Crimson Butterfly

A Fatal Frame Fan-fiction

By Chendzee'a Li

Email: characters belong to Tecmo.

Chapter 11

Crimson Butterfly…

A young woman, her white Kimono flowing about her…. nearing a storeroom.

"I wanted to see you before the festival… Itsuki… It's our fault…" She reaches for the door.

The past…. a young boy, with hair the color of snow…

"I believed if I could have saved you…that my brother would forgive me…"

The young woman, Sae, gazing up in horror as figure sways before her.

"He hung himself… I'm sorry… Yae… why did you leave me…"

Stairs, leading down… a terrible darkness…. A great pit… above it a gaunt figure his eyes.

"Where is my sister?"

Sneering, he points downward, deep into the darkness.

Running, lunging for the pit…. The abyss… hell….

"No! You must no look!"


"No matter what…. I'll always forgive you…" Mayu… her eyes sad…

"I love you too…"

A bridge…. Kurosawa Mansion….

"Kill me… Please…. Kill me…"

"Mio where are you?"


"I'm here hurry… please… Mio…Mio!"

Nearing the Mansion…. A figure, a veiled priest…. Bows in welcome…

A temple…. A tunnel… a path to Freedom….

"Mayu….I'm sorry I can't keep my promise…."

Running…. a dark tunnel…. alone…. fear….

"Didn't we promise…together….always….?"


"Don't look back!" Itsuki….

"Are you leaving me again…?" Sae…. Horrible laughing….

The sun…. a summer day…. A great lake, created by man…. A flooded memory, a forgotten village…. Alone… watching the sunset…. She sits….Always alone…..

"Mayu… Mayu…"

"I'll wait… for you… Forever…"

She awoke with a start, anguish in her heart and anger in her eyes. Jumping to her feet, she nearly vomited as her head swam. Clutching her skull, she steadied herself.

"Mayu!" She screamed incoherently as she regained her bearings. She was alone.


How long had she been unconscious? Why was she still alive? She didn't know nor did she care. Blearily, she looked to the temple.

"Save yourself…" Mayu had said. The memory made her ill. Still, the path was open, she could escape. It was easy for her to decide… if she were to die it'd be by her sister's side.

Calling her Mayu's name she charged down the hill towards to village.

Kurosawa Mansion, she knew that was where she needed to go, where she would find her. Passing beneath the Mansion's gate, she hurried onto the long wooden bridge leading to the inner courtyard. She'd made it halfway when a vision washed over her.

She saw Mayu… a congregation, leading her away, while priests bowed before her. Pausing, she looked over her shoulder as if knowing Mio's decision. Her features were sad, and lost.

"The two chosen children shall be carried to heaven on the wings of a butterfly… a butterfly that will save this village… This was how it was meant to be…" She whispered. Turning she continued onward as her garments faded away and were replaced with a white kimono.

Slightly dazed, Mio shook her head to clear her mind and continued onward. Charging into the courtyard of the mansion, she hurried up the steps. Beyond caution, she tore the door open and ran inside. Another vision washed over her, stunning her to her knees.

It was Mayu, walking along an overgrown path towards the twin maidens' shrine. The twin paths leading to the temple were alight with glowing, crimson butterflies. A tingling of bells sounded and a figure joined her on the opposite trail. It was Sae, her kimono, billowing behind her.

"Let's do this together." She said smoothly, her voice strangely calm and peaceful. The two reached the temple entrance and the vision faded.

Mio remembered the place well, barreling up the halls, she was only vaguely aware that nothing attempted to stop her. They're all attending the ceremony, she thought bitterly. She'd failed, Mayu depended on her to protect her…. And she failed…. again…. Disgusted with herself, she pushed onward, her mind afire with rage and loathing, her body burning with fatigue. Reaching the paths leading to the twins' shrine, Sae appeared before her, her expression warm.

"Yae… you've finally come for me… I kept waiting…and waiting…" She said quietly, her voice tinged with sadness. Then, as quickly as she appeared, she vanished.

Mio didn't respond nor pause, instead, she pressed forward, throwing open the shrine doors. The inner foyer of the shrine was dark and filled with the heady scent of incense. Pausing, she stood before the great doors leading to the binding chamber, the very room where they had killed the folklorist and turned him into the Kusabi. Mio remember her last visit, and the same feeling of dread power washed over her. Drawing a breath she steeled herself. Purpose crossed her features; she knew that there could be no going back. Acceptance in her heart, she opened the doors. A wave of light pierced her mind as yet another vision tore through her.

The folklorist, his body flayed, his limbs bound tightly. A man… tall, scowling, powerful… the village elder.

