It's a strange feeling, that
The world can't stop for you
And that in all your pathetic little dreams
Never once did you realize
How much it didn't care
How much there was out there
How little a part the world was
Ah! Still, how much it meant to you

And you, you sat
Sat and thought
Dreaming and scheming with a light in your eyes
And though it hurt when the fits wracked you
When the weakness overtook you
When the weariness tried to shake you
When you thought it might now end
You continued on, through the night

The lanterns stayed lit
The candles would burn
And the fire, the fire inside you
It never went out
As the ice seeped around you
As the waters crept up to drown you
As the crystal sought to enter your veins
You were warm. Always warm

And you looked up at me, with your golden eyes
With your strangely human eyes
And I because I knew what you did not
I could only look away.