Chapter Synopsis : Naruto is finally awake, but now he has a lot of explaining to do, especially to a certain Uchiha.

Disclaimer : I don't own Naruto. Would be fun if I did though.

Previously …

Sasuke was a prisoner of his own house, that was until Kakashi decided it was time to meet with the Hokage. Unknown to him, Kakashi purposely let the boy escape, in hopes that he would be able to wake up Naruto. Upon his arrival, he meets up with Rock Lee, who fills him in on what the hospital staff has been doing since the blond boy has been in a coma. Time passed and the Uchiha gives up, saying his goodbyes to the sleeping boy when he hears a certain word. "Bastard". It seems Naruto had finally come out of his coma.

Chapter 10 : Awakening…

After what happened this morning, Iruka thought best to go directly to the Hokage herself and discuss the matter with her. All that he could hope for, is that Tsunade had some free time today to take care of the matter. Since the incident of last week, her duties kept her occupied, protecting this Village, its residents from any outside attacks.

He finally stood in front of the Hokage's door, tightening his grip around the doorknob he turned and pushed. He was so lost in his own thoughts that he forgot to even knock.

"Iruka?" Tsunade spoke his name softly. There she stood, right next to her desk still full of paperwork to read and sign.

"I'm sorry, I was hoping to talk with you about something." He said, gently closing the door behind him.

Even thought they were meters away from each other, she could see the young Chuunin was tired, especially with those dark pouches under his eyes. To much his surprise, Tsunade walked towards him.

"Are you getting enough rest?" She asked him, placing her hand on his forehead. With what happen to Naruto and all, the poor guy was under a lot of stress and he was still teaching at school.

"I'm alright Tsunade-sama." He gently smiled at her. Sure he was tired, but what took most of his energy is those damn doctors and nurses. "I wanted to speak to you about Naruto."

"Has his condition changed?" She quickly asked, hoping that was the case. She really missed having that loud-mouthed brat around and calling her by her nickname.

"No, I'm sorry." He hadn't meant to give false hope to begin with, it just got out the wrong way. "It's about he medical personal in charge of taking care of Naruto." He started.

Tsunade relaxed, sitting on the edge of her long table and her hands spread evenly, supporting her weight.

"You might want to supervise him yourself, or even Shizune. Move him in here. Anything then leaving him in that place with those monsters." He unintentionally lashed out to the Hokage.

"Iruka I don't have the time to…" She couldn't even finish her sentence when Iruka bluntly cut her off.

"Then make time." It wasn't a suggestion at all, it was an order, one she was better not to refuse him.

"Iruka.." She tried again, but failed.

"They keep calling him names! Insult him and so on. It wasn't enough that they were attacking him verbally when he was awake now they do it when he's so vulnerable! I don't even think they let anyone visit him at all. I barely got through this morning!" He yelled, his fists tightly closed on themselves.

Tsunade thought best to let silence take over for a few minutes before finally answering the young Chuunin's questions.

"I'll do something about this tonight." She began, when she noticed that he was about to yet again, interrupt her.

She raised her hand, and he stayed silent.

"In the mean time, you stay with him until I can get there and make the proper arrangements." She reassured him, giving him a softer gaze.

"And what happens if the medical personnel get in my way?" He asked. He wasn't the kind of person to be violent or anything, usually he could talk himself out of situations and not resort to using violence.

She smiled. "You have the Hokage's permission to put them back into their place." Surely knowing this would reassure the poor Chuunin. "Until then, I will see you later." She walked right back behind her desk, taking her rightful place in the chair, to sign and read more boring mission reports.

Iruka showed his appreciation, before taking his leave from the office. His next stop was to visit his favorite little student at the hospital and hope that things would get better.

Blue eyes locked onto black eyes.

Naruto had finally came out of his coma, but now that he was awake, neither knew quite what to say. They both had a lot to talk about and many things to clear out, but neither dared to take the first step. Good thing for Sasuke that Naruto always said something stupid to break such silences.

"What brings your sorry ass in here?" The blond grinned, knowing how to rub Sasuke the right way. Although his vision was still blurry, he didn't miss that smart ass smirk of his rival standing across the hospital room.

Just when Sasuke was about to shoot back a reply to that comment, he noticed the blond significantly tremble. The blond tried to hide any signs that he was suffering, judging it was best to simply roll back into his original position. Flat on his back and staring up to that boring white ceiling.

Without even realizing it, the young Uchiha walked slowly towards the bed, getting a much closer look at his friend's wounds. Naruto was one to usually light up a room, but a dark aura lurked around him this time. The boy was covered in bandages that needed to be changed.

"I'll go get…" Somehow, it was as though Naruto just knew what he was about to tell him.

"Don't. It's not like they care anyway…" The blond let out, letting his eyes rest on a more peaceful view. Outside.

"Because of the Kyubi?" Sasuke slipped out. It wasn't his intention. The fact was, the subject had been constantly on his mind ever since they learned the truth about Naruto and Kyubi.

