A/N- Yay! An almost quick update! This chapter is a little short though... Hope you guys enjoy the chapter, and make sure you review!

California Here We Come

Lily and James walked through the hotel door and heard a murmur of conversation. It stopped abruptly when they came into view. The four people on the bed stared at them, and their eyes widened.

"You two are completely unpredictable," Remus said, noticing that Lily and James were holding hands.

A small smile spread across Lily's face. "We're dating," she said.

"Um, aren't you married?" Autumn asked, confused.

"Yeah," Lily answered.

"So, you're married, but you're dating…" Ariel said, arching her eyebrow.

"Yup," James said.

"Totally unpredictable," Remus said again.

"I like it!" Sirius exclaimed.

"So, do we get you a wedding present, or a dating present?" Autumn questioned.

"Both," James replied with a grin.

That night they all slept peacefully, their minds at rest for the first time in weeks.

"California here we come, right back where we started from, Californiaaaaa, Californiaaaa, here we Coooooooooome! Californi-"

"Shut up, Sirius!" James exclaimed. The six companions were currently on their way to California. The small car felt like a brick oven in the hot, blazing sun.

"Try the air conditioning again," Lily complained. James switched the knob to the 'ON' position. A blast of cool air hit their faces, but it was soon followed by a strange grinding noise. James turned it back off, and everyone groaned.

"This really sucks," Remus complained, as he fanned himself with a piece of paper.

"Can't we just stop somewhere and get it fixed?" Ariel asked.

James shook his head resolutely. "I'm not spending my money on a car that isn't mine. The rental people can fix it themselves."

"You don't have to pay for it, we will. Now can we please get this stupid car fixed!" Autumn exclaimed.

The temperature in the car was ninty five degrees and it was also very humid. Weather like this was enough to make even the most patient people irratable.

James sighed, but agreed, and soon they were all sitting in the waiting room of Johnny Ray's Car Shop.

The only person working at the small car shop was Johnny himself. He was a man in his mid forties that moved like he was eighty. After waiting for about an hour, Johnny took a break from working on their car. He sat outside and began smoking a cigarette.

"This is ridiculous," Ariel said trying to get comfortable in her chair. "If he didn't take so many breaks he'd be done by now!"

Suddenly, a run down Cadillac pulled up in the parking lot of the shop. A woman with bleached blonde hair got out wearing a skimpy tank top and really short shorts. The woman gave Johnny a big hug and the two began making out right there.

"I think I'm gonna be sick," Sirius said making gagging noises.

The six tried to think of things to talk about while Johnny and his lady friend groped each other. The task was proving to be very difficult because no one seemed to be able to get that horrible mental picture out of their minds.

Remus was the first to think of something. "So, what made you two finally get together?" he asked Lily and James.

"Being married has opened dear Lily's eyes," James said. "If I would have known that to get her to go out with me I had to marry her first, I would have done it ages ago."

Lily rolled her eyes. "I can't believe I'm dating you," she said.

"You know you love me!" James exclaimed giving her a big bear hug.

"Aww..." Autumn said. "You two are so cute!"

Sirius pretended to gag again. "Really though Lily, you don't know how much dear Jamesie likes you," Sirius said. "You're all he talks about. It's starting to drive me bloody insane."

"I talk about Lily as much as you talk about food," James said trying to regain his dignity.

"So, you talk about me a lot?" Lily asked grinning.

"Just a little bit," James said holding his fingers really close together to indicate just how little.

"Well, I think it's sweet," Lily said, placing a quick kiss on James' lips.

Finally, an hour and a half later, their car was ready to go. They all piled in and continued on with their drive. Back on the highway, everyone was pointing at all the exits that had good stores that they wanted to stop at.

"If we stop at every little store, then we won't make it to California until next year," James said.

"But James!" Ariel exclaimed. "They don't have any of these stores back home!"

"Yea," Remus agreed. "There was this one really cool looking surf shop a while back."

"I'm sure they'll have other surf shops in Cali," Lily reasured.

James gave Lily a gracious smile.

