Note: You might not understand this unless you read Osorezan Revoir (book #19-20). There also are spoilers... I think.

Chapter One - Something In Her Heart

The rain fell from the sky, beating on a blond haired girl as she walked along the deserted streets of Funbari. Her hair, clothes, and her red bandanna stuck to her but she didn't care. All she cared at that time was the conversation she had overheard this morning and the conversation between her and her shaman fiancé, Asakura Yoh.

What did she hear this morning? Well, Yoh was talking with his best and only human friend, Oymada Manta. Manta brought up the subject on futures and what he would do for his life. He then asked Yoh. This was when Anna got interested. Yoh had no choice to set up the onsen for her, right? Nope. Not according to the brown haired shaman himself. HE wanted to make a Shaman School for shamans of all ages. HE didn't want to set up an onsen. HE didn't care about his fiancé. Why did she care anyway? She has the upper hand, doesn't she? He is afraid of her, isn't he? She has him trapped in her hand, doesn't she? Yoh had to make an onsen for Anna, right?

The conversation between Anna and Yoh wouldn't have been as bad if Anna, again, didn't overhear Yoh and Manta. Manta was leaving and Yoh came out to greet him away.

"The weather man said that it is going to rain today and tomorrow, be careful!" he had said. Manta nodded and left, waving good bye. Just before Yoh's statement, Anna had come down from her room so she can take a walk to clear her mind of all the questions. When she overheard, she felt a twinge of jealousy at Yoh's concern for his friend. She shook off the feeling as Yoh went into the kitchen. Anna walked to the door and shouted that she was going to go out. Yoh's voice sounded through the house, "Ok! Come back soon, dinner is almost ready!" Anna waited a few seconds before rushing out. Doesn't even come out to greet his fiancé? He cares for his friends more than her? Does he hate her that much? Does Yoh care for Anna at all? And why does this affect her so much anyway? Was she that desperate? Had she become that weak?

Maybe it's just her doubts on him breaking away from her. Maybe it's him not thinking of her as he did before. Maybe she was afraid that he didn't like her anymore. Maybe he got sick of her. Whatever the reason, Kyouyama Anna, 17 years old, was very jealous of everyone who is getting Yoh's attention. This included school girls.

Yoh has become very popular in their school for some reason. Girls thought he was 'hot', whatever that meant. Some thought he was 'cute'. Anna guessed he was pretty cute with his innocent child-like face. Others thought he was 'handsome'. This description made sense to Anna the most. She just wasn't too knowledgeable on the more common words and their meanings used today. Yoh appreciated how people liked him. He talked to everyone who talked to him, he was popular, and he had many friends. She, his fiancée, was just a girl in the corner. She, too, was popular with boys. They thought she was 'hot' too but Anna snapped at all of them, making them stay clear of her way. Couldn't Yoh do that? Couldn't he just think at least once about her feelings and stop talking with those girls? Why was Anna so jealous of those girls anyway? It's not like they have any special relationships with him, right? He wouldn't dare, right? He wouldn't just leave his fiancé and get another girl, right? Right? He wouldn't betray Anna, right?

Anna, herself, wasn't too sure. Before, 4 years ago, she was able to trust him. She stated that she trusted him to win the Shaman Fight. Now, she wasn't too sure. They don't talk together much, much less show affection for each other. No one in school, aside from the very close friends, knows that Anna and Yoh are engaged. This made Anna more nervous. Girls flocked toward the 'hot' and single guy. Yoh was one in their eyes. What if the shaman falls for one of them? Will he just toss away Anna and their past?

Anna shook her head.

"I came here to clear my head, not think even more..." she thought as she walked across a flower store. Just then, she heard a very familiar voice. She peeked inside the flower store and saw none other than Yoh. She saw that he was talking and laughing with somebody.

"Most likely some school girl," Anna thought, rolling her eyes. What she saw next proved her right. A girl, wearing their school uniform, was chatting with Yoh. She blushed prettily and her laugh was melodious. Even Anna had to admit that the girl was pretty.

The blond itako gritted her teeth and clenched her hands. You could practically see her turning green with envy as she glared at the site of the two. She felt something in her heart. To her, it looked like the two were mocking her. She had known Yoh for 7 years and yet she had never had a decent conversation with him, much less laugh or smile with him. Her eyes flashed with longing for a second but it cleared again.

After what it seemed like forever, Yoh started to walk away from the girl, waving good bye. He stopped on his tracks and turned around to look at her. They talked for a while and then the girl rushed up and kissed Yoh! On... the... lips! Anna's eyes widened as she watched Yoh and the unknown girl kiss. Something in her heart sparked and she felt pain. A pain greater than what she had felt as a young girl before meeting Yoh. A pain greater than what she had felt when she saw Hao 'eating' Yoh's spirit. A pain like none other she had felt. The pain of realizing that her love does not love her back. A feeling a betrayal.

She, his FIANCEE, had never even touched his lips before. But this girl... she just walked up to him and dared to kiss him. It was, no doubt, Yoh's first kiss. This was very special. Inside, Anna knew that she wanted herself to be his first kiss but it was impossible now. Her eyes glowed with hate.

In fury, Anna ran into the store and pulled Yoh away from the girl. She slapped her fiancé and spoke, "I am disappointed in you, Asakura Yoh. I don't know WHY I ever thought you could become the Shaman King. I don't know WHY I EVER trusted your freaking words. I wish you'd die. Die and burn in hell." With that, Anna quickly turned around and ran out the store. Yoh looked at the direction in shock but recovered soon and ran to find Anna.

Tears were falling out of her tightly closed eyes. She willed herself not to cry for a stupid boy but this did not come true. She blindly ran through the rain, not knowing where. Anna had no place to go anymore. She was alone... again... Just like that time. Just like when she lived in Osorezan Mountain... alone... But that time, he came to help her. Asakura Yoh helped her learn everything again. He made her feel. And she blindly trusted him. But this is reality. Yoh wouldn't love someone like Anna. Yoh wanted an easy life and his current fiancé wasn't giving him one. She selfishly thought he would always be with her. She thought that he would do anything for her because he loved her. She was wrong. He never loved her. Perhaps it was pity and maybe a little crush at first. But now she knew she was wrong for trusting again. She was wrong for living again.

Anna stopped and looked down at a puddle of water underneath her. She looked at her reflection.

"Pathetic..." she thought. Anna was a mess. Her golden hair was very disheveled and wet, her clothes were soaked and they clung to her body, and her bandana had fallen off while she was running. "Pathetic... You are a pathetic soul, Kyouyama Anna." Anna sat down on the hard road and cried. She encircled her knees, pulling them close, and cried her heart out.

"Asakura Yoh... I hate you... I will have my revenge on you... I will make you regret that you ever betrayed me..."

--------- Yay... new story... Started to celebrate my birthday which is coming real soon. Hohoho... 14 days until my birthday! WHOO HOO~ Anyway, this is my first angsty fanfiction and I know some parts you could read as a little humor but I tried to make it so you can ONLY read it as angst. I wrote this today because I saw The Passion Of The Christ today.. and I was feeling sad... I.. will not update for a while because I have my Spanish Exam and my Social Studies/English Oral Presentation. After this week, I will work on this more.

Note: Do NOT expect regular updates. I will update whenever I have the time.

Sorry for the very short chapter but I wrote more in my paragraphs than I did before! Hip Hip HURRAY~
