-"So...umm... this is the last chapter! And I am really sad about it and nervous! I hope that it ends how you all want it too! I hope that you all like it. PLEASE REVIEW!"-


Hermione heard voices before she saw who they were coming from. They sounded distant and muffled . She opened her eyes to see that she was in the Hospital Wing. Her vision was blurry for the first minute but she could hears birds chirping outside and she could soon see that sunlight flooded the room and spilled across the floor.

Draco and Harry sat in two chairs next to her bed. Draco was staring at the floor and biting his fingernails. Harry was reading the Daily Prophet but Hermione could see that his eyes were red and swollen. The voices were coming from Madam Pomfrey's office.

"Hi," Hermione said and both Harry and Draco jumped. Draco's eyes lit up.

"Hi," Draco replied as he sat on the edge of the bed and took Hermione's hand.

Harry came around the other side of the bed. "How are you feeling?"

"A little weak and my head kind of hurts, but otherwise I feel fine. What happened?" she asked.

"I think Dumbledore will be able to explain it better than me," Harry replied.

"I thought I heard your voice," Madam Pomfrey said as she walked out of her office. "Glad to see you're finally awake."

"Finally? How long was I out for?" Hermione asked, sitting up.

"Here, drink this," Madam Pomfrey said, handing Hermione a goblet of potion that smelled like lilacs but tasted like beets. "It's May tenth. You do the math."

"I've been out for three weeks?" Hermione proclaimed.

"Yeah! And you put me through three weeks of hell!" Draco almost shouted.

"Mr. Malfoy, she's going to be fine," Madam Pomfrey said, rolling her eyes.

"How should I have known that?" Draco exclaimed.

"She told you!" Harry said. "Madam Pomfrey told you that she would be okay!"

"Mr. Potter, your eyes are very red and swollen. That's not from three weeks ago," Madam Pomfrey stated.

"Yeah...well... I was... I just... FINE! I was worried too!" Harry replied looking at the ground and shuffling his feet.

Hermione laughed before kissing Draco softly on the lips, but he quickly pulled away.

"Oh no! You were going to break your promise! You're in trouble with me," Draco said, letting go of her hand and sitting back down in his chair.

Hermione smirked at Draco before turning her attention to Harry. He rolled his eyes.

"I'm going to tell Dumbledore that you're awake," Madam Pomfrey said. After she left Harry turned to Hermione and got very serious.

"Hermione, you know that... I wouldn't have... you know that I couldn't have done it. I wouldn't have," Harry said taking her hand.

"Harry, I'm not angry with you, if that's what you're looking for me to say. There is no need to ask for forgiveness. And even if you had done it, I wouldn't have been angry with you for it."

Tears started to roll down Harry's cheeks and he placed his head in her lap. She rubbed his back with her free hand and kissed his head.

"I thought I had after you fell. I was so scared, but I knew something had happened after Velius said that and that it was okay to do it and I just... I thought that-," Harry said through his tears.

"Harry, everything is fine. I'm okay." They gazed into each others eyes and Hermione knew that this would only strengthen their friendship. Harry wrapped his arms around Hermione and she hugged him very tightly. Neither moved for a few moments.

"I would have hated you!" Draco finally said, sulking in his chair. Hermione laughed and pulled away from Harry.

"So how long are you going to pout?" Hermione asked.

"I'm not pouting. I am angry and I don't know if I can ever trust you again!" He said, crossing his arms across his chest and staring out the window.

"You seemed pretty relieved when I woke up!" Hermione stated.

"While you two figure this out I'm going to go tell Ron and Ginny that you're awake," Harry said, before walking towards the door.

"Harry?" Hermione called before he walked out into the hallway.


"I love you," Hermione said. She heard Draco exhale.

"I love you too, Hermione," he said, smiling at her and leaving.

"Draco, come here," Hermione said, patting the bad. He got up and turned his back on her. He stared out the window. "Stop acting like a child and come sit here!" she protested.

He obeyed this time but refused to look her in the eyes. She took both of his hands in hers.

"I love you," she tried. He didn't respond. "Draco, I had to. I couldn't just let Voldemort win and it all worked out fine. I was thinking of you and Velius. I wanted you two have a better life, one without Voldemort! And I'm fine!"

