his rival was.

Sakon stepped forward, as Kimimaro stayed by Sasuke's side, but made sure to keep an eye out on the all the boys.

"I'm surprised you made it this far brats." Sakon commented with a smile

"You shouldn't underestimate my team" Shikamaru stated with a serious expression

"It doesn't matter, we're three, you're team is three as well. Fortunate for us, all we need is me to get rid of all three of you." Shakon commented as he prepared to attack

"Time to start the plan, you all know what to do" Shikamaru murmured to his comrades as he joined his hands together

Naruto and Kiba nodded, as Akamaru barked to let his presence known.

Shikamaru performed hand seals, as Kagemane no Jutsu to try and capture the shadow of his enemy.

Shakon jumped out of range immediately, as his focus was only on Shikamaru.

Kiba took this opportunity to feed something to his dog, Akamaru.

Naruto performed is main skill, as he placed his hands together to perform Kage Bunshin No Jutsu.

Two Naruto clones appeared, as each one took it's place next to naruto's side.

"You'll need more than simple tricks to defeat me!" Shakon stated

"It's our turn now Akamaru!" Kiba yelled out as his dog jumped on the boy's back and growled

The pill that Kiba gave to his dog was so he could transform into an exact replica of his master. Akamaru, became a perfect copy of Kiba, as both leaned forward and prepared to attack.

Kiba had used the Juujuin Bunshin in order to accomplish this.

"Come and face your deaths then" Shakon teased as he waited

"That's our cue boy!" Kiba told his dog, as this one barked

They immediately charged forward as they started to perform Gatsuuga. Both boy and dog spinned at great speed towards their opponent.

Shakon never moved from his spot, as his curse seal started to appear across his face, similar to Sasuke's curse seal.

As Shakon was surrounded by Kiba's and his dog's attack, he simply smiled and within one strong movement, he caught the wrist of both Kibas.

"NANI!?" Kiba let out as his eyes widened

Both Kibas were thrown towards Shikamaru and Naruto with such force, that despite the fact that both Kibas had landed on hands and feet, this only slowed them down a bit until their backs slammed against the base of a tree.

"Naruto with me" Shikamaru ordered as he grabbed kunais in both hands

All three Naruto followed Shikamaru's lead, as he through the kunais. Unfortunately Shakon easily blocked the kunais as he started to perform seals of his own.

The two Naruto clones moved ahead of the real one, as they stopped in their tracks.

They grabbed each other's hands tightly, as the original Naruto jumped on their hands. With their strength, they pushed Naruto up and forward to Shakon, as Shikamaru started to perform his own seals.

"So predictable" Kimimaro though

"That idiot" Sasuke thought

Shakon eyes suddenly widened, as the three Narutos smile as well as Shikamaru.

Shakon found that he couldn't move his legs, as something strong held him in place.

He lowered his eyes towards his ankles, when two pair of hands came out of the ground and tightly gripped his ankles.

"What the hell!" Shakon let out in surprise

Then two heads popped out of the soil with blond hair and blue eyes.

"The brat had two other clones out there!" Kimimaro let out as he was a bit surprised

"Hey ugly, I'm up here too remember!" Naruto warned his opponent as his both his feet connected with Shakon's face

Shakon fell on his back, but the clones remained attached to his ankles.

The real Naruto then landed straight on Shakon's chest which he ended up jerking up by the impact as the blond made hi way towards Sasuke and Kimimaro.

Shakon was ready to pursue the little bastard when he couldn't move any part of his body.

"Seems like my Shadow imitation finally worked on you" Shikamaru stated

"How could this happen.........? They're only genins........." Shakon thought with anger

"Kiba and Akamaru attacked on purpose to test your abilities, also, so none of you would have noticed the other two clones he made before we even appeared. All that's left now is the other one." Shikamaru informed the enemy

Naruto lunched himself as Kimimaro, as he threw a few shurikens along the way.

Kimimaro pulled out a kunai and blocked every shuriken. With his free hand, he reached in the back, to grab hold of another. He threw the first one which Naruto easily dodge, but unfortunately, Naruto had not seen the hidden hand until it was too late.

