Well, I am alive! And here with another instillation of what was supposed to be a one shot. I guess I'm just no good at brevity because guess what? I already have another chapter for this fic planned. Sad eh? Oh well, my little hentai mind needs an outlet I guess. And I'll just have to inflict it upon all of you! (Evil laughter ensues)

            Oh, and if you'd like to read this in it's full, lemony glory, you may journey here: ht t p:/ /ad ultfan. nexcess. net / aff/ st ory.php?no=19865& chapte r= 2 (remember to delete the spaces when you copy this link to your browser!)

            Otherwise, here is the 'R' version, spliced and diced and served to order. Enjoy!

            One more thing: Thank you Cheap Libertad, my glorious beta reader. And for K/B fans, let me recommend Cheap Libertad's newest fic, "Merry Mentality", open for viewing now! It's on my favorites list (Or, should be, I'll have to make sure I've added it!), so go check it out!


            He was so warm… Kurama sighed peacefully and pulled Botan unconsciously closer. He was extremely comfortable, in fact, he couldn't remember the last time he had woken feeling so rested and at ease. Lately he'd plagued by dreams concerning himself and a certain blue-haired deity in all sorts of compromising situations – which, upon waking, he would see with no small amount of embarrassment the way in which his body had reacted… But this morning… Kurama yawned, refusing to open his eyes, the feeling of well-being was just too nice. He knew he'd had another dream about Botan last night – he could remember bits and pieces of it, which seemed to involve himself as Youko and took place in his old hideout. Yet, instead of waking up with a feeling of longing and incompletion as he had been doing every morning over the past four months – he found himself to feel satiated. And it was wonderful.

            The dream had been so real, too. He could distinctly remember the feel of Botan's soft form pressed so deliciously against his own, being inside her, all around her, devouring her very being… The scent of her hair, of her arousal… Her giving into him, finally, finally, finally…

            Oh dear, he'd better stop reminiscing… His body was starting to respond to the erotic images in his head and he had to wake up for school. Although, he really, really didn't want too. He felt so good just lying here, his memory so solid that he could still feel Botan in his arms.

            In fact…

            It was almost too real. Because, though he tried to banish the thoughts, he could still smell Botan's scent and he could still feel her pressed against him, legs intertwined with his own.

            Kurama opened his eyes slowly, curiously.

            His arms protectively encircled the beautiful deity who was resting against him, her head buried in the crook of his neck, one hand curled slightly and resting delicately on his naked chest, and indeed, her legs tangled with his.

            His eyes widened in shock.

            Everything came flooding back.

            He had… Had… Oh, what had he done?!


            Botan felt sore. Very sore and achey. But, in a nice way. How was that possible? She moved slightly, curling closer to the masculine form beside her, giving a small sigh that tickled Kurama's neck. She wondered what she would see when she opened her eyes. Would Kurama still be Youko? Feral, incensed, and lust driven? Or maybe Youko as he usually was, calm, detached, and unemotional. Either way, how was she going to react? If he was still feral, would he try to have sex with her again? Not, she mused, that she was entirely opposed to the idea, but the thought of being again intimate with the wild Youko made her frown a bit. In hindsight, it was a bit awkward having sex with someone who wasn't entirely themselves, no matter how good it was.

            Then again, if he had become his usual sane Youko self, what would happen? She had observed this other form of Kurama often enough to know that – while being beautiful – it was definitely Kurama's more deadly side. Unafraid to hurt, maim and kill. The heartless Youko thief. The thought made her cringe. What if she woke up to that? How would he react? Would he look at her wordlessly, disentangle himself and leave? Would he say something demeaning to her? Tell her it was a mistake, he was in heat, couldn't help himself? Would he sneer, would he frown? Would he… Would he smile? Would he be okay with what had happened between them? Was it possible that he would even be happy?

            She didn't know.

            She didn't know at all.

            What she really wanted was to wake up and find that he had reverted back to Shuichi. Calm, kind, and smiling. This form of Kurama she could handle at the moment. He would talk to her, be sensible. He would know how to handle everything. He was capable, she didn't have to fear him.

            She didn't want to fear him.