"But you were going to let him kill you. You broke your promise," he said, finally looking into her eyes.

"Draco, you heard Harry. He couldn't have done it anyway. Harry was probably bluffing when he raised his wand at me.."

"Hermione, I just... I can't lose you!"

"You didn't thou-."

"Which is why," he cut her off. He pulled a small box out of his breast pocket. "I got you this."

Hermione's heart stopped beating as he opened the box to reveal a three stone diamond ring of white gold. The center stone was a karet and the two on either side of it were half karets. She stared at it and the breath caught in her chest.

"Is that what I think it is?" she asked, her eyes wide.

"Do you think that you are ready to give up your promise ring for an engagment ring?" he said, softly.

"Absolutely," she said before kissing him. He wrapped his arms around her never wanting to let go.

"I am sorry to interrupt such a touching moment but I am sure Miss Granger would like to know what happened to her."

Hermione and Draco drew away from each other to see Dumbledore standing about four feet from her bed.

"Hello, Professor," Hermione said, a huge smile on her face.

"How are you feeling, Miss Granger?"

"Good," she said as Draco sat back in his chair.

"Good," Dumbledore said, sitting where Harry had. "So why don't you ask what you want and I'll answer."

"Um, okay," Hermione said. "I don't know where to start. I guess, did Harry kill Voldemort?"

"Yes, the Prophecy has finally been fulfilled."

Hermione sat back in bed as relief flooded her body. It's finally over!

"Okay, and what happened to me?"

"Voldemort used an ancient spell to transfer all of his power into you. He became powerless and essentially was a squib. He could have easily gotten it back with the reversal spell but that would have to have been performed by someone else and that wouldn't have given Harry incentive to not kill him. Your body became weak from the transfer and had formed a very strong bond between you and Voldemort. If anyone touched Him, they touched you. If anyone cursed Him, they cursed you. If anyone killed Him, they killed you. It also worked the other way around. Voldemort know Harry wouldn't touch him if He had you."

"Then why when Harry killed Him did I not die as well?" Hermione asked.

"Right before Harry killed Voldemort, his powers were expelled from you, severing the bond. Then you were knocked unconscious from the second transfer. It was too much work for your small body to handle so it shut down, leaving you alive but extremely weak."

"But how were his powers expelled from me?" Hermione asked confused. "The last thing I remember before passing out was Velius telling me that he loved me."

"Ah, you see, that is what made Voldemort's powers expell from your body. Voldemort has never known love. The magic that occured between you and Velius is ancient and not unlike the magic between Harry and Lily. They are very similar. Voldemort, who was not expecting the second transfer, became disoriented and confused. In that moment when Voldemort was off guard, Harry killed him."

"Wow," Hermione said overwhelmed. "Um, speaking of Velius, where was he?"

"He had gone upstairs to get a toy when Professor McGonagall came to get the Prefects and they left without him in all the excitement. Then he saw what you were going to do and ran down to the Entrance Hall. His seeing powers came in handy, huh?" Draco said with a smile on him face.

"Yeah," Hermione said, in shock. "So, what happens now?"

"Now we live our lives as they are meant to be lived," Dumbledore said, smiling at her.

"Is Velius okay?"

"He is fine, very worried about you, but otherwise fine."

"So when can I leave the Hospital Wing?"

"Well, now that you are awake, I would like to keep you under observation for a day or two, just to make sure there are no after effects," Dumbledore explained.


Hermione turned her head to see Velius running through the doors and toward her bed. Harry, Ron and Ginny followed shortly after. All three with huge smiles on their faces.

Velius hopped up into Hermione's bed with Draco's help and wrapped his arms around her neck. Then he kissed her very hard on the cheek.

"Hi, honey," she said, wrapping her arms around his stomach.

"Hi!" he said, a smile stretching from ear to ear. He sat down in Hermione's lap.

"Miss Granger, I will leave you to visit. If you have any other questions, don't hesitate to ask," Dumbledore said, rising from his chair.

"Thank you, Professor," she said as he walked out the door.

"Glad to see you're awake," Ginny said, hugging Hermione and then taking Dumbledore's seat.