Kimimaro quickly threw the hidden kunai as it struck Naruto's shoulder with a certain force.

Naruto fell on the ground face first because of the pain, but then he managed to stand up on his feet and glared at his new enemy.

Sasuke was about to step in as the ninja stopped him.

"Sasuke-sama, you are too important so please step back and let us take care of this." Kimimaro ordered him

Sasuke wasn't too happy about it, but nodded despite his inner feelings at the moment.

Naruto reached out to the kunai imbedded in his shoulder as he slowly pulled it out. The blood dripped down from his hand and onto the ground, but Naruto had a determined look in his eyes and Sasuke focused on that mostly.

"Why the hell is dobe here anyway, he'll end up dead if he continues." Sasuke thought

"Yo Kiba, still with us?" Shikamaru asked as his Jutsu still remained strong enough to hold Shakon down

Kiba slowly raised to his feet, as he looked beside him to find that Akamaru had smoothen the fall for him. Akamaru was pretty much beat and unconscious.

Kiba bit his hand as he was angry, but they were all aware of what could happen when they decided to come along the way.

Kiba picked up carefully his dog, as he placed him inside his jacket and walked towards Shikamaru.

"How long can you hold up?" Kiba asked

"He consumes more chakra than I though. I can hold 10 more minutes top. After that, we better hope we're not here to find out what happens." Shikamaru murmured to his comrade

"Chikushou......... You better end this soon Naruto ........." Kiba thought as he observed the next fight

"You should of turned back when you and the chance boy" Kimimaro stated as he took hold of another kunai and prepared to fight

"Why? This is the greatest opportunity to go get that snake's butt once and for all" Naruto started to talk

"Orochimaru could kill you within a second brat" Kimimaro stated

"Dream on pretty boy! If that bastard of a snake wanted to kill me, he would of ended it in the forest of death. After all I couldn't' blame him for not doing so, who would want to face my other self anyway?" Naruto teased with a smile

"Other self?" Sasuke repeated to himself

"You weren't worthy to be killed by our lord's hands to begin with, but I'll save him the time and do it for him" Kimimaro commented as he started to feel irritated by the boy's words but hid it well

"If he's that good, why do you need that bastard for? Oh that's right! Our the old man Hokage sealed your lord's hands so he can't quite do any jutsus anymore, can't even be a ninja for all I know. In other words, he needs protection." Naruto continued to taunt his enemy

On the other side, Kiba couldn't believe what Naruto was doing, wasting time talking to those bastards, as he looked at shikamaru for an answer.

"He's wasting precious time that baka!" Kiba growled

"You're wrong. He knows very well Sasuke won't come with us unless he has a good reason, Naruto's simply using his mouth to get his attention. He's smarter than people think." Shikamaru let out as Kiba gave him a confused look

"What ever you're up to Naruto, get it over with already!" Kiba mentally yelled at himself

The tension was cut when Kimimaro threw another dagger straight to Naruto's other shoulder, as he expected the boy to dodge and then attack. But to everyone's surprise, including Sasuke, Naruto stood his ground and never moved.

He took the attack and didn't even show the pain he felt as the kunai stabbed him. He only grabbed it to remove it form his wound to then throw it at the feet of Sasuke.

Sasuke looked a bit puzzled but didn't let it show as usual.

"What the hell is wrong with him?" Sasuke asked himself as the he found himself staring into the eyes of his former rival

"Guess I struck a nerve huh? Not surprising, once we defeat you, we can't burry that snake freak once and for all." Naruto said as he let out a smile

"You little brat, Orochimaru is stronger than any of you, if he was present he could kill you before you even realized you were dead" Kimimaro stated as the anger started to show

"Just admit it already! The only reason you want OUR great Uchiha Sasuke is because he's the number one rookie of this year, he has the Sharingan, which is a great blooline limit, and needed him to protect your so beloved snake maniac since he's weak, worthless and unable to perform any Jutsus at all. So it's kinda obvious why the freak cursed Sasuke in the first place, he knew he needed a bodyguard to defend him later on" Naruto continued to speak as he knew now his opponent was definitely pissed

Shakon still laid on the ground, but heard everything as he was furious with all the trash talk Naruto did to their lord and snapped at the blond.

