Here we are! Chapter 11... I hope that this story hasn't become too pointless. I've just been so excited to write so many other things that... I'm afraid this story got a little left behind. But I would never let this story continue without it being written with my full attention. So here we go! I'm ready!


BTW: O.O... Is the ending WEIRD!? Just tell me... x.x;;

I don't own Yu Yu Hakusho!

XxXx-Here's to a Happy Ending!-xXxX


"Hiei, don't you worry. I'll be fine, I promise," he assured me, leaning over to kiss my head. I groaned in annoyance.

"Don't be so out of character, Kurama. Not being worried my ass! You don't know what you're up against, do you!" I yelled, glaring up at the fox.

"Hiei... what's wrong....?" Kurama inquired, giving me a concerned expression.

"She really wants to win...." I uttered, looking away.

I didn't want Kurama to fight Yume. As sure as I was that she was truly a good person, even if she helped me... she was angry. She would stop at nothing to reach her goal. I knew that for certain. If it were me instead in her situation, I wouldn't have hesitated in the least, killing Maiko... again.

Winning this would ensure Yume her happiness once again. Life would be normal, better... As much as I somehow hoped for that, mine was above hers.

I wouldn't lose Kurama.

"Hiei, Love, no worries..." he whispered, hugging me tightly. "No matter who it is that I'm fighting, I'll make sure I can walk out of it unharmed and into your arms."

I shifted and focused all my weight onto Kurama, who seemed to like it. There would be no convincing him. But maybe... just maybe I could convince... her?

"Yume," I called, walking around the same area I had met her in when Kurama collapsed.

"Hiei?" she said in confusion, turning to face me. I noted that her eyes had become quite red....

"Preparing for your fight, I assume," I stated firmly, threateningly. I was to make it clear that if she hurt Kurama in any way it was to her own demise.

"I guess," she grunted. "Two more wins..." she whispered, winking at me.

Obviously she didn't understand my intentions....

"You know who you're fighting," I stated, a glint of anger showing in my eyes.

Yume appeared bewildered at first, but soon, a surprised expression enveloped her face.

"Not...?" she stammered, blinking twice.

I nodded, making sure to present my most threatening of glares.

"I didn't know...." Yume whispered, looking thoughtful as her eyes' glance shifted to the ground.

"You really should check this sort of thing," I scoffed, shaking my head in disapproval. "Now the fight's starting in less than five minutes, and you still have at least a half an hour of thinking to do."

"Shut up! I can think quickly when sarcastic little demons aren't corrupting my train of thought, Hiei-chan!"

I sighed heavily, pondering through all of the protests and pleas I had to voice... deciding on the right one.

Ah, the utmost fitting....

"I love him," I spoke quietly, under my breath, turning my head away from her glance.

She merely stared, angry, and yet somehow empathetic.

"I love her," she retorted, rushing past me and off to her fight.

"Grrr... all problems are the same... too troublesome to deal with and too important to ignore."

I hurried off to talk to Kurama, and nearly collapsed in shock when seeing the fight was preparing to start. I dropped, exhaustedly sitting in the grass.

"I give up...." I surrendered, lying down fully and closing my eyes in frustration.

I had to remind myself that Kurama wasn't stupid... he wasn't stupid... he wasn't stupid... he wasn't... stu... pid... OH CRAP! It was true! He was an idiot! Kurama would wait too long and be killed!

I quickly sat up, inhaling deeply, and then opening my eyes to view the fight....

"Kurama," Yume said softly, looking at him blankly.

"Hm...?" Kurama looked cautious. Well, I was happy that at least he wasn't going to befriend her. Especially since I would be killing her soon.... Damn, she was annoying. And that idiot Kuwabara... In fact, everyone was annoying. Why not kill them all!?

"I'm going to win," she stated, smirking confidently. "Please back out now. Besides, if I hurt you I'd have a pesky little demon trying to kill me for the rest of my days...."

Kurama just stood there.

"Oh!" he declared, quickly turning to look at me, giving an affectionate smile.

I covered my face with my hand, not wanting to look at all the eyes that Kurama had encouraged to stare at me, of which included those of Yusuke and Kuwabara.

Kurama was getting a bit annoying as well....

"I'm afraid I'm not aloud to surrender," Kurama said nicely to her. DAMN IT! I could smell the imminent friendship....

"Heh, I understand. Let's go!"

I wanted to blow something up. Didn't Kurama KNOW that she could KILL him!? It seemed I was more worried of the thought than he was....

My own mind was starting to become a little too frantic. In short: I was too damn worried. Maybe I was overacting...?

It was then that Kurama got a rather unnoticeable look of fear in his eyes.

"Oh it's... you..." he whispered.

I nearly walked over and punched him.

He hadn't even recognized her....

"Umm... excuse me for a moment!" Kurama chirped, hurrying over to me.

"You see, Kurama, this is what you get for not listening," I snapped, glaring at him.

Then, out of nowhere, he reached for my shoulders, took hold of me, and forced me into a kiss.

Yes. They would ALL die.