The black pit, the abyss… The elder, gestures… his withered hand pointing downward. The folklorist, his broken body thrown into the darkness….

"Perform the sacrifice with Sae alone… Yae…why did you leave…?"

Sae abandoned, lead away… a fathers anger…. A noose…. a slow death… a young woman hung before the abyss. Arms bound behind her, she twists in pain, her last thoughts… betrayal…. sadness… death…. vengeance….

The elder… the father… Kurosawa….

He materialized out of the shadows before her like the angel of death. Tall imposing, his once regal robes, now hung tattered over his skeletal frame. His features where gaunt and shadowed under his heavy hood, while dark and sinister eyes gazed down upon her in judgment.

"You were born for this purpose…" He said evenly… barely able to contain his rage. Mio stood defiant, oblivious to the danger.

"Where's Mayu?" She shot back, her contempt obvious.

"The repentance will come…" Kurosawa continued ignoring her.

Scowling, Mio circled around him to the doors beyond only to find them locked. Enraged at her impudence, Kurosawa's features shifted, his face withering away to reveal a decrepit skull as twin motes of light burned within his empty eye sockets.

"You were born to be the sacrifice!" He roared in anger. With that, he slammed his staff into the ground. Three orbs of greenish fire appeared, each shifting with tortured screaming faces. One after another, they howled then flew screaming at Mio. Snapped out of her willful defiance, Mio yelped and dove out of the way. The burning orbs followed her, screeching. She scrambled to her feet and scurried behind a nearby pillar. Not surprisingly the orbs passed through the pillar as if it were made of air.

Mio had considered this likely hood and prepared, her only hope was the Camera Obscura. Backpedaling, she lined all three orbs within frame and clicked the shutter. The familiar flash of light caused the orbs to evaporate into nothingness. Her confidence growing, Mio turned to face Kurosawa.

He was no where to be seen and all was quiet. Scowling, she spun around rapidly and clicked the flash once more. Caught unprepared and in mid-attack. Kurosawa dropped his staff, recoiling and holding his face. A breathe of ecstatic vengeance washed over Mio as she advanced, her lens flashing once more. Kurosawa howled in rage, staggering away from her, unable to get his bearings. A third flash caused him to fall to his knees, stunned. His features returning to normal as Mio stood before him, her expression devoid of pity.

"We had no choice…." He whispered, looking up at her.

A final flash crushed him to the ground, where he twitched violently before imploding in a cloud of acrid smoke.

Mio turned wordlessly and tried the chamber door once more. It opened without contest and she continued inside.

A curving tunnel lay before her, its dark radiance causing her to pause in fear. Something ancient waited for her, she could feel it, something horrible.

"Mio…" Mayu's voice rang out from the debts ethereally. "Mio…please….don't come run….save yourself…."

"Mayu!" Mio responded immediately, rushing forward.

"Mio… no…" Mayu cried out again only to be washed away by Sae's melodic voice.

"Yae… Yae… come to me….hurry…."

"Mio… please… once you've come this far…" Mayu called again, her tone desperate and pleading.

Mio broke into a run, heedless of the slippery path.

"Yae…. You'll come for me… I know you will…" Sae sang out once more. "We promised we'd always stay together…. So we ran away and everyone….died…."

The tunnel seemingly went on forever, plunging deeper into the earth. Finally leveling out the tunnel's rough shape gave way to a large stone hallway. The ominous feeling of dread washed over Mio once more, only this time she did not pause, if anything the ran faster. Sae called out to her, the joy evident in her voice.

"Yae you've finally come for me... Now we can finally be together… I knew you'd come for me… I kept waiting and waiting…for so long…. Now…Lets continue the ritual… the ritual… where…two shrine maidens become as one…"

The stone hall abruptly ended, opening up into a massive cavern. The cavern was dominated by a large pit, only accessible by a central walkway that spanned its depths. The center of the walkway was circular and lined with thousands of small burning candles. A circle of candle stands stood at the center of the walkway surrounding a round series of glyphs carved into the stone floor.

"Kill me…" A voice sang out, unidentified.

Mio bristled, as a girl appeared at the center of the circle, kneeling, her head hung low and arms outstretched as if grasping.

"Don't kill me…." Another voice whispered as another girl appeared facing the first. Twins, both girls' hands were locked around each others throats seemingly frozen in time. The imprisoned spirits shimmered translucently before her, their lonely cries echoing throughout the chamber.

Mio swallowed, and circled around them cautiously while surveying the chamber. At the opposite end of the walkway stood a towering tori gate that marked the path of another tunnel.

Swallowing, Mio moved forward down the rough hewn tunnel. It was cramped, and seemingly unstable. The wooden beams holding the tunnel up creaked dangerously and several lay broken at her feet.