"How dare you insult Orochimaru-sama! He is the strongest of all ninjas. The only reason he needs that Uchiha brat is for his body! That's the only use he has after all." Shakon let out in anger

"Shakon you idiot!" Kimimaro yelled out as now the truth was known to everyone, including Sasuke

Everyone's eyes widened by the information Shakon had just unleashed on them, as Sasuke took steps backwards to put some distance between himself and Kimimaro.

"You mean that bastard only wanted my body!?" Sasuke yelled out

Kimimaru grabbed Sasuke by the neck, as he placed his other hand above the curse seal of Sasuke. With that, he activated the curse, as it prevented Sasuke from moving due to the stress and pain it inflicted on him.

"Orochimaru-sama needed a new body since the one he occupies right now is starting to wear off, this is how our lord becomes immortal after all. You having survived the curse seal and also possess the Sharingan, you became a great asset to us. Just too bad you had to find out the truth now." Kimimaro said as Sasuke was forced to his knees

Kiba prepared to go join Naruto despite his current injuries, when he passed by Shakon.

Shakon's hand was free of movement as he took hold of Kiba's ankle.

Kiba turned to see what was going on when he noticed the shadow imitation was started to wear off.

"This isn't good ........." Kiba thought

"Do something!" Shikamaru yelled out to Naruto

Naruto seem to snap out of it when he noticed Kimimaro had started to make a few hand signs and prepared to strike Sasuke, that couldn't move at all.

"Chikushou Sasuke!" Naruto cursed himself as he ran towards his former rival

Sasuke couldn't bring himself to believe how he was stupid enough to get tricked like that as he prepared himself to get hit by the attack.

To his surprise, the attack never seem to have come. He opened his eyes to see Naruto stood between himself and Kimimaro, as his hands had stopped the attack.

"Naruto.........?" Sasuke let out in pain

"You bastard......... You're suppose to be the one saving my idiot ass all the time........." Naruto let out as blood started to drip in front of the blond

On the other side, Shikamaru showed that he was barely holding on, as Shakon's movement became more visible.

Kiba had managed to get out of his grip but he couldn't reach Naruto nor Sasuke to this point.

The shadow retreated as Shakon stood up on his feet ready to ponder both boys for making him look like a fool.

On Kimimaro's side, Naruto made a clone appear, as his chakra started to appear in the palm of his hand.

Kimimaro started to look worried as the chakra became more visible and bigger.

"This is a skill an old comrade of your snake buddy taught me." Naruto let out with a smile as Sasuke could only watch

Naruto had managed to bring forth his Rasengan he learned from Jiraiya when they met up with Tsunade. The chakra swirled in his palm as the force started to be felt.

Naruto pushed his hand towards Kimimaro's chest as this one quickly stomped the ground with chakra to put some distance between Naruto and himself.

Shikon joined his comrades side, but kept an eye out on all 4 boys, as Naruto's clone vanished in smoke.

"Guess me being a loud mouth actually helped this time........." Naruto mumbled to his rival as he helped him to his feet, and place and around his waist as the other held Sasuke's arm around his neck

Kiba and Shikamaru quickly move to Naruto and Sasuke's position as they know they are being followed closely.

"What now?" Kiba asked with a worried look

"You three die, as Sasuke-sama will come with us no matter what" Kimimaro informed the boys

"Like hell I am!" Sasuke yelled out as pain increased

"Shikamaru, what's the plan?" Naruto asked

"How troublesome, always ask me for the plan. Problem is, there's not so much luck on our side Naruto" Shikamaru stated

"Just leave me here, at least you could still make it back to the village........." Sasuke let out with a weak voice

Naruto immediately glared at the boy he held as he felt still angry at him.

"You bastard, even if you give yourself to them they won't let us leave, so better to fight and win then end up dead like a coward" Naruto told the boy

Several minutes passed, as the boys stayed silent and the two enemies seemed to only stare at them.

Shakon's the first to take a step forward as he cracked his fingers and smiled to the small group.

