Canto -V

Circle 3.1415926535897932384626433832795 : Cocky Programmers

-Instead of actually placing this canto 'in hell' I decided to
transfer the idea of hell into a video game format where the user can
chose the level of hell that he or she visits by inputting a series of
key words.

Two sets of shining rings descended from the sky as Sora and BT gated in on the field to find the edge of a ravine where a valley of maze stretched out onto the horizon. Small ant-like figures could be seen running aimlessly through the corridors. Sora looked around, clearly annoyed, "50, gu1d3, wh47 15 7h15? 1 d0n'7 g37 17, wh3r3 15 7h3 /-un? (So, guide, what is this? I don't get it, where is the fun?)" B.T. just glanced over at him, as if she expected the response.
"Is that all that's on your mind?" She sighed. "Well, this is the 3.1415926535897932384626433832795th circle of hell, easier known as the circle of pi. Here we find the cocky programmers-those who deliberately concoct mind-boggling mazes and loopholes within the innards of their products. Just as they erected mazes in their works, so now do they traverse this maze, hounded by a giant pac man of unrelenting doom in the manner that he would persue those pixilated adversary ghost of his, if supplied with an eternal stock of power pills." She pointed to a particular wraith that seemed to be experiencing technical difficulties keeping ahead of the ominous floating yellow sphere that steadily chomped behind closely. "Oh look," she mused, " that appears to be Bill Gates. He finds him self here as punishment for creating the bastardly OS of Microsoft Windows." She continued, pointing to another group of scuttling forms. " And there is the whole team of CC Corp...", she giggled for a moment, glancing back at Sora.
Sora scoffed, casting away a strand of his renegade auburn bangs that hung out from over the top of his bandanna down to mid-chest. "7h15 533m5 p01n7l355...why d1d y0u m4k3 m3 c0m3 h3r3 w17h y0u? (This seems pointless...why did you make me come here with you?)"
B.T. shook her head, discouraged at his ignorance. "I was hoping by some obscure wish that you might observe these awful punishments and then correct your ways accordingly....but I guess that's too much to expect from you, isn't it?" She narrowed her eyes at him, watching the twin blade bouncing restlessly in place out of the corner of her eye. He yawned, idly.
"1'm 80r3d... (I'm bored....)" He paused for a moment, pensive. "50 7h3n h0w 480u7 y0ur m3m83r 4ddr355? (So then how about your member address?)" Sora pressed one of his retractable cat blades against B.T.'s neck, using his other arm to restrain her body. B.T. showed no resistance, rather she only grinned.
"...Not a chance"
"4www, h0w (0m3? (Awww, how come?)"
"I don't give out my member address to idiots."
"0h, 50 y0u'r3 pl4y1ng 17 7h47 w4y, 4r3 y0u? (Oh, so you're playing it that way, are you?)" He paused once more, as if letting her contemplate the question before adding, "L457 (h43n(3...y0ur m3m83r 4ddr3ss, m155y. (Last chance....your member address, missy.)"
"You're wasting your time."
An overly exaggerated slicing sound echoed through the area, as B.T.'s sprite slowly sank to the floor, Turing to stone and assuming a grayish tint. "5h1801ng!! (Shi-boing!!)" Sora grinned above her before a set of shining rings descended from the sky, enveloping his avatar as he gated back to the Hell Root Town.