A chill wave of air washed upwards from the tunnel. Mio gasped in shock and very nearly collapsed. Something was coming, a presence she'd felt before. Turning, she fled the tunnel, having no desire to face it in such a confined space. A dark cloud overtook her, enveloping her in its icy embrace. Exploding from the tunnel amongst the black smoke, Mio hit the ground hard, toppling candles. Rolling to her feet she grasped the camera obscura. A bellowing roar issued from the tunnel nearly toppling her. The sound was terrible a mix of tortured screams and vile obscenities. The chamber quaked, sending large sections of rock falling throughout the cavern as the Kusabi pulled its massive form from the orifice of the tunnel.

Mio screamed in terror and backing away, just being in its presence was withering and it was all she could do keep from leaping into the chasm surrounding them. The Kusabi had changed since last saw it. Still bound in ropes, the ghastly figure seemed larger, more horrifying, its one free hand flexing eagerly as tendrils of rope whipped around its body like enraged snakes. A black miasma surrounded the thing, twisting into howling, skeletal faces.

Half insane with fear, Mio screamed at the thing, voicing her own rage, drawing strength from it. The ghost' eyes flared and it bellowed once more, the entire cavern reverberating with the sound, the terrible energy released knocked her backward, scattering candles and setting her skirt on fire.

Panic washed over her and she rolled frantically, to put it out. Pulling herself up, she realized the ghost was drifting towards her, its hand flexing towards her. Death was a certainty if it touched her, this much she knew. Crawling backwards, she nearly fell over the edge of the chasm. She didn't dare risk trying to target the thing, escape was her only option. Flinging herself forward, she dived unceremoniously beneath it as it lunged forward. Landing hard on her stomach she let out a gasp. Rolling over, she scrambled to her feet, only to throw herself back onto the ground as the thing spun around to backhand her.

Screeching, the Kusabi reached towards her, trying to pin her to the ground. Desperate, she crawled away and was quickly able to get to her feet. She was tired. She had nothing left, her reserves having been tapped hours ago.

She half jogged away from the thing, only by some celestial grace was she able to outdistance it. While slow, it was relentless and she knew she couldn't keep running. It appeared before her.

Caught totally unaware, she screamed in terror as its gnarled hand arced through the air towards her. Instinctive reflex alone saved her and she raised the camera in defense. The shutter flashed and the ghost recoiled, its hand mere inches from her face. She was more shocked by the fact that she'd stunned the thing more than how close she came to death. She paused in brief wonder then hurriedly brought the camera up once only to have the thing vanish before her. Whipping around, she fired the flash again, hoping to catch it like she had Kurosawa. She failed; the Kusabi was not to be found and found that she was alone in the cavern. This scared her more than seeing it and for a moment she feared that it had become invisible.

A familiar roar echoed and it reappeared amongst the candles. Spreading it arm, the thing roared anew, shaking the entire cavern. It seemed to be growing. Screaming, Mio rushed it in hopes to stop whatever it was doing.

The ghost welcomed her advance and raised its arm to swipe at her. Barreling forward, she abruptly dropped into a slide, skidding painfully across the stone floor. The Kusabi's lunge passed over her, allowing her much needed opening. A flash illuminated the cavern, once more the Kusabi recoiled, though this time it recovered quickly and lunged again almost immediately. Mio was ready and caught it in mid swing. This time the flash sent it crashing to the ground, the tendrils of rope surrounding it snapping angrily. Enraged, the Kusabi, darted forward, its speed increasing. Mio, now on her feet, leapt sideways as it flew past. It's back too her, she fire the flash once more. The effect was immediate and the Kusabi screeched in pain as it was knocked across the chamber. Turning with a defiant roar, the ghost rushed forward with blinding speed then vanished. Mio stiffened, it would appear behind her. She started to turn but halted. Something…. Gasping, she raised the camera and pressed the shutter. The Kusabi appeared before her, its monstrous face screaming in hers as the flash fired. An explosion of light filled the cavern and then all went dark.

Mio lay on her back, gasping for air, she had nothing left. The Kusabi cursed and roared in the distance, its voice fading quickly. She had won, closing her eyes, she tried to regain her senses, tried to stand, but to no avail.

She felt herself drifting, as if in a dream. Slowly, she opened her eyes and sat up, she felt numb. Standing, she tottered slightly and held her head.

"Mayu…" She mumbled, moving forward shakily.

Her leg buckled then collapsed, sending her crashing to one knee. Wincing, she pulled herself up and limped onward.

"Mayu…." She said again, her voice barely a whisper.

