DISCLAIMER: The characters mentioned in this story are the property of Showtime and Gekko Film Corp. The Stargate, SG-1, the goa'uld and all other characters who have appeared in the series STARGATE SG-1 together with the names, titles and backstory are the sole copyright property of MGM-UA Worldwide Television, Gekko Film Corp, Glassner/Wright Double Secret Productions and Stargate SG-1 Prod. Ltd. Partnership. This fanfic is not intended as an infringement upon those rights and solely meant for entertainment. All other characters, the story idea and the story itself are the sole property of the author.


Legacy: Consequences

Part one

Jack sat in the briefing room drumming his fingers impatiently on the table. Sam and Teal'c were watching him, Sam with an amused glint in her eye, Teal'c with both eyebrows slightly arched.

Their briefing was due to start at 1000, it was now 0958 and Daniel had still not turned up. Sam knew how unpunctuality wound the Colonel up and was silently betting with herself which of his sarcastic comments would come out when Daniel did eventually arrive.

General Hammond entered the room at precisely 1000, immediately noticing that Daniel wasn't present.

'Is Dr Jackson on his way?' Hammond asked.

'I sincerely hope so, sir,' Jack replied shortly.

This was Daniel's first briefing since he was infected with the goa'uld killing machine left behind by Machello. He had spent a couple of days in the infirmary under Dr Fraiser's care until she was satisfied the worst of the drugs that had been pumped into him had left his system, and then he'd had another couple of days at home to give him chance to fully recuperate.

After waiting for a few more minutes, Jack excused himself to try to ring Daniel. He let the phone ring for nearly a minute but received no answer.

'Has anyone seen Dr Jackson this morning?' Hammond looked around at the other members of SG1.

'Yes, sir. We all had breakfast together and I reminded him of our briefing this morning. He seemed a little distant but that's pretty normal for him.' Jack informed him. 'Want me to go fetch him sir?'

'Very well. And Colonel, get Dr Fraiser to check him out first, we'll reconvene at 1200. Dismissed.'

While Sam and Teal'c made their way to their various pursuits, Jack found himself in Daniel's office looking for signs that he had been there recently. A half full cup of coffee, barely warm, indicated that Daniel had been there at some time in the last half hour or so, but there was no sign of him now. Jack started to feel uneasy but he tried to shake the feeling, telling himself he was just being overprotective in view of recent events. Nevertheless, he searched the office, turning up a notepad with a hastily scribbled address on it, an address that seemed vaguely familiar.

Sitting himself in one of the chairs, he stared at the paper for some time but still could not recall where he had seen the address before. Grabbing the phone, he spoke briefly to Sam.

'What's wrong sir?' Sam asked as she arrived. She had heard the slight edginess in the Colonel's voice and had got here as fast as she could.

'Nothing, I hope.' Jack frowned slightly, and then spoke again. 'Here - does this mean anything to you?'

Sam looked at the paper for a few moments, Jack could see her brain going to work as she tried to figure out what it was that seemed so familiar, then she turned back to him.

'It's near to Dr McKenzie's Mental Health facility. I've got a feeling it's got something to do with him, but I can't recall what.'

'Why would Daniel have this address written down? If it is something to do with McKenzie I can't see Daniel wanting to go there voluntarily.'

'I'm not sure, sir.' Sam thought for a moment. 'Have you tried his cell phone?'

'Yeah, but he left it behind.' Jack, pointed at the item on the workbench then stood abruptly and headed for the phone again. He spoke for a few moments then returned. 'Well, it looks like Daniel left about thirty minutes ago. What could be so important that he'd blow off a briefing without letting us know first?'

'You don't think…' Sam spoke hesitantly, not really wanting to voice this particular concern.

'No.' Jack snapped, before moderating his voice. 'We misjudged him once, I'm not doing that again. Whatever is going on, there's a reason behind it.'

They stood in silence for a few minutes, trying to figure out what to do next when Jack heard himself being summoned to General Hammond's office.

Sam, wandering aimlessly around Daniel's office, absently picked up his cell phone and pressed a few buttons, activating a message on his voicemail. She listened to the message, then, making sure she didn't accidentally delete it, headed for Hammond's office.


'I don't believe it, sir,' Jack was saying to Hammond. 'Daniel wouldn't just turn up at some unknown office and start threatening to shoot someone.'

'Colonel, the security guard at the building took his name when he arrived and insisted on being taken to Dr McKenzie. This office is the administrative centre for Mental Health, it's where they hold all the patient records, Dr Jackson must have had some reason to think he'd find Dr McKenzie there. The guard checked with the manager to see if they had anything on Dr Jackson and was told that he had been discharged recently into the care of this facility, so he contacted us.' Hammond waited to make sure the Colonel was taking all this in, then continued. 'If it isn't Dr Jackson, then that's fine, if it is, we need to bring him back before he can do any damage to anyone or this project. Now…'

Sam, rushing into the room without knocking, interrupted him before he could say anything further. Ignoring the looks she was getting from both men, she shoved Daniel's cell phone into Hammond's hands and told him to listen to the voicemail she had just heard.


Alix stood up to go and meet the girl who had been sent to them on a work placement scheme from the local school. The girl had arrived earlier but Alix had been tied up with rearranging Dr McKenzie's appointments after he had been called away unexpectedly, she was almost out of the door when the phone rang.

'Alix Noble,' she spoke into the receiver.

'Alix, this is John on security - you need to evacuate your people from there immediately. They're to use the fire escape in your office and make their way to the security office in the main building.'