But at the word Kyubi, Naruto's blue eyes desperately stared into Sasuke's. The young Uchiha could barely describe what he felt when his eyes locked into those of his friend. The desperation, the sadness, the same feeling, the same look in the eyes, that he had when he woke up the next morning. To only learn that his family, his entire clan had been killed by his own brother. He wanted nothing more than to die. And right now, that's how Naruto felt…

"I forgot that you now knew about him…" He broke the silence, returning his gaze toward the outside skies. "I can handle the adults knowing, but not them." He referred to his classmates.

"I know what you mean." He softly spoke. After the Uchiha clan was massacred by his own brother, the adults all knew the truth behind it, while the children only knew what they were told, which wasn't much.

A glimmer of hope appeared into Naruto's eyes. Those two had more in common than any other children of their age. Growing up without parents, left alone to survive in this horrible world, with the knowledge that the actions of what one did, will forever be intertwined with your own life.

"You know what sucks the most?" He asked, but didn't bother to wait for an answer. He knew Sasuke wasn't one to pry into other people's businesses. "I didn't even know about Kyubi until last year."

The boy ruffled his wounded hand through his thick blond locks and let out a sigh. Ever since he learned about the Kyubi being inside of him, Naruto had never once talked about it to anyone, not even his former teacher, Iruka. He was good at hiding his true feelings, but now that the cat was out of the bag, he might as well let it all out now.

"What?" Sasuke was more than surprise to hear this. He could understand why the younger generations weren't told but to not tell the person that was the carrier. It was just plain stupid!

"Funny isn't it?" He laughed. "I remember growing up all alone, the adults glaring at me, whispering among themselves each time I was in the neighborhood. How kids would avoid me, pick on me just because their parents told them too. And I never knew why…"

"Naruto…" Sasuke softly spoke. He had never seen Naruto this broken down before.

"Dammit." Naruto spat out, gripping his left arm. Despite the accumulated anger he felt, it wasn't enough to dull the pain from all his wounds.

Sasuke leaned closer and did something neither of them expected.

"Let me help." Sasuke told him.

He gently removed the bloody bandage off Naruto's left arm. He then searched into the nightstand for new sterilized bandages to take care of that bloody arm. Amazingly enough, Naruto just laid there and let Sasuke bandage him up good.

"You don't have to answer if you don't want to. But aren't you a fast healer?" He asked, finishing his job. He was curious since all the fights they were in, Naruto always healed faster than anyone he knew.

"I don't heal fast." Naruto answered, moving up in his bed to get into a sitting position. "Kyubi does all the healing." He corrected. Even he found it strange that he could talk openly about the Kyubi like this. For some reason, around Sasuke, he felt like that boy could understand his pain.

"So all those times. Even when you tried to stop me?" It wasn't a question, it was more like making sure he was understanding it all.

"Yeah, he helps even when he doesn't want to." He smiled. Many times he had asked the fox for help and the demon always turned him down at first. But with his loudmouth, in the end the fox always gave in.

"You're telling me you control that demon? I find that hard to believe." The other boy said. Kyubi was known to be among the greatest demons of all time, surely a 13 year old boy could never control him like he was but a domestic pet.

"Not control." The blond specified. "He'll only help if it means his survival or if it entertains him."

"How do you know all that?" He was curious. If this demon was supposedly sealed away for good, how could he still access it?

"The seal has a few flaws in it…" He started, pausing to take a few more breath. "The seal works similar to the curse that snake bastard gave you."

Just hearing that, Sasuke couldn't help but shoot a deadly glare towards his friend. Orochimaru promised him power, just enough so he could defeat his brother and avenge his clan once and for all. But what the snake forgot to mention, was his intention of transferring his soul and using Sasuke like a puppet. His lust for revenge truly clouded his judgment.

"Guess it's another thing we have in common. We both hate our curses." Naruto lowered his head, he was beginning to get tired.

From outside, Kakashi had the best seat. His hunch was right after all. Sasuke's presence pulled Naruto out of his coma. But he knew that the boy wasn't out of the woods yet. According to Tsunade's last visit, Naruto's chakra system was barely functioning. He was living most likely because of Kyubi, the problem was to know how much chakra the fox had left. And would it be enough to sustain both lives?

"Doctor, he's here again." A nurse spoke below, unaware that the Jounin was hiding above, in the tree.

The doctor moved closer to the nurse, his eyes setting on the shinobi making his way into the hospital main entrance.

"Dammit. Can't that guy be like the rest of us.?" The doctor commented. Truly the only adult that gave a damn about that monster was the that teacher of his.

Upon hearing such things, Kakashi was quite intrigued that despite Tsunade's best effort to give a good environment for his student, some adults never quite get the message. So maybe this was the perfect time to make them understand.