Everything was in a haze; it was all she could do to stay conscious.

Staggering wildly, she made her way towards the tunnel from whence the Kusabi had come. Butterflies appeared, the crimson glow illuminating her path, leading her onward. Mio felt warmed by their presence, almost at peace and she wondered perhaps if she were dying.

The tunnel went down for a long ways, and she nearly fell numerous times before reaching the end. Passing out of the tunnel, she entered an unadorned chamber, illuminated only by a few candles. Beyond the candles sat a large rectangular pit and before it, stood Mayu.

"I kept waiting…" She whispered her voice distant. "In a dark…dark place…." Looking up, her expression was expressionless.

"Shall we begin...?"

Mio sighed softly and stepped forward, her feet felt like lead. Veiled priests appeared, walking solemnly in her wake.

Laying down, Mayu rested quietly on her back as Mio approached, her expression pained. Mayu regarded her with a sad smile and reached out to her.

"We were born together… but we have to live and die separately… I knew this…. I knew…." She whispered as Mio straddled her hips. Closing her eyes, Mio hitched slightly, tears rolling down her cheeks.

"Mayu… we… promised…." She choked, barely able to contain herself.

"We can't be together forever… But with this we can become one…. So it's all right…"

Unable to speak, Mio trembled softly and buried her head against her sister's chest. Mayu cradled her to her and sighed.

"It can never be… We both know this…. I'm only holding you back Mio…. You have to live… you have to be free…. But at least this way I can be with you… don't you see…"

Mio sobbed, her body trembling uncontrollably.

"Kill me…." Mayu whispered sadly, gently urging her.

Sobbing, Mio sat up and looked down upon her, her expression torn with misery. Mayu nodded pleadingly then took her hands in hers. Slowly, she placed them upon her throat.

"Please Mio… Kill me…."

Mio closed her eyes but could not pull away. A frail sound reached her ears as long moments slipped past, a delicate gasp for breath. She could feel Mayu's pulse, warm and weary against her fingertips. Shaking her head in sorrow, she let out a wracking sob as the pulse slowed. She could feel Mayu's hands caressing her arms lovingly, trying to comfort her. Finally her hands dropped to her sides and Mio knew the nightmare was nearly over. She could barely feel a pulse now, soon both their pain would be beyond them. Mayu would be gone and she could move forward…. Alone…. She could see herself sitting quietly on the shore of the new lake burying the village… a fading memory of a bond closer than words could describe…. Alone…. Left in her misery…. Left to life without hope… A life without dreams…. A life without love…

Gasping Mio's eyes went wide as she regained her senses. Looking down, she saw Mayu laying under her, eyes transfixed in a horrible blank stare.

"NO!" Mio screamed, tearing her hands away from her sister's throat. A vicious red bruise remained on her neck, baring a striking resemblance to a butterfly. Horrified, Mio grasped her shoulders and shook her.

"No… no… no… no… no…!" She screamed, her mind reeling at what she'd done.

"Mayu! I'm sorry please! Mayu! Please… wake up…"

Mayu closed her eyes and shuddered.

"Oh god… yes… that's back…! Mayu… please…. I'm sorry!"

Mayu, choked hoarsely, and writhed out of her hands to crawl across the stone floor of the cavern. Mio watched her, letting her catch her breath, before speaking.

"Mayu…. I…. don't know what happened…. I…"

Mayu looked up her coldly, her eyes bloodshot, her features pale.

"You…" She spat venomously.

"I'm sorry Mayu…. I…."

Mayu rose sharply to her feet.

"Mayu…" Mio tried again.

"We were born for this!" Mayu scowled, limping towards her. Mio stared blankly, dumbfounded.

"Mayu… wha…?" Mio muttered awkwardly before being promptly kicked in the face. Howling in shock and pain, she rolled away, as blood poured from her mouth. Mio wasn't sure what was going on but she did know that, whatever this was, wasn't her sister. Pulling herself, up just as Mayu moved forward she stuck the camera obsucra in her face and fired the flash.

Crying out as a burst of bloody mist erupted from her, Mayu stumbled backwards towards the abyssal pit. Screaming in terror, Mio dropped the camera and leapt forward. Catching her by the wrist, she said a small prayer of thanks. Still, it was all she could do to keep from sliding into the pit herself. As she struggled, she could hear Itsuki screaming in her mind.

"You mustn't look…" He warned. She could hear voices deep below, moaning in ecstasy and pain, calling her. Heeding the warning, she closed her eyes tight, as Mayu struggled in her grip, seemingly free of Sae's influence.

"Mio! Don't let go…!" She cried out in fear.