            Kurama moved next to her – a small, sudden jerk, as if surprised. The arms that had been wrapped so tightly around her only moments before loosened.

            He must be awake.

            Trepidatious, she opened her eyes and lifted her head to see his face.

            He was watching her with a panicked expression. His vibrant red hair was mussed, and his bottle green eyes were wide with shock. His mouth hung open slightly.

            Botan cringed inside. Well, she though, what had she been expecting? At least he wasn't looking at her with revoltion. She lowered her eyes and bit her lip. Well, now what? Should she leave?


            She looked back up. Kurama had a pained expression on his face. She felt her stomach drop and let her eyes fall once more.

            "I… I thought it was a dream…" He told her helplessly. Botan laughed to herself, quietly, bitterly.

            "No." She told him, looking at him once more. She smiled ruefully. "It wasn't."

            He gazed at her for a long moment. Expressionless. She let him stare, not bothering to cover her nakedness or feel embarrassed. She was long passed that.

            His stoic face broke and he frowned, reaching gently for her. Surprised, Botan allowed him to pull her close.

            "Did I hurt you?" He asked quietly.

            His fearful tone brought tears to Botan's eyes. He wasn't angry at her, he was afraid he had harmed her. He cared. She lifted a hand to cup his cheek. He watched her, frozen, waiting for her to answer.

            "No. You didn't." She told him gently. She hesitated. "I admit… You did frighten me at first," Kurama paled, his arms tightened around her and he started to apologize. Botan cut him off.

            "Stop. I said you frightened me at first. But… You were gentle and…" She shrugged, then grinned. "Well, I just couldn't resist."

            Kurama smiled weakly back, then sighed heavily and buried his face in her hair.

            "I wouldn't blame you," Came his muffled tone, "If you hated me."

            Botan wrapped her arms gingerly around him.

            "I don't hate you, Kurama. Why would you think that?"

            He lifted his head.

            "Because of what I did to you… Because I forced-"

            Botan shook her head, cutting him off once more.

            "No. I told you. I was willing."

            He continued to frown.

            "But, what if you hadn't been? I would have –"

            Botan gently covered his mouth with her free hand.

            "Stop. Listen to me." She removed her hand and took a deep breath. "You didn't force me into anything. And had I been truly unwilling, I'm sure you would have stopped. You were patient with me, you waited until I was ready."

            He watched her for a few silent minutes, expressionless. Botan knew he was thinking, trying to accept what she had told him.

Her hand brushed against one of the wounds on his chest and Kurama hissed involuntarily. He gazed down at the slashes, before looking at Botan questioningly.

            "Er… You had a run in with Hiei…" She told him helpfully. "While he was taking me to Mukuro's. You two had a… brief duel."

            "Ah." He nodded, releasing his hold on her to touch the marred flesh. His hand ran delicately over the bruise she had given him.

            "And this? I don't believe Hiei's sword caused it."

            Botan blushed for a moment.

            "Er, no… That one came courtesy of yours truly!" She giggled nervously. He waited for her to elaborate, eyebrow arched.

            "Erm…" She hesitated, letting the rocky walls of the cave distract her eyes. "Well, when you were, you know… approaching me last night…." Her gaze moved back to him, "I kind of got scared and threw a rock at you." She told him in a rush.

            Kurama winced. "I'm sorry you felt so threatened. What did I do then?"

            Botan cocked her head to the side, and brought a finger to her chin.

            "Well, you kind of growled and bared your teeth at me."

            There was a pause between them.

            "What, was that all?!" Kurama sounded surprised.

            Botan nodded. "Yeah, why?"

            He looked away from her, studying the plants that grew on the rocky surface of the cave walls. They shimmered slightly.

            "Nothing, I just… nothing."  Kurama knew himself. And from what he knew of Youko – whether feral or in his usual state – it was that he was dangerous. He would have expected himself to react much more harshly to Botan's 'attack', futile as it may have been. Apparently, Youko hadn't minded the offence.

            And she said he'd been gentle.

            It made him wonder…

            He'd known that his Youko side had wanted her. In fact, he was almost certain that it was the first part of his being that had wished to possess her. Lust was something that could be controlled, however, and Shuichi hadn't begun to share the desire of his darker half until a few months ago – whereas Youko had wanted Botan as soon as he'd first laid eyes upon her.