Back in the hospital room, Naruto explained to Sasuke clearly how both their curse reacted and went to their full destructive power when either were in a very high emotional state. The fox liked to come out and play at critical moments, such as the fight in the forest of death that including the first encounter with Orochimaru, the battle on the bridge against Haku, when Naruto thought Sasuke had died.

"That old Sennin could always completely seal off Kyubi's chakra, but by doing that, we're not sure what the consequences would be." He finished, he was actually surprised that Sasuke sat there and listened to every word without once interrupting. "So now you know just about everything about Kyubi and me."

Sasuke couldn't help but feel sad for the boy. He had suffered throughout his entire existence and unfortunately, more would come. All that depended on the genins that were slightly informed of the situation. Some would still respect Naruto, maybe even more, while others would turn out like the adults. He was brought back into reality when a hand wrapped itself around his wrist, and deep blue eyes locked into his.

"All that's left, is the connection to your brother, Itachi." Naruto continued, with a dead serious look in his eyes. He knew that was what pushed Sasuke over the edge and the reason why he even considered to join Orochimaru.

If there was one thing that angered Sasuke, it was just to mention the name of his older brother.

Uchiha Itachi.

After a brief confrontation with that doctor and nurse, Kakashi had met up with Iruka and now they were on their way to visit the comatose Naruto. Iruka was still unaware that Naruto's condition had finally changed.

The Jounin placed a hand on the teacher's shoulder, preventing him from opening the door to Naruto's bedroom.

"Iruka, we should wait outside until they are finished talking." The Jounin pointed out. But that only earned him a confused look from Iruka.

"What are you talking about?" Iruka asked, pausing from turning the doorknob.

"You're loosing your touch as a shinobi Iruka-chan." Kakashi teased the young man. He couldn't help but play games sometimes to entertain himself.

"Don't you ever get tired of playing those games?" Iruka sighed, how he hated it when that man played mind games.

"I'll give you a clue." The copy-cat smiled underneath his mask. "He's Naruto's age and he broods a lot."

Iruka eyed the Jounin, more so thinking he had gone crazy.

"Tsunade-sama gave him to me to supervise." Kakashi gave another clue. Now surely Iruka would figure this one out.

"Sasuke." The name slipped out. At first Iruka didn't understand, but as the seconds passed now he understood. "Where is Sasuke?" Now he was worried.

Kakashi merely shrugged it off, pointing to Naruto's bedroom.

"What?" He raised his voice. "You let him go in there?"

"Not exactly, I actually told him to sit and wait while I was talking to the Hokage, but he decided to take a run and come here." He resumed his prodigy's escape.

"Are you crazy?" Iruka yelled at him.

"Maybe. But in any case, it was good." He replied in a joyful tone.

"How can it be good?" Either way, Naruto was in a coma, mostly because of Sasuke's actions to leave and betray Konoha.

"Because now Naruto's awake. So before you charge in there, let the boys talk out their problems. Neh?" Kakashi smiled again.

Iruka was shocked. Shocked that Kakashi let Sasuke escape in the first place and angry that he didn't tell him about Naruto waking up! He wanted nothing more than to rush into the room now and see for himself how his former student was doing.

"10 minutes and then I'm going in and you better not stop me." Iruka warned the Jounin. He would give time for the boys to talk but not that much. And if the Jounin knew what was good for him, he was better to listen and move out of the way when the time is up.

"Hai, hai." Kakashi agreed. Really, Iruka could be just as protective as a mother hen.

The two waited, leaning against the opposite wall for the 10 minute marker to reach zero before going in and check on both boys. But while the teacher rested his eyes, Kakashi was already reading the latest edition of his favorite book. But he did not miss the shadow that lurked around the corner…

"Any news yet?"

"Yes, Orochimaru-sama." Kabuto kneeled before the figure in front of him.

"So he's dead." He smiled. Finally that damn kyubi brat was out of his way. Now he could go fetch Sasuke in peace and knew that the boy wouldn't resist him for long.

"Actually, our spy reported otherwise…" Kabuto almost whispered. The moment those words came out of his mouth, he knew that his master wouldn't be too pleased and he would be the first one to suffer the consequences.

Orochimaru leaned forward from his chair.

"What?" The snake hissed. Surely he had misunderstood.

"Naruto-kun pulled through." He answered, keeping his eyes focused on the floor. He could already feel the anger his master was feeling just by hearing him speak.

"Then we'll have to do something about that won't we?" Orochimaru let out, an evil grin plastering his lips.


I finally updated. Thanks to those who continue to encourage me, because since the past few months, my interest in the Anime Naruto itself has become less and less interesting because of all those stupid fillers and the story doesn't seem to be moving forward, well for me anyway. I'm trying to get back into it, but it's hard to write something when you're less interested. God knows what the creator has in mind, but in my personal opinion, with Sasuke no longer present, makes me sad and angry.

I will continue my stories, some will update faster now that 2 of my 10 stories are nearing the end.

Continue to show your support!
