Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha, but wish I did.

Undying Love

A tear swept down Kagome's pale face as she felt her unborn baby kick from
inside her tummy. 17, 8 months pregnant, trapped outside the well, never to
see her love again, this was not the life Kagome wanted at this age. She
began to weep.
"Are you ok?" as friendly arm set on her shoulder. "Mom how could this
happen to me, what did I do to deserve this?" She whispered while sobbing
on her mother's shirt. "Did you consider what I said earlier Kagome", her
mother said with consideration. "NO I WONT, this is all I have to remember
Inuyasha by, NO DON'T EVER SAY THAT AGAIN!!!" as Kagome sobbed in her
mother's arms and could not stop.

"KAGOME!!!!", Inuyasha yelled as Kikyo aimed the arrow directly at Kagome's
heart. SWOOSH.... It missed her by an inch. Kikyo, who was so jealous about
inuyasha's feelings towards Kagome, reloaded another arrow. "Why are you
doing this", Inuyasha screamed at Kikyo while fighting off Naraku with all
his might. "RUN KAGOME", Inuyasha said as loud as he could to Kagome. "If I
can't have you no one will", Kikyo said running after Kagome. Sango ran
after Kikyo. Then out of nowhere another demon came and knocked Sango

_______END FLASHBACK________

4 Years Later
"Inuya, Inuya", Kagome yelled looking for her 4 year old daughter. "Where
is that girl", thought Kagome, "She is hader to find than her father was."
Just then a tear rolled down her eye....


"SANGO!!" yelled Miroku as he rushed to her side and slaughtered the
demon...Meanwhile Kagome was running through the forest away from Kikyo.
Kikyo pulled the arrow back and let it go... "AAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!" Yelled Kagome
as the arrow pierced her side. "No" thought Inuyasha as his ears picked up
her cry of sever pain. "NO YOU BASTARD" yelled Inuyasha as he sliced
through Naraku with his tetsusaiga......

_____END FLASHBACK______

............TO BE CONTINUED

A/N: Sorry this chap is short but I had to hurry up on the beggining