Who's Your Lover?

Author: Mistress of Disaster

Pairing: Harry/Snape

Rating : NC17

Warnings: Usee but I have to say that my main Language is German so I hope there won't be too many mistakes in here! Please dont be too strict! puppydogeyes

Chapter one

Nightly Journeys

He was slightly nervous.

Just a little bit!

Oh Shit !

Who the hell was he kidding?

His legs were trembling as if they would give in any second.

Every little noise made him nearly jump up the walls.

His breath was coming in short and rapid gasps.

He had to calm down ! No one could even see him but if he would go on like this they wouldn't

have to see him they would hear him!

He was almost there.He stopped and leaned on a wall.

´I've spent nearly half the time I've attended Hogwarts here , so why am I so nervous?

Perhaps because you never had to sneak in here , you were told to come! said the little nasty voice inside of his head.

„Oh Shut up! You are really not helping!" he said and took the last few steps that were between him and his aim.

There it was , behind this door . Snape's Private Potions Chamber! He had to get in there in order to get the ingredient that he needed for his potion. He didn't even know if Snape had it in there but he had to try!

If he didn't get the this thing whatever it was called , Harry looked at the paper he had written the name on, he would never finish the potion and that would mean his love would never see his good sides and fall for him! This was important!

Harry took a deep breath and then in a low but clear voice he spoke the charm he had found , that would open the door without catching the attention of Snape's wards.

As the door swung open Harry slid inside and lit his wand so he could search for the desired jar.

He went along the room and saw many things he had no clue what they were but not what he was looking for.

When he wanted to give up , thinking not even Snape had this thing something caught his eye.

He went to the other side of the room and took the vial.

Yes this was indeed what he was looking for.Harry pushed the hood back over his Head to have a better look at it.

When he heard the creaking of the door he turned in shok to look what or who it was.

Too late !The room lit up and he was facing a very angry Snape.

„So Mr. Potter let me see, what reason could you have to be in my private potions chamber , after curfew to say so, stealing my ingredients?"

Harry had tried to hide the vial but obviously had failed . He tried to stammer an excuse but no coherent sentence left his mouth.

„Sir ..I ...It was...couldn't sleep...and ... Peeves ...only happened to be here...never intended to..."

Harry hung his head in defeat. Not even Neiville would believe his stammering.

Snape was slightly amused by Potter's loss of words and he was even more curious what ingrdient Potter needed so badly , that he would sneak in here to steal it and not just ask Dumbledore.

„Potter if you can't give me an explanation about why you are here then at least show me for what you came here. Hand me the vial ."

Harry swallowed hard as he stretchted out his arm to give Snape the vial. Snape was not stupid . He would know which potions one could make with this . Hopefully he wouldn't figure out which one Harry wanted to make . Harry was praying to no god in particular , or even to all of them at the same time that there were too many Potions to be made with this for Snape to figure out which one.

Snape looked at the vial and then raised a curious eyebrow . He didn't even know he had such a rare ingredient. There were only two Potions it was used for, for the brewer to make the life of the receiving end a living hell in every way he liked , perhaps Potter was tired of Malfoy's taunting?

And the other one...no why should Potter need a Potion showing only his good sides for twentyfour hours?

Who doesent allready see him as everybody's darling?

Snape snarled

„Potter I think we have to talk!"

„When should I be here tomorrow?" Harry asked resigned.

Not only that he wasn't able to finish the potion now , now Snape would ask him for what he needed this. Luckily he had time to think of something.

Snape laughed sadistically

„No Potter don't think I am this stupid to let you go until tomorrow to think of some excuse , we will talk now! And you will be answering me under Veritaserum don't think I don't have any . But if you don't want to we will go straight to the Headmaster and you'll have to answer him!"

Oh Shit! What shell I do now ? If I say no he will take me to Dumbledore and I don't think this time I'll escape , but if I say yes he'll know everything about my crush on

„Potter! Would you give me the honor of an answer? Immediatly if I may ask!"

Snapes voice interrupted his thoughts . In this situation he hadnt much choise : Say no – get expelled-never see his love again!

Say yes – oh he didn't want to think about what was happening then! Snape would probably laugh at him and say that he anyways would have been too stupid to brew the potion or worse he could tell the Slytherins or the whole school!

But ... That was better than to never see his beloved one again so Harry nodded his head yes.

Snape was waiting for Potters answer . He could see the inner struggle of the boy and asked himself why Potter was hesistating so long . No secret he would tell him could be worse for Potter than to get expelled, could it? Finally he nodded his head in slight agreement.

Snape was almost happy because Potter's behaviour had made him curious . He turned on his heels and went outside the room where he waited for Harry to follow him . After closing the door he went along.

„Follow me Potter and try not to get lost in the Dungeons. I have no intentions on searching for you boy!"

Hearing this words Harry hurried up to close the distance between them and followed his Professor drowning in his thoughts.

He was still hoping that Snape wouldn't find out.

What do they say : Hope dies last!

With these thoughts heavy on his heart he followed Snape deeper into the darkness of the widespread dungeoncorridors until even the sound of their footsteps couldn't be heard by anyone anymore...

End Chapter one


P.S.: Tell me how you want it to go on ? Shell Snape find out about Harrys little secret?

Shell he laugh at him or shell he be nice and comforting? Or will he just erase Harrys memory and try to ignore the fact he ever heard about it? And if he does so will he suceed in ignoring it or will his own feelings interfere? Tell me what you'd like to read ( And if I have a lot to learn about language hehe)...