I spotted Yusuke and Kuwabara off in the distance, whispering to each other as they gawked at us.

I tried to push Kurama away, but somehow found myself kissing back instead.

Finally, Kurama pulled back. His eyes penetrated my own, so filled with emotion.

"Umm... there will be plenty of time for that later, Kurama!" the referee called over, looking uncomfortable.

"Hiei," my kitsune started, smiling as he held me closer. "I think I'll just stay here with you," he whispered, turning to the ref and yelling, "No later! More now! I'll hand the victory over to Yume here!"

"Ah," I said in sudden realization, "You remembered who she was and you got scared!"

"No, no," he uttered, winding his arm around my waist. "I remembered who she was and you got scared," he smirked, winking at me.

"...No. That doesn't count! I WIN THIS ROUND!"

"Nope, I'm afraid not, Hiei. Figure out why I surrendered, then you win."

"Alright.... It's because you love me, isn't it!?"


"Grr...! Then it's because I love you!"

"Wrong again!"

"Fine, fine... because we love each other?"


"AH! That's it, isn't it?!"

"Hiei, it really isn't one of those kinds of answers...."

"Oh... then... because... you were dehydrated?"

"......... 'Fraid not."

"Because I didn't pack you an extra pair of shoes....?"

"As upset about that as I was, no."


"Hiei, that's not it.... I'm not going to lie to you."

"WILL YOU TWO SHUT UP!?" Yusuke yelled, as he that idiot came running over to us.

"BUT I'M GOING TO GET IT!!!" I yelled, glaring at the two.

"No you aren't, Hiei," Kurama chuckled, realizing that he was still holding on to me, and quickly letting go.

"Kurama, seriously, WHY THE HECK DID YOU DO THAT!?" Yusuke screamed, looking about ready to slap Kurama.

"Umm... why does it matter?"


"WHAAAAAAAAT!!!!!?" Kurama and I shouted, in horror, shock...

"The stupid people made a stupid call and now I'm OUT! KURAMA YOU WERE OUR LAST HOPE!!"

Kurama stood there, limp. I hurried and held onto him, letting him use my body for support.

"Don't worry about it," I said smugly. "I think that as long as Yume keeps winning, which she will, we'll have nothing to worry about. ISN'T THAT RIGHT!?" I yelled up at her. She agreed with a nervous nod.

"But... we're really going to get chewed out for this...." Yusuke whimpered, slouching sheepishly.

"At least the bad is outweighed by the good," Kurama said softly, furtively giving me a loving expression. "For myself, anyway..." he added, a blush creeping along his cheeks, as well as my own.

"God! Look at them, Urameshi! SOooOOo smitten..." Kuwabara commented, chuckling feverishly as he nudged his friend into joining him.

I growled at him, gave my utmost threatening of glares... and yet they only persisted further in mocking us. I turned to Kurama for advice on the situation: to get his OK to kill them, basically.

"Calm down, Love. This is how they show their approval," he whispered, soothingly placing his hand on my shoulder, sending a chill down my spine. His voice and touch were... so...

I shuddered.

"Are you done 'approving' yet...?" I grunted at the two, folding my arms over my chest, Kurama inched nearer, seeming to find it cute in how I was taking everything so literally. He then slid his hand from my shoulder to rest on my lower back, again making me shiver. ((A/N: They all seemed to have forgotten they're out in public....))

"Approving?" Yusuke asked, turning to Kuwabara, giddily laughing with him. "What, are you two getting married or something!?"

I felt Kurama's hand clutch onto me tightly, his whole body seemed to have gone tense. And his cheeks... were too red for my liking....

"DON'T EVEN THINK IT, KURAMA!" I shouted, turning to my fox only to find he had the most loving eyes, and sincere smile.

"It's too late, Hiei," he replied slyly, inhaling deeply as a dreamy look invoked him.


I hesitated, an awkward feeling taking over me. My eyes jolted around, seeking a sight that wouldn't further confuse and embarrass me. Alas, they only met with those of Yume, who was giving me that look....

"Take the opportunity..."

I cursed to myself. But ultimately surrendered...

I reached out and groped for Kurama's free hand, grabbing it and looking deep into his eyes. I could see it clearly. The first thing in life I was sure of... without any doubt or hesitation... We were meant for each other.

This decision wouldn't come back to get me.

Any problem could be dealt with.

Kurama was my friend.

A lover couldn't always be trusted.... Too easily could you be used, abandoned...

In order to be a real friend, a bond of trust is first established.

There wasn't a doubt in my mind when it came to Kurama loving me. So why the hell wouldn't I take the plunge!?

"Kurama," I started, looking up to him with a true and affectionate smile, repaying him for all the same he'd given me. But one smile was not enough...

I was ready to...

"Oh shit, Urameshi! Look what you've done! Now we have to plan a wedding!"



"It's because we're friends, right...?"

"I won't hurt you, you won't hurt me... and to leave you would injure us both beyond repair."

"We're best friends then, still?"

"Without any doubt, Hiei..."