            Youkai were not generally gentle when they went into heat. They simply searched for an outlet. It was why he had feared for Botan when he realized he was going to revert, he knew Youko would hunt her and force himself upon her. The fact that she'd been willing (eventually) surely should have made it easier on her part, but not enough for her to categorize the mating as 'gentle'.  He would have chalked the observation up to her inexperience, but he trusted Botan's judgment and knew she would know the difference between 'rough sex' and lovemaking.

            It wasn't that he was upset that he hadn't brutalized Botan in any way – indeed he was quite relieved. It just made him wonder…

            Was it possible that the deeper emotions that Shuichi felt for the deity – tenderness and affection, and quite possibly – love – have been present in his Youko half as well?

            Botan touched his arm hesitantly, bringing Kurama's attention back to lovely ferry girl. She was watching him with a worried expression on her face. Kurama gave her a gentle, reassuring smile, which she returned weakly.

            "So," She began, quietly, as if afraid, "What now?"

            An uncontrollable grin crept onto Kurama's features. He eyed her hungrily.

            "Well, I don't suppose you'd like to go again?" He chuckled as Botan flushed, her eyes widening.

            "Wh- what?!"

            Kurama wrapped his arms around her, drawing her close. She didn't object. It was then he noticed the wound. It was small, barely healed, at the juncture of her neck and shoulder.

            Kurama's eyes widened.

            "I… I've marked you!"

            Botan quirked an eyebrow at him, confused. She reached up and touched the bite wound, wincing slightly at the contact.

            "It's not that bad, I'm sure it'll heal quickly."

            Kurama shook his head, disbelief staining his perfect features.

            "No, you don't understand… I've marked you!"

            Botan stared at him blankly.

            Kurama groaned, collapsing back down on the mattress and pulling Botan with him. She instinctively curled up to him and he embraced her tightly, his arms securely around her as he buried his head in her hair.

            They staid this way for a moment, Kurama trying to come up with the best way to explain the situation to the deity in his arms.

            "You know," he sighed, running a hand through her blue mane, "For someone who works so closely with so many demons, you really should know more about them."

            Botan sniffed indignantly.

            "Excuse me! I never thought I'd have to know about this… stuff! I mean, criminal records – yeah, I work with them. Killing habits? That comes up a lot. But personal and mating habits? Well, that hardly ever comes up in our records."

            Kurama chuckled lightly, his eyes sparkling with amusement.

            "True." He conceded. "I suppose it's up to me to enlighten you then." In truth, he was happy to be the one to explain these sorts of things to Botan. It was much easier, since she didn't already have any misconceptions of how things were done. And since he was an actual demon, she'd get the truth – not some fabrication that the reikai-jiin made up to 'inform' their people.

            But where to begin?

            "First of all, I suppose I'll have to explain about going into heat."

            "No," Botan interrupted, "Hiei explained that part last night."

            Kurama's brows lifted in surprise.

            "Did he really?"

            Botan nodded. "When he came to get me, Keiko and I wouldn't let him take me until he explained what was going on."

            That was unlike Hiei, to bother with an explanation for anyone. "Well then, tell me what you know."

            Botan shrugged one shoulder slightly. "Well, he was a little vague, I don't think he really knew how to explain it. He just said that your mating instincts take over and you become feral. Then he told me you would hunt me down."

            Kurama snorted. Hiei always was the eloquent one. "Well, I suppose that's a decent answer." He paused. "Fine, let me explain about mating. First of all, 'mating' can mean two very different things. There is the act of mating, which is what usually goes on while demons are in heat."

            "So I've come to see." Botan interjected. Kurama poked her gently, "Let me finish. So, there is the act of mating – usually meaningless sex – but then there is the actual mating. When one chooses a mate, a life partner, and marks them."

            It didn't take long to sink in for Botan. She felt her eyes go wide and she searched Kurama's face, looking for any hint of humor. There was none.

            "A- are you saying that…" She trailed off, not knowing how to phrase the rest of what she wanted to say.