"Time to break some necks. Since you've used most of your chakra and are wounded, there's no way in hell you're going to live another day" Shakon stated and laughed

The boys all looked worried, as Sasuke continued to curse himself. Naruto stared in front of him as he knew the situation wasn't good. He took a glimpse at Kiba and Shikamaru, and noticed no one knew what to do to this point.

It was now obvious to all four of them. No matter what they did, they would end up dead. They would fail their mission and Sasuke would become a mindless doll to serve Orochimaru.

Naruto closed his eyes for a few seconds as he took a long deep breath before reopening them.

"We still have a way to win against them........." Naruto told himself

"Hey you're the brains in the group think of something!" Kiba growled

"Shikamaru, take Sasuke for me" Naruto ordered as he handed Sasuke over to his comrade

Naruto turns his back to his team and talk in a very serious tone which was a bit surprising to all of them.

"Someone has to stay behind to hold them long enough for the rest to leave with Sasuke and get back to the Village." Naruto stated

"What are you saying dobe?" Sasuke asked while he looked at the back of his rival

"With the curse activated you can't move and need help asap. Akamaru's unconscious and Kiba is too worn off from the initial attack. Shikamaru, your chakra is almost depleted, so you can't fight either no matter how intelligent you are. So that leaves me........." Naruto stated with a sad tone

"You can't possible mean that........." Kiba started to ask in shock

"Out of all four of us, I'm the only one that's in best shape" Naruto continued

"You're lying, you took two major wounds in each shoulder." Sasuke stated

Naruto turned around, as he unzipped his jump suit to take the top part off, leaving only his black shirt on. He showed the wounds were almost completely healed as everyone stared at him in surprise.

"My chakra heals me, if anyone can't at least stall them, it' me" Naruto commented as he turned his back once more and took a few steps forward to face the enemy

"Baka! This isn't the time for you to show off!" Sasuke yelled out as his head leaned down from the pain again

"Shikamaru, don't forget why we were here in the first place! Our mission is to get Sasuke back to the Village. We got him, now get going." Naruto ordered them as Sasuke showed he was shocked

"We can't just leave you here! The person to remain behind is most likely going to ........." Shikamaru started when Naruto continued for him

"Die? That's the life of a true shinobi every time he takes a mission. We know the risks, but Shimakaru, isn't it better to loose one then to loose all 7 of us and fail the mission we were given?" Naruto asked in a sad tone

Shikamaru closed his eyes as he leaned his head towards the ground. Deep down he knew Naruto was right, and the best decision he could make was exactly what Naruto was ordering them to do.

"You actually think you can defeat us alone boy! I msut admit you got gutts. But whatever you do, we'll kill you within minutes and then we'll kill them and still obtain Sasuke-sama." Kimimaro pointed out with a smile

From that statement, Shakon threw a kunai towards Shikamaru as he looked up worried since his hands were full with holding Sasuke.

Naruto extended his arm, as the kunai struck the middle of his hand to block the attack.

Naruto didn't even twitch form the kunai that stabbed him in the hand, as his other hand reached out to pull the kunai out.

Immediately, the wound started to heal slowly, as everyone's eyes were wide and shocked by the quick healing.

"Shikamaru, get going now, I'll hold them long enough for you to reach the Village and get back up." Naruto ordered his friends

"Naruto........." Shikamaru mumbled in surprise

"Don't worry, I got something special that will make me win........." Naruto told them

"Huh?" Kiba asked

"What are you talking about dobe, even with that rasengan of yours, even......... even you don't stand a chance against both of them........." Sasuke trailed off

"Shikamaru, you remember when we stood up against Gaara in Lee's room?" Naruto asked

"Hai, what about it?" Shikamaru responded

"He's not the only one with a monster inside him........." Naruto answered with a smile


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Wow a new story!!! Hope people like it, hope characters aren't too OCC and everything was ok. This has been up in my head for a while and I finally wrote the first part down so let me know what you think ok???

For the updates, I usually update once a week at least, but it could take up to two weeks because I work full time and go to school full time, so not much time to write but I'll do my best I promise.

Next Chapter : The Demon Within

The team leave, as Naruto is left to deal with both Shakon and Kimimaro.

Read and REVIEW