"Jamesie I'm bored!" Sirius complained. They had already settled into their new hotel room.

"I would die for some healthy food right now," said Autumn.

"Mmm, I can practically taste an apple," Lily said, closing her eyes dreamily.

"Chicks are so weird," James said, and Remus nodded his head in agreement.

"I'm still bored!" Sirius whined.

"Well, it's too late to really do anything," Ariel pointed out.

"I saw a Wal-Mart on the way here, we could go hang out there for a little while," Remus suggested.

"Yeah, then I can get some fruit," Autumn agreed.

James muttered something underneath his breath that sounded a lot like 'crazy,' and grabbed the car keys. "Let's go!"

"This place is huge," Sirius said in awe as they pulled into the parking lot.

Choosing to go in through the food entrance, they all walked inside. Sirius picked out a cart while Autumn ran to the fruit stands to get some apples and nectarines. She quickly rejoined her friends and said, "I'm happy now."

Autumn put her fruit in the cart, and they all started walking down one of the many aisles. Sirius kept throwing things into the cart that didn't look even remotely tasty. He insisted upon getting the tomato and kiwi juice and the wheat germ ice cream.

"You better eat that," Lily said. "I will force every last drop down your throat if you don't."

Sirius looked doubtfully at the items he had added to the carts, then shrugged his shoulders. After filling up the cart with food, they moved on to the other side of the store.

"Look at these cools hats!" Sirius exclaimed, putting on a bright red hat with what looked like a birds nest on top.

"That color really suites you," James said jokingly, while putting on a green bonnet.

They refused to take off the hats as they continued walking through the store. The next section they came across was the under garments. Sirius quickly threw off his hat and placed a yellow sparkly thong on his head.

"Here Jamesie!" Sirius exclaimed as he held up a red thong that had yellow spots.

James left his bonnet on, insisting that it complimented his features. James walked around a little, and found a very revealing lingerie piece. He held it up and shook it suggestively.

"Hey Lily," he said teasingly.

"Don't even think about it," Lily said.

"Oh come on! We're married already and I do believe you still owe me something from our honeymoon."

Lily rolled her eyes and took the lingerie from James. She placed it back on the rack, which caused James to pout.

Continuing on, they soon came upon the toys section. Suddenly, one of the employees came up to Sirius and tapped him hard on the shoulder.

"Excuse me sir," she said in a stern voice, "take that thong off your head unless you plan on buying it."

Sirius looked at the woman thoughtfully, then pulled the thong securely onto his head. "If it comes down to that, I guess I'll buy it. I've become quite attached to it."

The woman let out an annoyed grunt and stalked off.

"I told her!" Sirius said.

"Look at these!" James exclaimed, walking towards three shiny tricycles. Sirius and Remus joined him, each taking a seat on one of the tricycles.

"I could so whoop your guys butts," James said.

"Could not!" Sirius protested. "I'm so fast you'll be left in my dust."

"Well," Remus said, "lets race then."

On the count of three, the boys took off down the long aisle racing at top speed. Sirius almost crashed into a little girl, but managed to dodge her just in time. The three girls cheered them on as they neared the end of the aisle, which was the unspoken finish line. Remus pulled ahead, and claimed first place. A few loud verses of 'We are the champions' filled the narrow aisle.

Since it was starting to get late and they had a busy day ahead of them tomorrow, they headed towards the checkout lines. After paying for all their stuff, they went back to their hotel.

Once there, they all ate a quick snack, and then went off to bed. Lily got stuck sharing a bed with James, much to James' excitement. They both lay on the bed, each looking intently at the ceiling. It was slightly awkward sleeping in a bed with your spouse for the first time.

"Well, uhh this is fun," Lily said sarcastically.

"It would be even funner if you had bought that sexy lingerie we found in Wal-Mart. Shoot, I would have even bought it for you if you promised to wear it," James said.

Lily chuckled. "Maybe next time," she said, as she scooted closer to James.

James wrapped his arm around her, and together they fell into a peaceful sleep. (James dreaming of that lingerie).