            "I'm saying that – after all my centuries as the great Maikai thief – I have finally chosen a mate." His eyes darkened, the hue becoming – briefly – gold. "You. Is this acceptable?"

            Botan's brow furrowed. She gazed steadily at him.

            "I…What… What exactly are you asking me, Kurama?"

            He ran a hand through her long blue tresses.

"Will you be my life mate?" He asked her huskily.

Botan's breath hitched. Was he serious? Did he really want something with her that appeared to equal a human marriage?

"Would you… Like me to be?"

"Yes." He told her candidly, caressing her cheek.

"Then, yes." She smiled. Kurama's stoic expression gave way to a truly happy grin.

"Good." He whispered to her. "Good. You'll have to bite me back."

Botan froze in his arms.


"I already marked you. If you accept my offer and want to become my mate, you'll have to mark me in return." He turned his head away and flicked his long hair back, exposing his neck. "Go ahead," He told her, calmly, "bite me."

Botan stared at bared flesh between Kurama's neck and shoulder consideringly.

"You'll have to break the skin."

Botan heard herself groan. He wanted her to what?!

"Kurama… I don't think I can do this."

He turned to look at her, blinking slowly.

"Why not?"

Botan flushed slightly.

"It's just that… Well… Bite you?! I don't… I don't think I can just… Well, WHAM! You know? Sink my teeth into your… Umm… Right there." She tapped the spot on his neck lightly, and Kurama shivered with pleasure. He grabbed her hand and gently brought it up to his lips, brushing his mouth tenderly over her fingers. Botan lost her train of thought and stared. Did he have any idea how difficult it was to think while he was doing that to her? Did he realize how incredibly sexy he looked, his eyes locked onto her while his lips trailed delicately across the tips of each of her fingers? Did… Did he have any idea what kind of effect it was having on her?!

Of course he did.

"I understand completely, Botan."

He did? "You do?"

"Yes." His tongue darted out, sliding smoothly over her index finger. Botan's eyes glazed over. "It's just not the right moment. You feel intimidated."

What was he talking about? She watched his mouth attentively, recognizing the warm feeling in her stomach as it began to grow.

"What you want, is the right moment, when it feels proper, don't you?"

Botan nodded absently and took a deep breath as his tongue slipped out once more, this time against her pinky.

"Well, I think I have an idea then." Kurama smirked wickedly, "Why don't we relax, enjoy ourselves for a while? Then, when you feel it's the right moment, you'll bite me."

What? Oh… Oh, that. "Ah, well… That sounds like-" She gasped as Kurama's mouth slipped over the last three fingers on her hand. This was beginning to look like a repeat of last night- "A really good idea…"

Kurama's mouth slipped away. "Doesn't it?" He asked innocently.

She continued. "Yes.. Except I don't think – oh!" Kurama had lightly nipped at one of her fingers.  He looked up at her, a smirk playing on his lips.

"I'm listening, go on."

"I… I don't think that I can… um… bite… ah…" Maddening. The man was maddening. How was one to think straight when he was doing… that to them?!

Kurama's mouth had begun to slide against her wrist and up her arm at an agonizingly slow and ticklish pace. Botan squirmed.

"I'm sorry," he murmured. "What was that?"

"I – I! I think…"

One of his teeth scraped over her delicate skin. Botan couldn't take it. She threw herself at him, launched into his waiting embrace.

"I think it's a great idea." She sighed against him.

"Oh good, I had hoped you would like it."

He kissed her, gently and deeply, his mouth hot against hers, his lips slightly moist. She gave in completely, pressing her own lips back against his, and opening her mouth to him when his tongue darted over her bottom lip hungrily.

She tasted so sweet… So sweet. He was still in heat – would be, in fact, until the moon began to wane – and therefore craving sex. With his deity. His. Kurama's hands traveled possessively down Botan's sides, pushing the blanket he must have pulled over them last night to the side.


Insert lemon scene here. (Gee, that sounded dirty to me… Sorry about that folks!)


Botan sank her teeth into the tender flesh of her lover's bared neck. It came so naturally, she hardly knew what she was doing until the heat of the moment had ended.