'What's wrong?' Alix asked.

'That guy I asked you about earlier has started waving a gun around, I don't want to panic anyone but I need you to get everyone out. I'm coming over to you, Simon's keeping an eye on him.'

'I'm on it.' Alix replaced the phone as she headed out to the main office area. It was a small place just around the corner from the main Mental Health building where they had to get to, only employing fifteen people besides herself but she knew several people were currently in the record archive, including Rachel, the work placement girl. They needed to use her office as a means of getting out because it meant you ducked around beyond a wall to reach the main building. All the other exits were more exposed, involving a walk across the open area of the parking lot outside.

'Ok, folks,' Alix spoke more calmly than she felt, 'We've had a security alert and I need everyone to leave by the exit in my office and head for the main site.'

In response, everyone got up and began filing out, except for one who made for the door leading out to the record archive and domestic part of the building. Alix called him back.

'Richard, I need you to leave as well.' He tried to protest but Alix held up her hand, stopping him. 'I know it's your responsibility to make sure the building is clear, but I'm on it this time. I want you to make sure everyone is accounted for and gets to security, ok?'

Richard looked at her, made as if to say something but changed his mind and did as he was asked. He'd worked with Alix for several years and knew there was something going on, but he also trusted her judgment and was therefore willing to obey her direction in spite of the numerous questions that were filling his mind.

Alix made her way to the archive where she found her remaining staff, but that still left Rachel unaccounted for. Explaining the need to evacuate the building, she enquired after the whereabouts of Rachel before ushering them to her office and the exit before heading off to the kitchenette on the opposite side of the building. Moving quietly, she jumped when she rounded a corner and came face to face with Rachel whose face was as white as a sheet.

Looking beyond Rachel she saw what she had missed before. Rachel was standing in front of a man of around six foot, he had dark blonde hair and round glasses and he held a gun. Racing up behind him she could see Simon, one of the security guards, alerting the intruder to his presence. The man backed up against the wall, pushing the gun into the side of Rachel's head. At that point John also arrived on the scene, pulling up behind Simon. The two security guards both had their own guns drawn but pointing at the floor, not wanting to aggravate the situation any further.


Daniel looked at each of the three people facing him, his mind seemed to be having so much trouble piecing together what was going on. He couldn't figure out where he was or why he had a gun held to the head of a young girl, he could feel the gun starting to slip from his grip when a fleeting memory of dark hair came to mind and he re-established his grip, his face forming into a scowl.

He clutched Rachel tighter to him, he could hear her whimper in fear but he didn't care. The next moment, his attention was drawn to the woman he had nearly bumped into as she stepped forward and held her hands up in front of her to show she was unarmed.

'Look, I don't know who you are or what your problem is, but you have a very frightened fifteen year old girl there who can't possibly have anything to do with why you're here. If you want a hostage, I'll come with you, just let the girl go.'

Daniel considered this while still maintaining a wary watch on the two security guards.

'You two,' Daniel waved his gun at the guards. 'Place your weapons on the floor and kick them away from you.' Daniel's anger started to build as he saw them hesitate, his finger started to pull the trigger on his own gun and instantly the guards did as he asked. Still keeping a watchful eye on the guards, he beckoned the woman towards him and as soon as she was close enough he shoved the girl he'd been holding hostage towards the guards, taking her and the

guards by surprise, in the same moment he had his gun in the back of his new hostage.

Before Daniel could do anything else, something he saw behind the security guards made his face close up.

'Come any closer and I swear I'll shoot,' Daniel snarled, grabbing Alix tightly around the waist with his free arm while he brought his gun up to point at the side of her head, making his threat much more real.

'Daniel, I want you to put the gun down, then we can talk about this. I don't know what's…' Daniel squinted at the tall, lean man who had spoken. He was wearing some kind of military clothing and seemed vaguely familiar but Daniel's instincts were telling him that this man would stop him before he found what he needed.

'No!' Daniel yelled, firing a single shot at the ceiling above the new arrival. 'You!' Daniel grabbed Alix's arm in a tight grip, 'Is there anywhere in this place without any windows?' Alix nodded, her movements jerky with fear. 'Take me there.' Walking awkwardly sidewards, she led him to one of the bathrooms, Daniel keeping his gun placed at the side of her head.

Once inside Daniel roughly pushed Alix against the wall just inside the door while he checked the rest of the room out. Satisfied that the area was clear, he indicated Alix should sit down in the centre of the room while he placed himself at the far end facing her and the door, keeping the gun pointed at her.

For a few minutes they sat in silence until a knock on the door caused Daniel to increase his state of alertness.

'Daniel,' the familiar voice that he couldn't place spoke through the door. 'I'm going to open the door now, it's me, Jack. There's no one else here and I'm not armed. I just want to talk. Ok?' Jack, assuming the silence from inside the room meant an agreement, cautiously opened the door, taking in at a glance that Daniel was sitting against the back wall with his gun pointed unwaveringly at a woman sitting immediately in line with the door, preventing anyone from getting to Daniel.

'Leave me alone - I won't do it, I don't want to do it. Just go away,' Daniel's voice wavered with emotion while he still maintained his grip on the gun.

'Daniel, I…'

Jack could see Daniel losing his hold on himself as his eyes became dull and a scowl formed on his face and, almost as if everything were happening in slow motion, he heard the sound of a gun being fired, unable to prevent the look of surprise on his face as he saw a bullet slam into the hostage, knocking her on to her back even as he pulled back outside the room, allowing the door to close while he swore under his breath.

To be continued…