Disclaimer: Well, I'm back, and after long negotiations...their still not mine.

Archive: On SasukeTheUke list And the KakaSasu Shota Yaoi one. Anyone else, ask.

Feedback: Always appreciated and, hell, most authors practically live for the stuff (myself included)

Rating: OK, it's got some shounen-ai...PG-13 sound good?

WARNINGS: Um, I don't think it's really much in this part, just a little kissing and such...watch out for gratuitous use of Japanese, though, it might pop up...

NOTE: This was the last part that needed to be revised, and so now it is finally done!! Revised as of 3/7/08

Now, onto the fic!

Part 3b

The lips under his may have been slightly chapped, but he couldn't be sure until he felt them with his tongue. Gently, he parted his lips and sent his slick muscle to test his theory. He parted Sasuke's lips and explored his mouth in much the same way Sasuke had explored his face, gently, reverently.

Sasuke's lips were soft, and slightly chapped. Kakashi thought them to be perfect. His mouth was warm and moist, still tasting faintly of dinner.

Kakashi thought he was tasting heaven. It only got better when Sasuke's tongue joined Kakashi's. They moved around each other gracefully, tasting and testing.

For Sasuke's part, he loved having a part of Kakashi in him, even if it was just the man's tongue. It explored his mouth gently while Kakashi's hands ran over his back and sides in a series of sensual caresses.

Slowly, they parted. Neither wanted to leave the other's mouth, but Kakashi was determined to let them breathe.

As they parted, Kakashi watched Sasuke's face for any sign of regret. He frowned when he saw that his student's eyes were still closed. "Sasuke?"

A small smile bloomed on Sasuke's face. "I wish it lasted longer," he said dreamily and opened his eyes.

Kakashi nearly gasped at the wealth of emotions he saw in his student's once lifeless eyes. Sasuke was even more beautiful, though how that could possibly be, Kakashi didn't know.

"We shouldn't be doing this, though."

Kakashi frowned. "No, we shouldn't be."

"But, I love you too damn much to let you go," the boy stated frankly.

Kakashi smiled, "Aa, dai suki da."

Sasuke's eyes widened in surprise, "Really?!"

The silver-haired man's smile grew. "Yes. Really. Dai suki, zutto." He nearly laughed at the amazement that was shown clearly on the boy's face.


Kakashi grinned. "'Cause your cute, short, and sexy as hell," he replied emphatically.

Sasuke frowned. "But, those are all physical traits. And I'm not short."

The older man stared at Sasuke incredulously. "'Not short?!' Sasuke, you barely reach 5'6". Believe me, for a guy, you're short."

Sasuke just looked at him.

"Okay, okay, I promise it's not just physical. You're strong. Strong of heart, strong of spirit, and strong of mind. You care, too, even if you don't show it. It was what first drew me to you." Kakashi paused, gathering his thoughts. "I wanted to get to know the caring person beneath the cold exterior you exhibit. And, for some reason, you love me. What's not to love about you?"

"A lot. I went with Orochimaru and I hurt a lot of people."

"Yes, you did, but that was a mistake. You're making up for it as best as you can now and you learned from your mistake. You didn't hurt anyone on purpose, did you?" Sasuke shook his head 'no'. "Then there's nothing to really worry about. All you can do is learn from your mistakes and try not to let it happen again, okay?"

"Yes," the boy whispered.

"Good," Kakashi smiled.

Inside, though, he frowned. This little episode had made him remember just how young Sasuke was. The dark-haired boy had always acted much older than his years, but he was still just fifteen. Only fifteen, and yet, he seemed happy with the idea of spending the rest of his life with his much older sensei.



"Are you alright?"

"Yeah, I'm fine."

Sasuke smiled at him. "Good."

And Kakashi couldn't resist leaning in for another kiss.



Dai suki da- I love you, too.

Dai suki, zutto-. I love you, forever.

End notes: Some of you may be wondering why I used 'dai suki" instead of the ever popular 'ai shiteru'. I decided that they weren't ready for that yet. Sure, they've known each other for years, but their relationship just started. My take on ai shiteru seems to be more serious than what a lot of English writers seem to use it for. Ai shiteru is rarely used in Japan, and, when it is, the person it's being said by and to probably have known each other for a very long time, and therefore, not afraid to express their feelings to each other. Kakashi and Sasuke didn't say it because their not quite at that level of trust, yet.

God, that's a mouthful.

So, how was it? That's the end, I suppose. Unless enough people want me to continue, I could do a sequel, probably. It was, originally, supposed to be longer.