Kurama collapsed beside her, and Botan pulled her head up from his neck, licking blood away from her lips, surprised at herself. Kurama watched her, smiling. He drew her face to his and kissed her tenderly.

"I knew all you needed was the right moment." He whispered teasingly to her. Botan blushed, but slapped his arm lightly.

"Stop bragging."

 He chuckled and kissed her again.

"Now," He said, wrapping his arms tightly about her, "You are mine and I…" He looked deeply into her eyes, a most serious expression on his face, "I am yours."

Botan shivered at the possessive tone in his voice. She closed her eyes, resting her head on Kurama's shoulder. He growled and nuzzled her neck – obvious signs that Youko still had some control of Shuichi.

"I'd like to stay here all morning, Botan," He whispered, "But I need to get back to ningenkai, and you need to go back to Koenma. I'm sure he's worried about you."

Botan nodded, but did not try to retract herself from Kurama's loving embrace and neither did he try to expel from it. They lay there, contentedly. Happy to be together.

Botan sighed as Kurama's hand lightly trailed up and down her back. Things were definitely different now. And complicated. In a good way.

Kurama was right; they needed to get to their respective realms. But they both knew that they'd be together again tonight, and neither could wait.


AN: You know, this chapter seemed, to me, to be full of pointless smut… Was it just me? Am I just sick minded? Because, listen, I tried to put content in, I did! But… Well… I'm not sure how well it turned out.

Again, for those of you who enjoy this sort of thing, you may find the full lemon version here:

ht t p : / /a dultfa n .nexcess . n et/ aff / story . php? no = 1 9865 &c hapter=2 (Again, remember to delete the spaces!)

And as for the rest, thanks for reading! And thank you to those who reviewed the last chapter:

Yoko and Kuronue: Thank you! And yes, amazingly, there is a second chapter!

MakiKilala: Ah, here is what happens!

Tiineiji Rin: Yeah, sorry about the randomness, I just wasn't sure how to fill in that gap were the lemon was…

DarkAngelB: Well, I wrote is specifically to be a lemon, so I'm sure it's better in that form. But I'm glad you still liked its 'R' rated sister!

Luci-chan6: Hey, at least I'm not like Raven Sin or Diana-Jae, you know? Like, with 20 unfinished stories and always starting new ones? Well, I update in an order. And at least I update.

girl4chat86: I'll tell you a secret: The next chapter will involve a very sexy and very competent Youko who will definitely have a few naughty things to say! ^_^

Botan and Kurama Lover: Thanks!

JDFielding: Thanks, JD! Man, it wasn't easy, either… But you know that, you just wrote something similar. Man… It's difficult to do these scenes and keep everyone in character!

Lady Nightshade: Thank you!

Chocogurl: Well, thank you! I feel flattered that you sacrificed your morals for me! (Kidding). I hope you liked this chapter just as much! And don't worry, the next chapter of Thief! is in progress.

Dragoongirl: Thank you! It wasn't supposed to be smutty, so I'm glad you liked it. And no one flamed me (thank goodness, I'm fragile!).

Xen003: Thanks babe! ;)

Frith: I'm glad you liked it! Wow, I haven't emailed you back yet have I? I must get around to it! I swear, there are not enough hours in the day… Anyway, looking forward to your next update as well!

DeityofRoses: Thank you! Though, I admit, writing the lemon was the weirdest thing I'd ever done….

Tesina Gela Gardner: Thank you, I hoped you liked this chapter as well!

Marielle: Heh, I hoped it was good the second time through… And the third… And the fourth…. ^_^

Sarah: I'm glad you liked it! I always appreciate your praise!

Lady Rose Jade: Thank you, I'll try!

BlackBelt: Awww, thanks! Don't worry, there will be more Youko/Botan in the future!

FuzzieEars67: Okay, I hope this update will cut your suffering short. Enjoy!

            Review time again, darlings!

            Oh,oh! More cool news! Well, cool to me anyway. I am on the favorite author's list of 43 people. Seriously! 43! Wow… ::Sniff:: I feel so loved… Thank you to everyone who has me on their favorite author's list… I love you!

            Ah, one more thing, I'm working on the next chapter of Thief!, so, please don't bug me about updating if and when you review. Thank you!