"Together…." Mio grunted; her grip slipping. "We're always going to be together, we promised….Mayu…I won't leave you…."

"Mio…" Mayu smiled warmly, her fear fading.

Bolstered by the sound of her voice Mio was able to get a firm hand hold. With a final pull she flung herself backwards, hauling them both clear with the two collapsing together in a breathless heap. Neither noticed the pulsing bloody mist hovering above them. Swirling, it congealed into the blood drenched form of Sae. Screeching in anger, she pointed an accusing finger at Mio.

"You promised me!" She roared, blood streaming from her eyes like tears.

Terrified, Mayu scurried behind her sister. Mio stared silently, unable to move. Then, stiffly, she rose to her feet.

"I'm sorry…" She whispered, stepping forward.

"Mio?" Mayu mouthed worriedly.

Sae, glared intensely at her and outstretched her hand.

"I never meant to leave you…' Mio muttered, her voice sounding hollow and distant.

"Mio? What are you…?" Mayu stammered in confusion as she rose to her feet. Mio stepped forward once more.

"Lets finish this…" Mio sighed dully as she reached out to take Sae's hand.

A flash erupted, causing them both to recoil. Sae shrieked and turned to see Mayu holding the camera Obscura.

"I won't let you have her…" She said shakily, her lip quivering in fear. Snarling, Sae moved towards her.

"Sae." Mio choked, drawing her attention.

Turning to face her, she sneered as Mio fell to her knees. A transparent figure remained standing in her place, like a ghostly after image. Looking very much like Sae, the girl wore a white kimono. Upon seeing her, Sae sighed in relief.

"Yae…I knew you'd come…"

"I'm so sorry" Yae responded sadly, her gaze downcast. "I promised you we'd always be together… But that day…"

Sae embraced her tightly, tears in her eyes.

"I know…. I understand…." She said quietly, taking her hands hers. A flash of crimson light flashed between their wrists, leaving a red cord binding them together.

Mayu took the opportunity, to pull Mio away and cradle her protectively as numerous veiled priests appeared, their staffs chiming in unison.

Sae and Yae looked to each other and began walking towards the great pit. A lone figure stood on the other side. Gaunt, he was nearly skeletal, his eyes bandaged and his mouth curled into a snarl. Outstretching his hand he gestured with simple purpose by pointing downward, into the abyss.

Pausing at the edge of the pit, Sae and Yae, gazed fondly to each other, then, without a singly word, toppled forward.

Almost immediately an explosion of glowing butterflies erupted from the pit. Mayu shrieked, in fear as Mio awoke to the sight and gasped in awe.

"You'd better go…" A familiar voice said quietly.

Looking up they saw Itsuki peering down at them, Chitose hiding shyly behind him. Mio opened her mouth to speak but was cut off.

"Thank you…" Itsuki smiled as he began to rise upwards. Rising with him, were dozens of others, only a handful of which Mio recognized.

Taking his advice, she struggled to her feet, but stumbled weakly. Mayu slipped her arm around her and held her close.

"I have you…" She smiled warmly.

Mio, blushed and nodded quietly as they began the long walk back.

With the last of the butterflies dancing around them, they reached the village. The sun was rising in the distance and already, the ancient buildings had begun to fade. Holding hands, the two walked slowly, taking their time.

Smiling, they reached the final Tori gate marking the boundary, passing through it, the last butterfly flitted away, and vanished. Turning, they saw only forest, not even a path remained. Breathing a sigh of relief, Mio sat down wearily against a tree. Mayu curled against her, closing her eyes.

"You know…I always though that day…" Mio said quietly, tracing her fingertip along Mayu's ear.

"I always thought, that, if only I was there to hold your hand…" She paused glancing down at Mayu's bandaged knee, the shame evident in her voice. Mayu, looked up slowly to regard her.

"I know…I never blamed you…. It's just that…I was so scared that day when you left… I always felt that someday…. we would live and one day die, separately… I was always overwhelmed by that…."

Mio nodded in understanding.

"I'll never leave you… Mayu… we'll be together…always… I want you to remember that…. We promised…"

Mayu nodded happily. Nuzzling against her she closed her eyes. Mio too was already drifting. Before she could do so, Mayu let out a giggle. Curious, opened a wary eye.

"What's so funny?"

Mayu shrugged, smiling.

"You still smell like strawberries."

The end….

Authors Comments

A big thanks to everyone who stuck with me during this long journey, I have no good excuses for the long delays other than typical personal dilemmas, and good old fashion writers' block. But I am proud that I crossed the finish line though. I would also like everyone to know that I am highly appreciative to my numerous fans; you guys are the ones doing the hard work of putting up with flighty writers J