"Glad to be awake," Hermione said, smiling back at everyone.


Hermione had finished taking her last exam at two thirty, which gave her two and a half hours to get ready for the End Of Year Festival.

She couldn't believe that she had been up and about for a month. Dumbledore had told her that she was excempt from taking her exams because she did miss three weeks of school, but Hermione had refused. In true Hermione-fashion she had studied hard to catch up and had taken all of her exams. She was glad they were over though. She was glad everything was over.


Hermione and Draco made their way down to the Festival after everyone else. Draco didn't want Hermione to have to do anything since she was still weak. Terry and Hannah had taken on Hermione and Draco's duties for the Festival. Draco wanted to wait to take her down so that Hermione could see the beauty that the others had created without having everyone else in the school pushing and shoving, trying to get outside.

Hermione and Draco walked hand in hand out of the Entrance Hall and onto the lawn that had been turned into and Italian dream. Hermione's breath caught in her chest as they walked on the the grounds. There was a bridge that led onto the dance floor. Under the bridge a crystal clear river carried gondolas full of happy couples around the outside of the dance floor. Fairy lights lit up the garden that surrounded the dance floor. A string quartet played beautiful music on the other side of the floor.

"It's beautiful," Hermione said as Draco led her across the bridge.

"Join me in a gondola ride later?" Draco asked, kissing her cheek.

"Definately! But I am starving!"

"Hermione!" Katie called when she saw her and Draco. Katie, Hannah, Terry and Owen made their way across the dance floor towards them, bumping into numerous couples along the way.

"Katie, this is so beautiful. I can't believe you guys did this on your own!"

"We wanted it to be special for you! We gave you and Draco your own table since... you know," Katie said smiling.

"No, I don't," Hermione said, confused.

"Um... well... Terry and Owen got it out of me that we're um... engaged and then they...uh... spilled to Hannah and Katie," Draco said, not looking her in the eyes. They had wanted to keep it quiet in case something else happened. They didn't want any deatheaters knowing their weaknesses. Some had gotten away after the battle.

"That's fine," Hermione said after a moment. "It's just some of our closest friends. You didn't happen to tell Harry and Ron, did you?" she added, cautiously.

"No," Draco replied.

"Good, it may kill them!" Hermione said. "As least we won't tell them yet."

"Tell who what?" Ron said as, him, Harry and Ginny approached.

"You don't want to know, Ron," Hermione said as Draco squeezed her hands.

"Yeah, we do!" Harry said, pulling Hermione into a hug. Hermione wrapped her arms around his shoulders.

"Yeah, tell us!" Ron added.

"I don't think she has to," Ginny added, grabbing Hermione's left hand. "What is this?" she added, as she stared at Hermione's ring.

"Hey, where's your promise ring?" Ron asked, obviously oblivious to what the new ring meant.

"That's not what I think it is?" asked Harry, coming to look at it. Hermione tried to pull her arm free of Ginny's hand but Ginny was not letting go.

"We'll see you guys later," Owen said, pushing Terry, Hannah and Katie away from the group. They walked away briskly not wanting to be in range of flying objects.

Hermione gave them a look of 'Don't you dare leave me here!' but they ignored it.

"Hermione?" Ginny asked.

"It's nothing," Hermione said, trying again to get her hand back.

"NOOOO!" Ron finally said, as if what the ring meant finally entered his mind.

"Yes," Ginny said, looking at him. "YOU'RE ENGAGED!" she added, looking back to Hermione.

Hermione and Draco couldn't really decipher what was said next as all three of them started to shout and say things at them. Draco leaned in close to her as they stared at the three friends in front of them. Some shouting congradulations and others objections.

"Run?" Draco asked softly into her ear.

"Yeah," she said as her and Draco turned tail and ran towards the castle, leaving Harry, Ginny, and Ron shouting after them.


REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW! I want to know if I should write a sequel! You all have been so great! Sticking with me through the revamps and constantly reviewing! I wouldn't be the writer I am without you guys! Thank you so much for making my first fic a positive experience and I hope that you all LOVED it! I loved writing it! Thanks to everyone! You all are so amazing!